This diary is a slightly extended reply I posted in response to threads on the subject of the Mohammed cartoons. Rather than explore again the motives in publication and the reported reaction in the Muslim Ummah against them, I think it would be helpful to consider in detail whether the comment that we should condemn the protests as contrary to the principles of free speech is a legitimate argument once you leave the abstract Rationalist ideal and start to look at what happens in the real world.
The very serious problem for me is that there are double standards in operation that only go to illustrate the degree of prejudice that has been whipped up in the West by a combination fundamentalist muslims carrying out what they see as their religious duty and those who wish to libel the religion for their own purposes.
Consider whether these quotes apply to the printing or showing on TV of a drawing directly equating a religion with terrorism, you will see the reason for the small ommissions below the fold.
Teaching the next generation that demonizing a religion is an acceptable way to express political opinions ill prepares …. children for a peaceful future.
“We don’t think government TV stations should be broadcasting …. [that which] we consider racist and untrue” State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said on Thursday.
Government policy was not to broadcast content that “harms sacred religious values”.
…. that promotes hatred would be extremely unfortunate and counterproductive,” State Department spokeswoman Anne Marks said.
Well these are not recent quotes about the cartoons but go back to October 2002 when Egyptian TV started broadcasting a drama which the BBC outlined thus
The 30-episode series, Horseman without a Horse, tells the story of an Egyptian man fighting British imperialism and Zionism in Palestine in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Reports say it draws on some elements of the Protocols, a forged document purporting to prove Jews plan to dominate the world.
The main character in the series leads the struggle against the British until he finds a book written in Russian that turns out to be the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
This provides proof, for the character in the series, that his enemy is not the British, but the Elders of Zion.
The “Protocols” were a forgery from around 1900 which purported to reveal a world-wide Jewish conspiracy for domination. (Stange how “they want to take over the world” is a recurrent theme to accuse those who are “other”). The Nazis used the Protocols as part of their excuse for organised anti-semitism which led to the Holocaust. Jews are rightly sensitive about its further dissemination and it is banned in some countries.
The first quote is from a letter to Colin Powell from the Anti-Deformation League, a Jewish lobby group in the USA. Clearly they were influencial in the State department as the quotes from their spokespeople reported by the BBC above show. They also quoted an Egyptian minister in charge of broadcasting(3).
The Protocols and the historical “blood libel” can be seen as as sensitive to Jews as the libel in the cartoon and a depiction of Mohammed would be to Muslims. The actual original blood libel was the assertion in the Church that Jews would kill their children rather than allow them to be converted to Christianity. In an interesting article of this, Israel Shamir explains how this falsehood might be the result of a (deliberate?) cultural misunderstand by the Christians, as claimed in a book by Professor Israel Yuval of Hebrew University in Jerusalem:
The murder was performed as ritual slaughter followed by victim’s blood libation, for the Ashkenazi Jews believed that spilled Jewish blood has a magic effect of calling down Divine Vengeance on the heads of the Gentiles. Others used the victim’s blood for atonement.
Yuval also claimed evidence of actual child killings:
In Mainz, Yitzhak b. David, the community leader, brought his small children into the synagogue, slaughtered them and poured their blood on the Arc, proclaiming `Let this blood of innocent lamb be my atonement for my sins’. It happened two days after the confrontation with Christians, when the danger passed by.
What happened of course is that any child murder became blamed on the local Jews by the Christians, claiming the Jews’ motive was to use the blood in the Passover matzo meal. Shamir goes on to assert that the publication of the book in English was supposed “to appear a few years ago in California University Press, but for variety of reasons this has not happened yet. It is certainly sheer coincidence that some American Jewish scholars objected to this book being published and called to `erase it from public conscience'”
The rest of the piece is mostly devoted to a critique of how Israel uses the accusation of “blood libel” to silence criticism of its actions against Palestinians, while not being averse to making similar accusations about them.
