The right is fond of bandying about war-like metaphors to explain and denigrate what they consider to be an evil agenda promulgated by “liberals”, atheists and all those who refuse to accept Jesus into their right wing blessed hearts. The “Culture War” is one of those labels of which conservatives have made great use in order to depict themselves as victims of a coordinated assault by anyone who holds values different than their own.
The trouble with such loose use of language, however, is that at some point those to whom your appeals are addressed are going to take your analogy seriously:
GASSVILLE, Ark. – The teenager suspected of a hatchet-and-gun attack in a Massachusetts gay bar and in the killing of two people in Arkansas, including a policeman, died Sunday of wounds suffered in a gun battle with officers, authorities said. […]
Robida, a high school dropout who friends said glorified Naziism, was shot twice in the head in a shootout with police Saturday after he killed a Gassville police officer and a woman in his car, authorities said.
Two days earlier, he allegedly went on a rampage at the Puzzles Lounge in New Bedford, Mass., that injured three men, one critically. Police labeled that attack a hate crime.
Had Robida lived, he may well have been prosecuted for a hate crime. But the true villians in my opinion, are those sources in the major media who have made their living demonizing liberals, non-christians, Hollywood, gays and lesbians, ad nauseum. When so many prominent broadcasters and pundits fill our airwaves and newspapers with this vision of hatred for other human beings, is it any surprise that some young people begin to take them seriously?
Eric Rudolph, Timothy McVeigh, the killers of Matthew Shepard and now Jacob D. Robida have all committed heinous crimes. They are all terrorists, as well as murderers. I have no good word for them, nor for any of their copycat brethren whose actions may have garnered less attention and less fame, but are equally as reprehensible.
But in my book, those who encourage such hatred with savage rhethoric are far worse: Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, et al. They provide the ideological foundation, and the heated rhetoric, in which such senseless and hateful acts of violence flourish. The true culture war was initiated by the extreme right, and those who hold high its banners should bear most of the blame for the violence they incite. To say otherwise is to deny both history and common sense.
So let us not marginalize the actions of Mr. Robida as being merely one “bad apple” in the “value rich” barrel of the conservative movement. Because the whole damn barrel is rotten, folks, and the rot starts at the top.
were set on fire and several burned to the ground in Alabama a few days back. When I read that, I wondered if this wasn’t the start of the real culture wars…….the wars that Republicans “created” to make a solid base for themselves. Did they think that it would all just stay words and votes and bullshit? Did they really believe that at some point it wouldn’t fully manifest itself as a WAR?
Freelance journalist David Neiwert has been writing about this sort of thing for quite a while. I’ve considered his blog Orcinus to be one of those must-reads.
Had no idea anybody was attempting to document what “the culture wars” may or may not end up manifesting among us, particularly our youth when they are so passionate and impressionable and seeking so much approval!
continued his verbal diarrhea this week by insinuating that liberals were responsible for the church fires.
I don’t know what Matthews has been smoking or ingesting lately, but I’ve tuned him out ever since that little paean to Michael Savage, (whose comments on Brokeback Mountain I actually heard in a taxi on my way home from the airport after a trip to Philly). I was aghast to hear that, and then for Matthews to regurgitate that so admiringly just made my blood boil. Ever since, I turn on MSNBC for Keith promptly at 7:00 and turn it off when “Bossy the Cow” Cosby starts her rasping. Guess I should email MSNBC and tell them I watch exactly 1 hour of their programming per day, and let them know who gets my eyes and ears. As for CNN … I sometimes catch a bit of Lou Dobbs, but other than that, my news is from the great blogs (such as this one), Keith and Jon Stewart. That’s it. Will the networks take notice? Probably not, but it’s my small, individual effort.
MSNBC used to listen to us when we wrote to them.
People like me helped get them to hire Keith — I e-mailed them constantly about how great, smart and witty he is!
But i don’t think they’re listening anymore.
You cracked me up — “Bossy the Cow” Cosby. Oh god that’s funny.
Did you see her on — was it Matthews’ show the other day? — as a POLITICAL analyst? She wasn’t awful, but she mostly just mouthed what most of those pundits say.
She’s a political analyst? Since when? Oh, it’s sad …
Glad you liked my nickname for her… that voice alone is enough to drive me from the room… and as for her being some kind of political analyst give me a break! They’d do better by hiring someone like you, who has a brain instead of a throaty, busty tabloid blonde who wouldn’t know a political insight if it bit her in the … you supply the body part. She needs to go back to Fox where she belongs.
Many thanks to you for all the great writing you do here and for being instrumental in getting Keith hired. As I noted, that’s the only hour of TV news I watch on MSNBC. I’d turn on Tucker “bozo tie” Carlson if I could make his head explode by clicking a button on my remote! Ain’t gonna happen, so I just tune out and wait for Jon Stewart to come on. I’m sure Jon is creaming Tucker in the ratings anyway, and hope he disappears soon. Hehe.
