Why did I choose this image of the Seattle PI’s home page today? Because Art Thiel is my all-time favorite sports writer. Why? Nobody bashes the home teams like Art — or with phrasing that’s any funnier or wilder. (Oh, and the Seattle P.I. also features Pulitzer-winning P.I. cartoonist David Horsey’s cartoons on Detroit, which are a riot.)
Hot damn, when I finally saw him in person at a Sonics home game in the early 1990s (we used to go all the time in those days) — and, you know how it is, it takes a minute to make a connection between the newspaper headshot that one’s used to seeing and then to figure out that that 6’4″ man is the same person — I nearly fell out of the stands. The guy is fucking outrageously buff and handsome. (You know us horny ol’ broads.) Anyway, for the always thorny, punchy, I-have-no-respect-for-nobody Art Thiel, this is, like, hand-me-a-hankie sentimental stuff:
DETROIT — Someone who has had some non-interview contact with Seahawks players around town this week spoke slowly, to emphasize his words.
“The Seahawks … are … pissed.”
He wasn’t a Seahawks employee, and didn’t want his well-known name used. He was offering more evidence to the inescapable feeling that the Seahawks resent the hell out of being street urchins at the kitchen door of the NFL establishment, begging for scraps.
Yes, the respect theme is overused. And the Seahawks have said little publicly about their dismay.
This time, it’s real, albeit real quiet. From signs great and small, the Seahawks are honing their pique as sharply as their talents. The national media doesn’t get it. Fans don’t get it. Oddsmakers don’t get it.
They’ll get it Sunday, when the Seahawks win Super Bowl XL 27-24. … Read all of Art’s column.
Art then lays out the evidence. And then he concludes, “The Seahawks know exactly what they are up against. They are pissed … and delighted. The rest of the NFL world that don’t “got it” starts the learning curve Sunday.”
One more comment: Washington’s great Democratic governor Christina Gregoire is going to send Pennylvania a salmon if the Steelers win. What is Pittsburgh sending us if we win? HOTDOGS! WTF?
Salmon or hotdogs? Kinda says it all. At least in the class department.
Actually, I wrote that before I heard Wolf Blitzer with guests Seattle mayor Greg Nickels (a Democrat, of course!), and the mayor of Pittsburgh (some doughy politician, don’t remember his name, why should I?) — both cities’ restaurants are sending lots and lots of gourmet goodies.
That’s a relief. But it doesn’t mean … I’d better shut up …
See, I’m pissed too! Watch out, you WEINIE STEELER FANS! Watch out… we’re quiet, but when we erupt … don’t you ‘member Mt. St. Helens? Yeah. Like that. So fuck you and all the snobs who snort, “Steelers of course.” Sometimes mountains erupt with no warning — especially when you’re NOT paying attention.
It took a lot of nerve to write that!
If we lose, I may never post again!
I think you will have successfully moved the Left Coast Meetup to your doorstep if you never post again due to the Super Bowl. And I should remind you: BooTribbers love to make a fuss.
Now Susan – I doubt if it was hot dogs – kielbasa is waaay different and superior to an Oscar Meyer wiener!
Hope the gourmet food includes “pigs-in-a-blanket” and Italian wedding soup – all accompanied by accordion polka music. 😉
So glad you have the power – I was afraid you might miss this – enjoy!
I was, um, using Northwest-style, home-of-Bigfoot poetic license.
Hot dog sounds so much more perjorative than kielbasa.
I hope you realize how difficult it is for me to watch this game with no horse in the race but I did offer my support to your team so……
Fuck it
I hope they teach the NFL a lesson.
It’s gonna be an upset. Seahawks all the way.
Just like a Seahawks fan to abuse her power and frontpage a partisan attack, with not even a mention of my fair and balanced diary on the Steelers and Pittsburgh
Despite Lynn Swann, the Steelers symbolize the heart of the Democratic party, though all you latte- swilling Microsoft-robot geeks can’t face it. Blue may be your color (and blue you will be at the end of today) but the Steelers have the Blue v. Red credentials. And Democrats can’t win without the people of the black and gold.
Pittsburgh and Seattle have two totally different Democratic constituencies. Both are solid, and both are cool.
But they don’t necessarily communicate (with each other) effectively.
