Hey Froggy guys and gals
Any of you that are interested in a T-shirt or other Meet Up memorabilia here is how you can order what you want.
You don’t have to be going to the meet up in order to purchase an item if you want one. . .We are not making any money on these items, just offering them at cost to any who want them.
so save the link or go there now, they are available in the Village Blue Store on CafePress.
Maybe if you all will recommend this will stay up for a while so everyone that wants to can see it. Thanks
Here are just a few samples:
Go take a look. . .something not there that you would like? Let me know and I will see if we can get it for you.
below the pic Shirls! Very accurate, I’m sure… We’ll be hugging too! 🙂
I love the picture-it just looks so festive and fun and love the line under also..
Ordered my meet-up t-shirt and Village Blue coffee mug!
Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Hi Sally cat, missed you lately on VB, where’ve you been. Please come over and say hi there, and anyone else too.
Can’t wait for the great meetup. I think I am getting a tank top, but can’t decide yet.
my tank top and golf shirt. Yes, I play golf. Not regularly or anything, but usually once a year or so. It’s fun! And as I’m not one for polo shirts in general, I figured it’d be a good and useful purchase.
The last time I played golf was in FL with my 7 year-old nephew and my sister and her husband and his sister and her girlfriend, in October, so thpfttt. Quality time… I’m not so good, but I do actually have my moments. And lil Joseph was actually damn good at driving me around in the golf cart… 🙂 Fun times.
Awesome!! Thank you. Tank top on its way 🙂
I’m in So. Cal. What’s the scoop?!
Here ya go
Diary One
Diary Two
Diary Three
Fabulous Shirls!!!! Thanks for taking the lead on this. I am so looking forward to meeting all of you. I have been gone all weekend with a sister visiting from DC.I will order a shirt later today, once I have had some coffee. See ya all soon!!
I missed the 1/25 diary initially somehow, but I should step in and say that I can easily take that Thurs and Friday off from work and do some airport pickups. Plenty of seating and luggage space. Use my gmail address:
Christina010365@gmail.com and let me know if you need a pickup!
Glad everyone is happy and excited about the Meet Up!!
Can’t wait to see you all and spread the hugs around!
Diane and I are toooooooooooo excited!!
By the way, the two old ladies are looking for a place to crash Saturday night. Anyone have space to share that one night? Will share expenses with you.
Anyone willing to drive to Santa Anna and pick us up Saturday morning???? early? Will pay the costs in American Dollars. . . just floating possibles out there. Diane says it is about an hour drive from Del Mar area. Train schedules are weird and restrictive. . .as to times. . .but we will make the best of what we can.
Let us know. . .shirlstars@gmail.com
Love ya all!