Now while I am open to being informed that Shamir has his own motives for making these statements, I hope they will go beyond the “self hating Jew” line and be evidence based. What we have though are two instances of topics that are so sensitive to Jews that they invoke the wrath of the US State Department to demand censorship, albeit in diplomatic language and where contrary evidence to assertions by Jews appears to be suppressed. These surely are prima face demands to curtail freedom of speech because of religious sensitivities which are supported by the US State Department or where the calling on guilt over previous injustices is enough to silence critics of a semi-theocratic state for exercising their right to free speech.
UPDATE: As MarekNYC points out below, my orginal phrasing describing the history of the blood libel was sloppy and suggested what appears to be the origins were not further distorted. I hope the additions in italics make this clearer.
Offer lots of thought and over time I will contemplate its content. Thanks for thought provoking writing in your diary, great links and a spirit to develop independent opinion and knowledge.
The scaring expression can be used against disobedient Jews as well. When Edward Herman, the author of [1] Manufacturing Consent, wrote of “the powerful pro-Israel lobby in the United States, which advances Israeli interests by pushing for U.S. aid and protection to Israel, and, currently, by pressing for a war against Iraq, which again will serve Israeli interests. This lobby has not only helped control media debate and made congress into ‘Israeli occupied territory’, it has seen to it that numerous officials with ‘dual loyalties’ occupy strategic decision-making positions in the Bush administration…”, a Jewish American filmmaker David Rubinson wrote to me and called Herman’s words ‘the ultimate blood libel’. My own reference to murdered Palestinian children was described as ‘blood libel’ by The Jerusalem Post, the far-right daily published by Conrad Black.
[1] Manufacturing Consent Co-authored with Noam Chomsky
In contrast to the standard conception of the media as cantankerous obstinate, and ubiquitous in their search for truth and their independence of authority, we have spelled out and applied a propaganda model that indeed sees the media as serving a societal purpose, not that of enabling the public to assert meaningful control over the political process by providing them with the information needed for the intelligent discharge of political responsibilities. On the contrary, a propaganda model suggests that the “societal purpose” of the media is to inculcate and defend the economic, social, and political agenda of privileged groups that dominate the domestic society and the state.
● Quite A Discussion @EuroTrib!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
double standard by mainstream Americans.
If you happened to listen to Mr. Danger’s remarks on Hamas, he said several things that were absurd considering the policies and activities of both US and its weapons dump in the Levant, about armed wings and calling for the destruction of a nation.
Since Israel has, thanks to its Sugar Daddy, quite an impressive “armed wing,” it would appear that he was saying that Israel could not be considered as a “partner for peace.”
And since the US is actively in the process of openly destroying two nations at the moment, as well as vigorous covert activities to destroy at least three or four others, it would appear that he was saying that the US cannot be considered a legitimate political entity, but rather terrorists with whom there can be no dealing at all.
He failed to mention that this destruction of Israel he speaks of refers to text in the Hamas charter that says basically that Palestine shall be defended and not ceded, in whole or in part, or something to that effect.
Or as Al Zahar tried to explain to Wolf, Palestine is neither God nor is it, to say the least, in a position militarily to destroy any country.
Ironically, the whole situation has been unforgivably unjust to ordinary Israelis. As an actual country, a peaceful little Middle Eastern country, a responsible and respectable member of the community of nations, Israel has never had a chance to be that.
Its creation occurred, not out of the great altruistic and kind generosity of Great Western Father, but out of a desire to have a little pit bull to guard what UK and US considered to be their oil.
Anti-Jewish sentiment was also a motivation. Neither England nor America were eager to have large numbers of Jewish Holocaust survivors going to live in their neighborhoods. Those who are old enough will remember that in the US, Jews could not even join the local country clubs so the kids could have a pool to swim in in the summer.
So when someone asks about Israel’s right to exist, the question has never been, does a peaceful little country have a right to exist, but does the west have the right to come down to the Middle East and carve up borders to suit their business interests, including one little area which will serve as a weapons depot and haven for gun runners, whose purpose is to enforce neo-colonialism on all the neighbors.
The religion aspect is just a tool, US is a majority Christian nation, and within that, majority Protestant sects, some of the more popular of which do cherish a belief in their interpretation of some sacred texts about Armageddon and Rapture and hurling recalcitrant Jews into a lake of fire. They love to visit Israel and give money to AIPAC and JDL et al.
