Just waking up after a late night session on AM radio. Appeared as guest on KFGO-AM, Fargo last night, with local host John Strand. It was a hoot. I don’t think the streaming audio from KFGO was working, so I doubt that many Boo Tribbers had a chance to listen. But after the interview, I logged on and saw that ND Dem had lived blogged a bit of the interview at the All-Night Froggy Bottom Cafe. And that was cool. Reading your thoughts that were broadcast on the radio and then live-blogged on your favorite Internet site. It is kind of like the Rethug echo machine. We are building the new media. As Connecticut Dem diaried earlier this week. All you have to do is write your own account. And get out there and start yammering about it. People will come.
So it is hard to rate your own performance on the radio. But I think it went really well. Got to talk about how the “war on terror” is being used to attack our long standing civil liberties. Sounded patriotic, I think, because I am patriotic. Damn it, this political use of 9/11 is threatening the very foundations of our Constitutional system. I know it. You know it. And I think a lot of the callers to the show last night know it, too. And maybe a few more people who were listening.
It’s okay to talk about it. We have to. We are all scared. As we ought to be. And we need to talk. To seek solutions. Political. Practical. It sure as hell beats going down without so much as a simper.
So the calls to the radio station seemed to be largely supportive of my ideas. Man are people in Fargo area kind. The host. Awesome. Like Larry King, only smarter.
One true wing-nut caller. The first time I’ve really encountered open hostility for speaking my views in public. Cited a bunch of statistics about terrorists operating all over the globe, and then asked, “So you really oppose the USA Patriot Act.” Simple answer. Absolutely oppose it. All of it. Don’t want to sacrifice my liberty for the sake of security. I could have done better responding to him. But I’m a rookie. And the most important thing, I think, is just not to back down from these people. They ask these loaded question. Like you can’t really mean that. And a simple and straightforward, “Yup. I mean it. Completely” Seems to be okay.
I’m also struck by the tone of talk radio. You know, how we all rail about how idiotic and vitriolic it is. But in reality, I think it is less strident than what we write on blogs everyday. We are very harsh, here in writing. I know I am. Very, very opinionated. But, when you are out actually talking with people, I think some mandatory civility takes over. At least for me. I don’t think I could ever say some of the things I write. I tend to say things in a more open minded way. Because I’m engaged in some kind of active and immediate two-way communication. So you are constantly gauging what your listener(s) are sensing, and easing off the very strident and confrontational lines you might pursue in writing. That’s just my take. Reminds me of being in front of a jury. I can’t help but trying to sound like a moderate when I’m trying to convince people. I may make logical arguments that are grounded well outside of what might be considered center-moderate thinking, but they are usually couched in pleasant tones at least. And I like that. I’m civil at heart, I guess. Despite what you all probably think of me, from knowing my writing.
Well — off to go speak with my local wing-nut Congressman. He’s having community coffee today, and I have some questions for him as to why he supports torture. Here is a question I’m stealing from a commentor at dKos:
Sir. I want to start by thanking you for your support of torture. On that topic, I have a relative who is interested in a career as a professional torturer. I’m wondering, do you think it would be best for him to joining the CIA, or the military?
Strikes me as hilarious. Though I can’t imagine the wing-nut crowd will receive it all that well. Well, at least the new Patriot Act language hasn’t been enacted yet, right. It is not a felony, yet, to crack a joke pointing out how ridiculous it is to support torture at a campaign stop. As far as I know. It may warrant surveillance. But no arrest. I think.
Thanks to ND Dem for setting up the interview. And for all the help with the Fargo tour stop. And CT Dem for his words on the media. Can you hear me now? (Just a random thought from the cellphone commercial guy).
I’m getting quite a kick out of listening to Boston Joe, discussing his book, Direct Actions. They’re talking about patriot act, how juries work, fears that the jury system, right to jury trial is being taken away, arrests without being charged, Guantanamo, incomprehensible to an attorney …
Announcement Interview
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thanks Oui. I would have linked that, but I don’t know how to do the cool links that jump to a spot on the page. Very neat trick. But I’m an old dog.
Just getting back from wing-nut coffee-talk. He didn’t call on me, but I butted in too many times any way. I think mostly I annoyed his base, and perhaps people on the fence. But I don’t give a shit. Someone needs to talk back to these people. He is spouting off about how the free market is going to fix health care, how Iraq is going great, and how he opposed McCain anti-torture amendment but didn’t really mean to.
Closes with a story of an agent in a country, “well, in a country [he couldn’t talk about because it was a secret] somewhere, this guy is doing his best and he says just go back and tell the good people in America that I’m doing my best and I need their support.” Pulling the patriot heart strings of the juice drinkers. I pipe in, “Was that at one of our secret prison’s Congressman?” He looks at me like I’m clueless and shrugs like I’m somehow misinformed about the existence of a secret prison system. Says something I can’t understand, because I’m talking over him. Absolutely fed up after listening to one full hour of wing-nuttery. “We read the New York Times, sir. They’ve reported about the system. It is a serious question. You indicated you couldn’t tell us the location of this conversation because it was a secret. Everything is secret nowadays. I’m asking did this story you are relaying take place at one of our secret prisons?”
“Well, I question your source (NYT),” Much laughter from wing-nuts.
“Well, I question that source, too, since they withheld the President’s NSA spying scandal for a full year, but…”
Event over. People getting up. Not well received. I’m going back for more at 3:00.
So when’s the Daily Show appearance? I enjoyed the book, BTW.
Glad you liked it. I think I’m booked on the Daily Show already. For 2000-never.
You know Joe, all kidding and my favorite 4 letter word aside I’m proud of you.
Thanks CI. It is nice to have such kind support as you have given. Makes this selling thing much easier.
My hero!!!! You ROCK!!!!
(tosses pink undies in general direction)
“Direct Actions” tour is definitely not about the collection of pink undies. But thanks. ๐
CodePink Boxers then? ๐
insanity. But it was sure fun trying.
You did a great job on the interview, Boston Joe. Your sincere concern on the constitutional and civil rights issues was apparent.
Rural people here especially appreciate a speaker who can communicate well, and to the point, without a lot of highfalutin’ BS. And that you did.
I hope it will be standing room only next Friday night!
Hey there! I just left my review on Amazon for you ๐
Five stars of course! Seriously, this was one fun fun book to read. I had a blast with it this week.
Thank you for the review and compliment. Glad you enjoyed it. Envious of anyone living in SD. Except for the wildfires, and too many people, I think you might have the best climate in the whole damn world for my money.