God, Manny, I am SO GLAD that you noticed that too … I was aghast when I heard him cut off the ATF expert (a VERY reasonable, articulate, and sane man who’s investigated HUNDREDS of these crimes!) who was talking about how the KLAN has been responsible for MOST HATE CRIMES, and Matthews insinuated that pro-gays may have set the fires because the Baptist church opposes them.
He’s losing it.
Or else he’s read all the attacks on him lately, and it’s making him go nuts … he’s going to get like Bill O’Reilly pretty soon. Sad, really.
living down here is there is a better chance of some kind of “church” war. All five churches were within 25 miles and all Baptist, seems to be done by the same person or persons who set a fire and hit the road to set the next fire. Persons of different denominations pick fights with each other down here and sometimes they are pretty venomous. Our family was so actively “recruited” by church members it was kind of scary the first few months here. Either that or someone ticked at the local Baptists in that area for any kind of reason including being one of their own mad at them. Some people down here are very serious about their “religion”.
“Because the whole damn barrel is rotten, folks, and the rot starts at the top.”
“Those who encourage such hatred with savage rhethoric are far worse: Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, et al. They provide the ideological foundation, and the heated rhetoric, in which such senseless and hateful acts of violence flourish. The true culture war was initiated by the extreme right, and those who hold high its banners should bear most of the blame for the violence they incite.”
And that goes for the whole war mentality, as well.
AND the gang mentality.
The ONLY way that I can see to combat the corporate media that broadcasts, encourages and promotes these people.
Can’t bomb ’em.
That’s dangerous, illegal, puts too many innocent people at risk, and all the media would do would be to incorporate THAT act into their propaganda. From ANOTHER location. The hydra-headed media.
Violence isn’t the answer…
Can’t picket them. Their customers don’t have to go to the station to receive their product.,
Can’t picket everyone’s home.
Can’t talk sense to them.
That’s been tried, and failed. Why? Because by the short-term lights of corporate finance, they ARE doing the “sensible” thing. Making money every quarter and promoting wars that CONTINUE to make the corporations money. BIG money.
Long term? Corporations generally don’t THINK “long term”. Make a profit of die. Nor do the human beings who work for them. Make a profit or get fired.
Simple, eh???
Now THAT’S “simple”. Right?
Well then, if it’s so simple…why aren’t we DOING it?
Beats me.
Just the REALLY simple act of individually turning the motherfuckers off, off, O-F-F would be a good start.
Of refusing to buy…oh, I don’t know,.
Brand names.
Advil Wheaties Ford Capital One Big Pharma Big Corp in general.
If enough individuals did this…the waves would shake the corporate structure. Right to its foundations.
And if they made some NOISE about it…bigger waves. More shaking.
Now if it turned into a real, massive, organized BOYCOTT…
Bet on it.
Coulter, Limpbough, Tweety Bird and the whole LOT of them would be phased out within a year, and BushCo would be right behind.
“This is BAD FOR BUSINESS, boys!!!” (Sound of much positive harrumphing around the table…)
“YESSIR!!! Bad for business…”
You want a revolution?
There’s your revolution.
Lying right by your channel changers and right in your bank accounts, right now.
What’s in YOUR wallet?
Revolution, if you know where to look.
In the old days…it was worker strikes.
AIN’T no more “workers” now….hardly…
NOW we’re all “CONSUMERS”.
(I’ll go with the flow…)
Now’s the time..
What’s in your wallet?
Maybe the wrong question.
What is in your HEART?
I don’t care WHAT you call it.
Time to start DOING it.
I understand your newstrike campaign, however, I hope you realize that we cannot provide commentary on the news media unless we actually read/watch it.
I DO keep trying…
Turning it off off O-F-F would be a more powerful “commentary” than any BILLION words.
One effective CONSUMERSTRIKE!!! would be all that was needed.
Bet on it.
P.S. I mean…haven’t we “commented” ENOUGH?
Did Scalito just get put on the Supreme Court with the full cooperation of EXACTLY THE SAME MEDIA THAT COOPERATED IN THE RUNUP TO THIS INSANELY UNJUST WAR?
Several years ago?
Several years of “comments”?
Did the NY Times fire Judith Miller with some sort of extreme prejudice?
Like maybe denying her the benefit of her golden parachute?
You BET they didn’t.
Is the media anything but WORSE than it was when the blogs started “commenting”?
Maybe we need to put a little muscle behind our comments.
THERE’S a message they would hear, alright.
The walls have ears.
And so do the accountants.
(And it’s not like we don’t promote alternative media a lot here — I’m quoting Amy Goodman half the time! And I’d quote INN Report if they ever got their fucking act together and posted their latest scripts/videos … like I talked to them about last spring, and they said they’d be doing …)
I agree Steve. If the culture wars began as a reaction against the Warren Court (and Vatican II, I might add), the Warren Court never declared war on anyone. The Court never threatened anyone, nor did they accuse their opponents of satanic influences, nor did they suggest their opponents were un-American.