Israel means one thing to Americans, and something very different to its neighbors.
Add to that the fact that the US has been steadily demonizing Arabs for decades, much as Hitler demonized Jews, so extreme has anti-Muslim and anti-Arab sentiment become that the other day I saw on a website that aspires to be devoted to the “progressive” wing of the Democratic party someone posting a message advocating nuking Damascus and “everyone that looks like them.” This was not kos, btw, but it was the same site where a few years ago, I received a reprimand from the administrators for saying that peace and tolerance are traditional Jewish values. Several people felt the remark was an anti-Semitic smear and were offended at being accused of such things.
In summary, the situation is so completely twisted, so fraught, and so removed from reality that it is quite jarring to reflect that as usual, it is nothing more than rich men wanting more money.
is acceptable. Both the cartoons and protests in reaction to them are free-speech. What is not acceptable is the pretense that the cartoons served any purpose other than to be provactive and that violence in reaction is deserved and appropriate.
You might ask yourself, though, why you choose to use Jews protesting and not Christians. I’m sure you could have found an abundance of examples of Christian protests. You might ask yourself why the attitudes toward Jews and Muslims always seem to come across as a zero-sum game. The implication almost seems that in terms of fairness to an “Other”, there is a very small capacity which must be given to one or the other.
One can’t escape writing about this sad story in the Western media, but I believe the assumption of the Saudi link for the inflammation is not very likely. I would be interested to know how such a theory is developed, especially in the triangle Lebanon-Syria-Saudi Arabia and the Hariri assassination.
I recall a journey made by Danish Muslim activists to Arab nations, to spread the anguish over the Danish cartoons, after the Danish PM was unwilling to apologize for the insulting expression published in Denmark. The following is very interesting article ::
The anger in the Arab and Islamic World about the cartoons is remarkable, because the Arab media publish cartoons depicting Christian or Jewish symbols (see the cartoon posted in the Palestinian paper Al Quds).
A Palestinian crucified by Israeli
settlements nailed to his body.
(Nasser Al-Ja'afari, Al Quds, 02-22-2004)
Through our own investigation, it is clear a group of Danish Imams made a journey throughout the Middle East at the end of last year, with the original 12 cartoons, plus an additional three. The source of these 3 cartoons remained unknown. On these three drawing is the prophet Mohammed shown with the face of a pig, as a homophile and while praying raped analy by a dog. The Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet recently published a report what the Imams took along on their journey.
Viste pædofil Muhamed
Imamer rejste rundt i Mellemøsten med langt mere provokerende billeder end Jyllands-Postens tegninger. Se dokumentation her
This report contained not just the 12 cartoons, but 15 drawings, including the three just described. As a check by the newspaper, it seems the three drawings were delivered anonymously to the Islamic organizations. The Imams took the three drawings with them to explain the atmosphere in Denmark, where the 12 cartoons were published in Jyllands Posten. The additional drawings must have increased the anger in the Islamic countries.
See my comment in diary by John Stuart Mill
● Comments @BooMan Are Spot On!
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
translation of the Ekstra Bladet article:
Showed Pedophile Mohamed
Imams toured the Middle East with far more provoking images than Jyllands-Posten‘s drawings.
See the documentation here …
By Allan Larsen and Kåre Quist – 9:55 – 12. jan, 2006
When a group of Danish imams recently toured all around the Middle East to gather support for their criticism of the much debated Mohamed-illustrations in Jyllands-Posten and of prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the drawings was apparently not provoking enough for the purpose.
Ekstra Bladet can now document, that the delegation also brought pictures and drawings, that among other things show the prophet Mohamed depicted as both pedophile and equipped with a pigs snout – and there is also one controversial picture of a praying Muslim, who is being raped (anal) by a dog …
by BobFunk (
on Sun Feb 5th, 2006 at 05:15:36 AM PDT
The date of publication, January 12, is most important, as this is also the impulse for protest by ME governments, by chance the date of the Hajj in Saudi Arabia.
Muslim pilgrims walk across
the Jamarat bridge in Mina.