Well, screw you and that “fair and balanced” crap. That woosy stuff went out when we got taken over by the King and his henchmen … get TOUGH.
I hope we throttle those damn Steelers. I hope they believe most of the press .. and get big heads 🙂
(I was kidding you, btw…. just havin’ fun … i’m wired for the game.)
So, Susan, you have power now?! Where are you watching the game? Have you painted your face yet?!
I’m rushing to get my house semi-straightened up because I have a few friends coming over to watch…
I had power all along, thank god … I mean, the electric kind — those KILLowatts hydroPOWER — kinds of power.
But we had NO cell phone service and no DSL. Many tens of thousands in the state were without power, but the cos. are going all out to get people hooked up before the game! Which is very sweet.
I couldn’t even use my MCI phone card most of the time yesterday. Boy, was I pissed at Katiebird .. i had her home number and her cell number. I calculated: It’s Saturday morning, so I should call her home number. Right? Make sense? Nooooooo .. I get a message that says they don’t take messages?! Oh man, and it took me dialing like 25 times just to get past the “ALL CIRCUITS BUSY” via MCI. Jesus. So, I tried her cell number, atlhough her e-mail warned me that sometimes she hides it in her purse … but thankfully she answered.
But, hey, she sure came through! (And I just love to bitch cuz I’m all FIZZY with PISSY ENTHUSIASM!
The best part of yesterday was that I cleaned! WOOHOO! (No excuses, you see.)
I hope you HAVE FUN at your party! What kind of snacks are you having? I might pop by!
cheese, pancetta, a frozen TJ’s spanikopita (sp?), some veggies, different kinds of hummus, crab dip and lots of wine & beer!
Turn right off Pico headin’ west, right?
Turn left, I mean …
and the main drag south of Pico is Ocean …. trying to remember …
Ah, speaking as one who has heard how many days until the Super Bowl for the past year – yes, I’m in the northern climes of the Detroit Metro area where we were blessed with 8″ of heavy wet snow last night – I’ll wish both teams good luck. I just want it to be over so the news casts actually give news instead of the latest celebrity sightings. If it wasn’t for Boo, I might not know what was going on in the wider world.
Real new? Did you ever see Channel 4 “nudie golf” expose, from a few summers ago? I don’t believe that even one of the Detroit stations has a correspondent in Lansing.
I know. All the stations keep putting on the fluff pieces, but it’s been especially rough to watch lately when you can’t switch channels to get away from Super Bowl reports because all the stations are carrying the same type of story. I normally watch Channel 7 (ABC) or 4 (NBC). I won’t go near FOX on 2 and CBS on 62 doesn’t even have a local news cast. I get most of my news from the web and hang out here at Boo’s a good part of the time (I just made it my home page).
I clicked through the cartoons and found this one
I taught this guy! I swear it’s true, unless there is someone else with the exact same name. Too funny.
Are you kidding?!
Did he have blond/reddish hair? if you spot a photo of him, he’s quite fair, blonde/red hair and beard.
His daughter and Darcy went to the same school for three years.
And he was the referee for the elementary girls’ basketball team . Darcy was the center, and he was always going out of his way to give her a nice compliment.
No, not the cartoonist, the guy drawn in the cartoon in the link I posted.
Sadly, I have never been to your fair state. 🙁
I want a rainforest tree.
To Sen Wyden’s office in Oregon.
Call for Legislation to End the Iraq War and Statement of Commitment to Nonviolent Direct Action
How’s he doing on the war?
I saw a snippet of him on Charlie Rose a couple weeks ago, and was going to watch the later run, but fell asleep.
I don’t really know Susan. Just new hear. My decade has been Boxer and DiFi LOL
So just now learning. I called last week and he did vote to fillibuster Alito..
The petition link was sent to me via Portland CodePink.
The snippet I heard on Charlie Rose was awesome! AND he was really making great remarks about the NSA business too … wish I’d caught it.
I’m still working on Charlie Rose’s people to get me copies of the transcript. They wrote back that they have podcasts now, but that’s not a lot of help when I’m writing a story and I need a blockquote.
They charge $10 for every transcript … I’m begging. Wonder …
WTF is Condosleeza Rice doing there with her hand over her heart as they’re supposed to be honoring NOLA?
What a f’in lie.