Ann Coulter engages in hate speech on a routine basis. Earl Warren never engaged in hate speech.
The difficulty of course is that you make this point at the same time others are criticising muslims for protesting at the publication of some cartoons saying that they are denying the absolute right to free speech.
Are you not in danger of making the same arguments in favour of restricting “hate speech”? Can you not be challenged that your position is so weak and your opinions so insubstantial that you can only uphold them by suppressing others’?
You’ve made this same mistaken point repeatedly. Criticizing people, like extremist muslims, for trying to tell others what they may not say does not necessarily involve compelling them to shut up (which is what they would like to be able to do).
Here, Steven is saying that extreme rhetoric that verges on inciting violence against a given population may very well a climate that does in fact lead to such violent acts.
Seems to me that there’s quite a difference between inciting violence because of free speech you don’t like, and condeming people who either are, or are toying with, inciting violence.
Sorry smitheus what is this all about:
How are they to “bear the blame”? By the author and those agreeing tutting at them? By you waggling your finger, or any other part of your anatomy, at them and telling them they are very naughty boys and girls? If, as is claimed, their words incite hatred and murder, should they not be prosecuted – but in doing so are you not curtailing their right to free speech? Surely if there is an absolute right to free speech it requires that there be no sanction, no matter how hurtful or dangerous the expression of an opinion might be?
The Muslims’ riots are idiotic.
Catholics and all other religions get satirized ALL THE TIME! God, I’ve seen countless cartoons making fun of the Pope!
they need to loosen up a little.
I don’t give a damn if they don’t like their prophet made fun of. I’m not Muslim, and if I think it’s funny, it’s my right.
And it is most certainly not hate speech. It is satire. There’s a huge difference.
But, if you want to talk about hate speech, I am with the ACLU. I am fully in favor of allowing the Nazis to march in Peoria (or wherever).
“God, I’ve seen countless cartoons making fun of the Pope!”
They might not be as funny if Vatican City were plagued by IEDs, filled with US troops in a war based on lies, if US officials were stuffing Bibles in toilets and torturing Catholics, etc.
The timing does seem to be crucial here.
If I were a Muslim, I’d find it pretty hard to “loosen up” in light of the current situation.
Also, isn’t poking fun at the Pope different in the sense that it’s poking fun at a very public living figure? If you wanted to make the parallel to Christianity, wouldn’t Mohammed be more on a par with Christ or who?
Free speech? Sure.
But there’s no accounting for taste, either, and I consider the comics in bad taste.
in Europe has not yet caught up to the US in terms of the frothiness necessary to reduce the price of “support” for decovertisized expansion of the crusade to Iran.
soj has a diary up now about a very witty Arabian fellow, whose blog is almost entirely devoted to his rabid loathing of the nasty princes, and lately focused on their cooperation with Washington on this delicate matter.
However, as often happens with such operations, as with most human endeavors, the total ends up being somewhat greater than the sum of its parts, and you are quite correct in your implication, which I will graciously spell out for those who may be unaware:
There are people demonstrating who have been organized to do so. But there are also people demonstrating who have not been, and I will say with reasonable certainty that there are some who are not even aware of the cartoons themselves, and are demonstrating against western imperialism, and it is a very delicate situation because that imperialism includes the native overseers who receive large amounts of American tax dollars to help prevent them from demonstrating at all, and the intent is to allow them to do so only for a very limited time, sufficient not only for Washington’s purposes, but to remind Washington that things are heating up, and more tax dollars will be required.
As to the cartoons themselves, I agree that they are in poor taste, not the kind of thing that I would associate with any reputable newspaper, and would seem to serve only to inform readers that the management are bigoted louts, people with whom one would not wish to dine, and to insult and offend men and women of good will and decent sensibilities, both Muslim and non-Muslim.
“culture War” has always been a thinly veiled euiphemism for “Religious War” or “Holy War”; sick concepts we’re already familiar with where power-crazed zealots seek to weaponize their gods, (and the ignorance of their followers), and attack any and all that stand in the way of their own lust for power.
Murder in the name of God is the leading cause of the premature death of human beings since the dawn of man and there’s no sign this trend is not going to continue.
Whether it’s Dobson or Bin Laden, Falwell or Zawahiri, these powermad lunatics are all cut from the same cloth and are bent on creating the biggest religious atrocity they can, a civilization-wide war that sucks in everyone on the planet.
There really is no culture war. There’s always more that unites us as human beings than divide us, and the sooner we repudiate those who advocate and inspire and incite violence in the name of their own bogus and arbitrary religious authority, the better off the world will be. If we could get all these spiritually bankrupt religious psychopaths into the same jail for an extended period of time,we’d be able to successfully fix 90% of the world’s problems.