I’d appreciate any comments and editing advice, as I’m new to this. But this is gonna get faxed out to all those numbers out there soon. And I’d appreciate some feedback. Thanks in advance… And thanks to SaveTheCourt.org, for providing the basic framework.
Here goes…
Dear Senator,
Samuel Alito’s record is clear, and so is the threat posed by his nomination: presidential power unchecked by our Constitutional guarantee to the checks and balances of the executive, judiciary, and legislative branches of our government; Congress stripped of much of its ability to make any positive change; Americans stripped of their right to privacy and subject to abuses of corporate and government power; Americans being insidiously stripped of their civil rights; Judge Alito confirming basically that the President has unlimited powers, and can break the law if he chooses, as he has. The Patriot Act provisions being used against American civilians as a ruse of fighting the ‘War of Terror’, a war which can never be won; Alito’s efforts to side with unitary executive power and corporate interests over those of us ‘regular’ American whom our government took an oath to protect; the women, children, poor, aged, sick, minorities, who are being undermined and set back every single day under this current administration, and Judge Alito wants to give this administration MORE power to do just that. Forgive me for thinking that I do not live in America anymore. This is an outrage. NCLB, Clear Skies… these are but two of the opposite-named legislation that has come from this callous administration. They give not a whit about its citizens. The billions of dollars and the thousands of lives lost and the tens of thousand, if not more, permanently maimed in a war based on a lie? And how many Iraqi civilians have been murdered? Do you expect me not to be outraged? Do you expect me to be silent?
I understand that the filibuster is not a tool to be used trivially. Alito is not a trivial threat; he is a grave and dangerous threat. Stand up for your Senate, stand up for the Constitution, and stand up for we, the people. I ask you to filibuster Samuel Alito’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court. I implore you, to filibuster Judge Alito. I implore you to send a message that we will no longer be taken for fools. I implore you to do what is right by your conscience, not by your political advisors. Believe you me, if you can filibuster Alito, you will have gained huge ground with the grassroots and the netroots. We are the people here. We will fund you. You work for us. Look at the poll numbers please. Bush and his administration are losing to the majority of the population. And do not listen to your political advisors for once. Don’t listen to the media. They may call you obstructionists, but they are corporate and right-wing run. You know that! People are seeing beyond that now, look at the polls! If this fails, your grassroots funding will cease to exist, I can guarantee that. You need us more than you know. We are ready for real leadership and real opposition, or we are ready to clean house.
I mean no disrespect, and I thank you for all you have stood up for in the past, but this decision will affect us for decades. I do not want have to fight again for the rights we’ve gotten in the past forty years, but with Judge Alito on the bench, I am terrified that that is what we will have to do.
A concerned American who fears where are country is headed, who fears where we have fallen to already. And I fear for the world my children will be living in.
Thank you for reading my comments. Please, filibuster Alito. NOW!
My $0.02: “Filibuster Alito NOW!” should be in BOLD, LARGE FONT so your message is obvious at a glance.
Got it!! That will be the first line then! Thanks!
ALL CONTACT INFO: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/1/30/12461/4093
Don’t bury your lead. Start out by saying EXACTLY what you want them to do. “I am writing to ask that you _____” They are going to get so many letters and faxes that their first step will be to sort them into categories according to what is being asked.
Thank you too. My new first paragraph blurb will be straight to the point… filibuster Alito!
I agree…on the lines of “You must filibuster Alito because…”
I’ve added this as my first paragraph…
Samuel Alito must be filibustered, period. He is a grave and dangerous threat to our country. He needs to stay OFF of the Supreme Court of the United States.
And that will be in bold
the finer points of writing letters…. reason I just copy what you guys write because…
I’d write, “Alito is a fucking whackjob, vote for him and I hope your dick/vagina rots off”
So… hitting the streets is my field rather than letters 🙂
Great letter, Sherm! Great advice CabinGirl 🙂
Tee-hee. Have you heard my ex-‘s letter of resignation to a once local school board yet? It’s a doosy!
Yeah, me too DJ ;o)
I’ll leave the letter writing to people like Sherm who are good at it and I’ll stomp the streets.
update yer letter so we know what we’re trying to edit!
: p
(admittedly “borrowed” from elsewhere)
We elect Senators with the hope and expectation that they will fight for democracy, not rubber stamp the status quo.
Dear Senator,
We elect Senators with the hope and expectation that they will fight for democracy, not rubber stamp the status quo. Based on Judge Alito’s past statements regarding presidential powers and his record of judicial extremism, confirming him to the Supreme Court would have disastrous effects on the rights and lives of the citizens of this country for many years to come. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY MUST STAND TOGETHER AND FILIBUSTER ALITO!
And if you don’t, we’ll remember in November.
I really like the first two sentences of your second paragraph. I’d move them up to right behind the Filibuster Alito intro. I also like the concerned American paragraph, children are always good to mention. So I’d move that up to the top too. Always assume that they won’t read beyond your first paragraph, so put your strongest ammo there. Then, the explanatory stuff to back up your statements so they can tell you’ve really thought about it.
One other thing, and you can do what you want here. I don’t like to say that we’ve gotten rights over the last 40 years but that the court has recognized these rights — implying that the rights are inherently ours, but some misguided people (men) in previous courts simnply didn’t notice them. But that’s your call.
I’m faxing now, but will return. Many thanks for the suggestions! Smooches! 🙂
Good for you! And a great letter too. 🙂
Isn’t this a wonderful community?
but here’s my approach.
Whatever you do/did…good on you!
Here’s a list of alternative FAX #’s if the ones in DC are not receiving.
That’s a fine and simple approach too, dada. Good for you! I tend to be on the wordier side… 🙂
Yes, I did find that I could not get through to several DC offices, but I had their state and local offices’ fax #’s too, so I hit them there. Thanks all the same!
Fab letter! May I borrow it today for self? It hits on and highlights several points so concisely and eloquently and I could use some borrowed eloquence today! I have none of my own at the moment.
Most definitely! I myself just couldn’t find one that hit the points I wanted to make, so I took some liberties. Pass it around as much as you want.
I really like yours, Sherm. (I can spell that right…)
Looks to me like you are a perfectly grand diary writer. Keep up the good work. A very fine letter, well expressed.
Thanks for being a shining star in the darkness.
and everybody else, actually…
a) as per, ummm…what’s that guy’s name…”the SCOTUS is extraordinary.”
b) has any other president in the history of this country consulted with members of the religious right when considering judicial nominees? i think not.
that is extraordinary.
Bravo!! Well Said, Shermanesqe!
Seem to remember reading somewhere that Assholeto has a poor record re: disability rights! Can’t remember where, have been buried in Medicare D–oh and I got another months supply of my rx’s!