As your staff has probably already alerted you, your office has been barraged by e-mails, faxes and phone messages imploring you to either vote no or abstain on the upcoming cloture vote in the Alito confirmation.
I realize that you have heard in the media, and perhaps from your own advisors, that this massive outpouring of sentiment should be taken with a modicum of salt, due to the fact it has come from the Internet activists and bloggers. After all, conventional wisdom dictates that this group exemplifies the far extreme in political thought, and is not representative of the greater constituency you represent.
But … Before you make your final decision on this momentous vote, please take a moment to reflect upon the future. Not just from a moral or ethical position (in which the vote against cloture would be the imperative), but from a pragmatic, political one.
The Republican Party, which at the present time holds such a stranglehold upon all three branches of government, did not gain that position of power overnight. It was a long, calculated battle waged over many years, utilizing a grassroots network of motivated activists, which put them in this position.
You too now have the power to harness such a force… but you must first recognize it in order to utilize it.
Contrary to popular opinion, those of us in the Internet community are not a bunch of wild-eyed radicals trying to force ideas upon the American people that are “out there ” and far from the mainstream. That stereotype is one that has been perpetuated by the Republican Party and the media in order to minimize the potential power of this new medium … But you know better.
Many of you have come to realize the power of the Internet, even if not fully grasping exactly who “we” are. You have seen the ability of the Internet activists to raise funds, support candidacies, and deliver a message… but we represent so much more.
We represent the mainstream.
We are “the people.”
We come from every region, economic class, race and social stratum. Our only common bond is our intense love of this country and our willingness to do whatever we can to make it better. We are not the fringe … we are millions of concerned Americans.
Our community grows ever larger by the day.
Certainly logic would dictate that if in fact the prevailing wisdom about Internet activism were true, and we are so far from the mainstream, our numbers would not be growing exponentially … but they are. Many groups have numbers in the hundreds of thousands, and sites have readerships in the millions … far greater readerships than those of the some of the largest newspapers.
There is a reason for this
The American people want their voices heard
Senator you now have a choice. You have heard the voice of an ever-growing movement of American citizens. A population with the potential to change the dynamic of the political landscape. You can either look to the future and see that the American people, in all their diversity, have given you a strong message on the Alito confirmation and the future of political discourse … or you can ignore our pleas, and continue with the old paradigm.
Just remember the mere fact that you might be reading this at the present time is a testament to the ever-increasing importance of this medium … but more importantly its ability to empower of the average American to have their voice heard.
Right now there are millions of voices speaking to you Senator … you simply must open your ears to listen to them.
Well said Duke! Thanks for posting this, hope some staffers pick up on this and have it waiting for “our” senators when they come in to the office in the morning!
Fax them a copy…it couldn’t hurt
It could be rewritten slightly and faxed to the op ed sections of major newspapers.
But would they print it? A little too close to the bone about their competition.
Join the fun! FILIBUSTER ACTIONS (Only you can make it happen):
Getting ready to make a few more calls. You make a few more calls to. Here are the latest swing votes (10:57 am)
Evan Bayh
Byrd (tell him to reconsider)
Nelson – NE (tell him to reconsider)
Chaffee (tell him no without filibuster is a vote for pro-life)
Hooray Duke!!!!
how we could expect nothing less in the way of a shrubya SCOTUS nominee, I remind them of Reagan’s classy example of Sandra Day O’Connor. and would like to point out this fun little thing:
Elections have consequences; Alito is the consequence.
judicial appointees are to some degree a reflection of the electorate’s will
therefore: the court should have a balanced ideological makeup
Q. E. fuckin’D
we ARE the majority!
You have been on a roll the past several days. Thanks Duke, your posts have motivated me to keep my adrenaline surging until the final stretch.
Yeah Manny they’ve got me a little fired up and I figure I should try to spread that fire if I can.
Speaking of fired up … Kennedy’s on cspan right now …now that’s what I call fired up … he’s burning the place up … God bless him
Brilliant duke! This should be faxed to every fence sitter or nay sayer to the filibuster!
Just got done making all my calls and e-mails. Chafee is voting against Alito, I was told by staffer. Doubt he will filibuster, but that is good. Many moderate Republicans were saying they hadn’t made up mind. Fingers crossed. But, like any self-respecting Michigan State Spartan fan, I’m expecting defeat.
I plan on never knowing about it because I’m going to ignite upon reentering the atmosphere!
Good Lord all mighty I burnt the hell up and everything……..OUCH! Broke my heart when I hit the dirt too! Singed my wings completely off and my friggin Halo hangs crooked now to boot! What a ride back to earth that was.
list of best blogs too this morning Duke.
If any of you are in Connecticut (or know someone who is), Ned Lamont says he won’t kick off his campaign until he’s got 1,000 volunteers signed up. Smart!
He does have a place to pledge a donation to his campaign once it starts, this is a good thing to let Joe L know how we feel: