this diary is dedicated to all who suffer because of war and other disasters
we honor courage in all its forms
cross-posted at DailyKos, Booman Tribune, European Tribune, and My Left Wing.
image and poem below the fold
Newlyweds walk past a poster showing Jill Carroll, the American journalist kidnapped in Iraq, as they leave Rome’s city hall after getting married, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2006. The poster will remain on the city hall building atop Capitoline Hill until the hostage is released.
(AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito)
by Joachim du Bellay
I do not write of love: I am no lover.
I do not write of beauty: I have no woman.
I do not write of gentleness but the human
rudeness I see. And my pleasures are all over,
so I do not try to write of pleasure, but only
misery. Favors? No, I am on my own.
I do not write of riches: I have none.
Or of life at court, when I’m far from it and lonely.
I do not write of health, for I’m often ill.
I cannot write of France from a Roman hill.
Or honor? I see so little of that about.
I cannot write of friendship but only pretence.
I will not write of virtue, here in its absence.
Or knowledge or faith, in ignorance and doubt.
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put a meaningful magnet on your car or metal filing cabinet
read Ilona’s important diary at MLW – Returning Vet PTSD – One Soldier’s Story as well her comprehensive series on PTSD and Iraq War vets.
view the pbs newshour silent honor roll (with thanks to jimstaro at booman.)
take a private moment to light one candle among many (with thanks to TXSharon)
support Veterans for Peace
support the Iraqi people
support the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
support CARE
support the victims of torture
remember the fallen
support Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors – TAPS
support Gold Star Families for Peace
support the fallen
support the troops
support Iraq Veterans Against the War
support Military families Speak Out
support the troops and the Iraqi people
read This is what John Kerry did today, the diary by lawnorder that prompted this series
read Riverbend’s Bagdhad Burning
read Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches
read Today in Iraq
witness every day
Click on the candle to copy the image into your own comment (you can leave it on my server), and/or rate this one – not for mojo, but to leave a small mark after taking this moment.
” I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.”
from Dirge Without Music
by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Rebel attacks kill nine in Iraq
Light A Candle For
Peace, Tolerance, Understanding
and For The Children – Innocence Lost!
“I confidently trust that the American people will prove themselves … too wise not to detect the false pride or the dangerous ambitions or the selfish schemes which so often hide themselves under that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: `Our country, right or wrong!’ They will not fail to recognize that our dignity, our free institutions and the peace and welfare of this and coming generations of Americans will be secure only as we cling to the watchword of true patriotism: `Our country–when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right.'”
Schurz, “The Policy of Imperialism,” Speeches, Correspondence and Political Papers of Carl Schurz, vol. 6, pp. 119-20 (1913).
The CIA Leak: Plame Was Still Covert
Powell’s Former Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson Calls Pre-War Intelligence a ‘Hoax on the American People’ on PBS Program ‘NOW’
Friday February 3, 12:19 pm ET
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. ” : Ayn Rand in “The Nature of Government”
“We had no notions of being heroes … we missed normalcy”:
Veterans and Survivors of Katrina
{By the way, if you can’t make this Visit the Link and Send a Couple of Duckets if you got them as we All progress backwards in Finances, it would be Greatly Appreciated!!}
Every Bomb dropped in Iraq Explodes over New Orleans and the Gulf Coast!!
The new Afghanistan is a myth. It’s time to go and get a job abroad
“The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.” — Thomas Jefferson
Rep. John Murtha
Is the World Safer Today?
Granny D’s Speech in DC Today {2-04-06} at World Can’t Wait Rally
“Every Bomb dropped in Iraq Explodes over New Orleans and the Gulf Coast!!”
“If Everyone In This Country Lost A Brother/Sister, A Son/Daughter Or Grandson/Grandaughter, Things Would Be Very Different”
Vietnam War History 101:
“The Only Glory In War, Is In The Imagination Of Those Who Were Never There”
wrong link, although, not inappropriate
With sorrow and confusion I count myself among the one third of Americans who don’t support an attack on Iran. What madness.
BAGHDAD, Iraq Feb 5, 2006 (AP)– Sunni politicians warned of civil war after the bullet-riddled bodies of 14 Sunni Arab men were found in Baghdad apparently the latest victims of sectarian death squads.
Sunni leaders claimed the 14 men were seized last week by Shiite-led security forces. There was no confirmation from the Shiite-led Interior Ministry that government troops were responsible.
A top ministry official, Maj. Gen. Hussein Ali Kamal, said the bodies were shot multiple times and dumped in the back of a truck in northern Baghdad. He denounced the killings as a “criminal” act and said “we have nothing so far” to indicate government forces were to blame.
Leaders of several major Sunni Arab political organizations insisted the Interior Ministry was responsible for the killings.
Khalaf al-Ilyan, head of the National Dialogue Council, said the men were arrested by Interior Ministry troops at a Sunni mosque in Baghdad and killed in an unknown location.
“The government is pushing hard toward a civil war,” al-Ilyan told reporters.
Dems’ Template for Success: Follow Jack Murtha …
LEAVE Iraq to the Iraqis
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
If they took all the athletes from America and sent them off to war… then the assholes would be raising hell about war.
We have Seahawks and Steelers making how much for this fucking game??? While soldiers and Marines are having their paychecks withheld due to DoD errors.
Apathy and American Lack of Priorities = what’s killing America.
The stanley cups playoffs… same thing. My country has detention camps and concentration camps and torture camps…. and they count on us not to care.
(((Rub))) looking at these photos isn’t hard anymore. It’s looking at our neighbors and wodneirng why they don’t care that is becoming intolerable.
Wondering the same thing but then again that’s why we “fight them over there”. Not so we don’t have to FIGHT them here but this way it’s out of eyesight and the sheeple don’t care because it does not directly effet their daily lives.
Alot folks keep asking why there are not millions out in the streets like the Vietnam War protests. It is because there is no draft. If they push Iran there will have to be a draft. Watch the attitudes to change rapidly at that point.