● Muslim Group Asks Los Angeles Radio Host to Apologize
The group quoted Handel as saying: “This is Mahmoud Nolan. Hajj in the Sky. There is an accident. … Ali lost his sandal on the on-ramp to the Martin Luther King Jr. freeway.”
In March 2004, KFI issued an on-air apology after the group filed a complaint with the FCC following a skit that claimed Muslims have sex with animals, don’t bathe and hate Jews.
≈ Cross-posted from Soj’s diary —
Muslim Cartoon Controversy: What the Media Isn’t Telling You ≈
Caricatures Roil Muslim World Beirut Embassy Torched
Iraq Demonstrations, Threats against Danish Troops
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
LB, you say please avoid the term self-hating Jew. Unfortunately…
The “liberal democracy and human rights” doctrine carried by the US marines even across Tigris and Oxus is a crypto-religion, an extreme heretical form of Judaised Christianity. Alexander Panarin, a modern (deceased) Russian political philosopher, noticed the anti-Christian character of the American doctrine: “The new American vision of de-contextualised Goods and their de-socialised Consumers is a heathen myth”; in his view the US doctrine represents a lapse into heathendom.
In my view, this new religion can be called Neo-Judaism; its adepts imitate classic Jewish attitudes; Jews often act as priests of the new faith and they are considered sacred by its adepts.
Still, there is a strong feeling of continuity between Palaeo-Judaism and the newer version. The Jewish state is the enactment of the paranoid Jewish fear and loathing of the stranger, while the Cabal policies of Pentagon are another manifestation of this same fear and loathing on global scale. The ideas for Neo-Judaism were formed by Jewish nationalist Leo Strauss, and promoted by Jewish writers of the New York Times. There is a project of supplying Neo-Judaism with exoteric rites by constructing a new Jerusalem Temple on the site of al Aqsa Mosque.
Neo-Judaism is the unofficial faith of the American Empire, and the war in the Middle East is indeed the Neo-Judaic Jihad. It is intuited by millions: Tom Friedman of the NY Times wrote that the Iraqis call the American invaders “Jews”. Neo-Judaism is the cult of globalism, neo-liberalism, destruction of family and nature, anti-spiritual and anti-Christian.
This is also an anti-social cult of commodification, alienation and uprooting; fighting cohesive society, solidarity, tradition – in short, fighting the values upheld by the three great churches. As the church has lost its position in the West, the adepts of Neo-Judaism consider Western Christendom almost dead and fight it by bloodless means through their ADL, ACLU and other anti-Christian bodies. The Village Voice calls Bush `the Christian’, The New York Times writes of priests’ child abuse, Schwarzenegger demolishes a church in The Last Days, – this is the Western front of the Neo-Judaic Jihad.
The psychological portrait should be recognizable for the Ukrainians. Yes, the Civilization X presently at war with the rest of the world, is this eminently familiar and contemptible figure, a medieval Ukrainian Jew, a usurer, tax collector and alcohol pusher magnified by a factor of million. Its size impeded our recognition, for it is not easy to recognize an elephant-size louse. TOP
Centuries ago, this figure ruled your steppes. After expulsion from France and Spain, the immigrant Jews settled in the Ukraine, suborned the timid native Jews and in short time strategically placed themselves between Polish landlords and Ukrainian peasants. They had lent money to landlords and peasants, pushed alcohol, managed the feudal estates, and eventually became the ultimate source of power. The Jews fought the Church, for the Church objected to their liberal trade in alcohol and usury. Until nowadays, the Jewish word kabala (receipt) is used in the Ukrainian language for `debt enslavement’.
The Civilization X pushes heroin instead of vodka, loans out billions instead of two rubles, sucks out the wealth of nations instead of meager livelihood of a peasant, fears nuclear weapons rather than moujik’s axe, but it is the same complex of ideas and methods. In short, Civilization X is a dangerous and aggressive mutation of Jewish spirit grafted on the Anglo-American basis. Huntington was right – up to a point. The Conflict of Civilizations is unavoidable, but it is not a conflict of Christendom and Islam, but the conflict of Christians and Muslims versus Neo-Jews
Plenty more examples where that came from. There really isn’t any question about whether or not Israel Shamir is a racist. Why he is a racist is probably best left to the shrinks.
In any case you really don’t have a clue about what you are talking about. Blood libel is not the idea that Jews kill their own children to prevent conversion (Something that I’m sure has happened at some occasions, but the feeling that death is preferable to conversion is not exactly limited to Jews. In the period described both Christianity and Islam treated conversion as a capitol offense.) But rather blood libel is the muth that Jews kill non-Jewish children and use their blood to make matzoh for Passover. It is something that was getting Jews killed even after WWII.
Your diary does give rise to a question. Most Muslims consider images of Mohammed, particularly hostile ones, to be offensive. Most Jews consider hardline anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist arguments to be offensive (e.g. denying Israel’s right to exist or describing Zionism as inherently racist). Should such things be avoided and condemned? I don’t want the ADL’s definition of what is offensive and racist to be the binding one. The same goes for those protesting right now.
Marek, thanks for pointing out that I had not completed the history of the blood libel. While I had gone through what appear to be the origins, I had not expanded the further distorion of Jewish traditions when later child murders were claimed to have been committed by Jews.
I hope you will agree that the distortion of the original Passover story to enable such accusations has its analogies in the deliberate linking of Islam and terrorist bombings by both converting the Prophet’s turban to a bomb and putting on that bomb the central tennet of the faith.
I hope you will agree that the distortion of the original Passover story to enable such accusations has its analogies in the deliberate linking of Islam and terrorist bombings by both converting the Prophet’s turban to a bomb and putting on that bomb the central tennet of the faith.
No, I believe the equivalent would be showing Moses launching a rocket at a crowd from a helicopter.
A props the Protocols, I wrote this a while back regarding ‘innocent’ reference to them:
Imagine that in a thread relating to Katrina and the media’s initial portrayal of blacks as violent, lawless looters and rapists, too stupid and lazy to leave New Orleans, someone posted quotes from a Protocols era ‘scientific’ article ‘proving’ that that’s just the way blacks are. Let us further imagine that this person had somehow grown up without realizing that such articles were not science but simple racism – e.g. typical of Americans and others not so long ago. That ignorance would be an explanation for his racism, it would not change the fact that he was a racist. Similarly, anyone who can read the Protocols and see them as a credible source, regardless of the level of their historical ignorance, is a racist. That does not mean that he isn’t otherwise a progressive, caring, intelligent, generally nice guy – just as there were plenty otherwise progressive, intelligent and nice racists back when crude racism was the default belief, but racists they were.
Ok Oui, I understand that you and I had a nasty dispute. But I am not going around troll rating you for that. If you disagree with what I said in the comment then say so. If you think it is so egregious as to merit a troll rating, explain that as well.
is poor taste and lack of empathy.
Why not let bygones be bygone. Completely off topic, unnecessary to post an ill timed repetition of your accusation at my address of 3 weeks ago. That’s all I’ll say about the passed disturbance.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
The diary refers to the protests over the use of the Protocols. My comment on the protocols is therefore clearly relevant to the topic discussed in the diary. It is not an accusation at anyone, just a clarification of a referenced text. And while the original posting of the comment occurred in a thread where I did attack you, the comment itself was a response to another poster and had nothing to do with you. (the commenter said that he had seen a Kos commenter get slammed over quoting from the Protocols, and saw it as unfair because the victim of the flames was a generally progressive and nice person) So I have no idea why on earth you would see this as an attack on yourself in the context of the thread on LB’s diary.
An example supporting your argument of double standards is the condemnation in court of the Le Monde article “Israel-Palestine: Le Cancer” as racist.
For the article in French see:
For a translation into English
IMO opinion the judgement is a travesty of justice.
Robert Fisk has a good piece, in his usual manner, on this:
“anti-Semites will always try to find a way round.”
Yep. And one way German anti-Semites have found to get around this is to register sites with content that would be illegal in Germany on US ISPs.
We in this country don’t seem too particular about genocide denial–esp when it comes to denying our own genocidal campaigns: past, present and future.
So it would be truly hypocritical to deny the Germans the right to Holocaust denial, wouldn’t it?