This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Who’s in the froggy costume today?
The spouse of the swoony, bearded guy.
I’m the spouse of a swoony, bearded guy. What does swoony mean?
It means Cabin Girl faints with pleasure at the thought of his beard. I like the beard myself, but why deprive myself of time with it by fainting.
But where’s the picture?
and by the looks of it I dare not venture from the pond, (after being off line until now, and having taken just now taken a brief look at the front page, and observing the titles of top rec’d diaries and number of comments along with them.)
We all need a piece of that peace.
I agree. I suspect Andi is Froggybottom right now.
I can only hang for about 1/2 hour then I have to leave.
Does your archeology love include anthropology and paleontology?
What an odd question.
But I’ll answer it. I’m not all that interested in paleontology, relatively speaking. Anthropology I find fascinating. In fact, at one point I considered a graduate degree in Political Anthropology. I’m not as interested in the “bone” part of it though.
If you were interested in both, I had a book to suggest.
Well, I’m not completely uninterested in paleaontology (I think I resent it because its hard to spell).
And I always like book recommendations so let ‘er rip. What’s the book.
The book’s the First Fossil Hunters by Adrienne Mayor and what she does is investigate how the mythology of the Greeks and Romans could have been affected by the fossils they found.
And I LOVE greek and roman mythology. I’ll look it up at the library. Thanks.
But first I have to finish Lies.
what’d ya mean your not interested in the “bone” part of it??????
Oh goody! I was hoping this conversation was going to degenerate into something smarmy.
You’re calling NDD a degenerate?
I might have to agree.
Nah, I was just looking for an excuse to use the word smarmy.
I’m using it as a noun.
correctamundo, I yield to superior knowledge.
I’d say we’re off to a great start… ’tis a pity maryb2004 has to leave us just when the action begins…
It’s not like I’m leaving forever — I’ll be back. For those who are awake.
Although I might fall asleep early tonight, its been kind of a long day. One thing after another. It’s not a full moon is it?
Pretty close to a full moon, I think. Good bone-hunting light.
Sorry I have to leave. Have a good evening and hopefully I’ll see you later.
How were your days (not at this site)?
who ya takin’ to?
Everybody — you right now.
Well, I had a nice day off from the site yesterday. Took the dead duck to the guru and he breathed life back into it. Turns out the cooling fan inhibited, so not cooling. Got everything updated, unnecessary crap deleled, and a new DVD-CD player. All for the $50, which was the cost of the DVD-CD player. (and 8 gallons of gas, @ 2.19) Great eh? My guru is the greatest, no expense after purchase, and guess where I make all my computer related .purchases.
That’s good news.
$2.19 is about what our gas is right now too.
It may not work for you guys, but this darn picture makes me smile even when I don’t want to.
Thank you! Yes it does make me smile!
Eyes that crinkle up when he smiles — irresistible. Much more swoony than Jim.
Look at that face!!!!!!!
Excuse me for interrupting the chatter. I was wondering if there is any support out there for the idea of an optional, annual subscription to BooMan Tribune?
P*olemic *F*ree *C*afe
Sheeze…what *happened
with the Auto Format?
Most assuredly PFC. Love the frog pic.
a. disputatious; pertaining to argument n. dispute; aggressive attack or refutation. polemicist, n. polemics, n. art of controversy.
Great! I appreciate the vocabulary refresher course. It’s been a few decades since I hung out with the likes of the pond denizens.
PFC, Polemic Free Cafe, ahhh the calm waters of the pond, so relaxing… OK if I just stay here ’til the storm passes?
Ooh! Ooh! Can Professor Pedantic jump in to add that it comes from the Greek, πολεμος, meaning “war”? That degree in Classics sure comes in handy!
on the way to my computer guru.
Somewhat of a contrast to those ocean/mountain/trees photos you guys have been posting, eh?
larger view
Brrrrrr. Did you find a bag-o-money next to the road?
You mean you didn’t see that little stick marking the spot?
Did you ever here about the story of the Japanese woman who came all the way over here looking for the money?
A body is found in the frozen North Dakota woods.
[This title is not correct, her body was not found in ND woods. What woods?? We only have a real forest, Pembina Forest, in the NE corner of ND]
Guardian article here
A Darwin finalist, no doubt…
So how did you figure out what to focus on?
You’ll have to ask my CoolPix 3200, what the heck it focused on, I have no clue. But I continue to be amazed at what a low end digital is capable of, which leads to tantalizing thoughts of what’s possible with any upgrade in camera power.
I’ve been really happy with my upgrade to a better camera (thank you to my employer for making me travel enough to have the “points” to get it).
Hi! Everyone!
Hi to you.
Did I miss any fun?
You’re kidding, right?
But, maybe I don’t want to know?
Maybe I should explain that in the morning I hotlist whatever I’m going to look at during the day. And today I had the cafe, the news bucket & my Just 4 Today.
And that’s all I looked at.
I can see something on the recommended list that wasn’t there this morning.
But, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know about it.
Until my ankle heals.
you don’t want to know.
Tell us what the doctor told you about your ankle instead.
It’s not broken, it’s sprained. 4-6 weeks recovery. Golfball-sized ankle. Exhausted. Probably taking to couch sort of soon.
Missed you guys.
And get it elevated!
That would be the primary function of the couch!
The Cowboy Junkies are playing at our cool little local theater in the next town over in April! If you’ve ever seen the movie “The Blob”, you might recognize the place…
Are you going to go see them?
I have seen “The Blob” but I’m guessing you aren’t talking about the one with the Steve McQueen.
I am definitely going; I’ve never seen them bfore.
And yes, I’m talking about the one with Steve McQueen (that is the 1958 version, right?)
I forgot Steve McQueen was in that (for some reason). Was that the theater engulfed by The Blob at the end, then the military froze it & dropped it in the Arctic? I do recall vividly the theme song during the closing credits, a really cheesy ’50s ditty, “It creeps, it leaps, it glides and slides across the floor” or something.
Wait! Further research reveals that Burt Bacharach wrote that song. Well, that changes everything. Amend “cheesy” above to read “cheesy-cool,” totally.
That’s the theater! They also have a BlobFest there…complete with the Blob.
OK, now I’m so excited. When does this magical event occur? And just how the heck do they recreate the Blob?
Here’s the dates for this year’s BlobFest. I think they still have the original Blob, and in the past they’ve done a theater re-enactment…sounds like big fun. You coming? đ
I can’t think of a better reason to reserve a ZipCar for the weekend!
How did you know I was going to ask you how that was working out? đ
Maybe I should (gasp!) diary it. Between my SmartCard for the Metro system, and my ZipCar card, I haven’t missed for a single second having a car. In fact, there’s a distinct danger that I’ll become like one of those TV-less snobs who’s always sniffing about the garbage on TV and looking down their noses at the hoi polloi still enslaved to the idiot box. ‘Cept I’d be that way about cars. Gee, how much is gas nowadays? I honestly don’t have a clue!
Last time I looked a few days ago, it was about $2.50/gal regular at our local Citgo (rural Catskills).
Hm .. I’m old enough to remember when Burt Bacharach was still just cheesy.
If memory serves, that was right around the time that disco sucked đ
When “disco sucked”? That doesn’t narrow down the time-frame very well, I’m afraid.
Like, 1975 to present?
I recall disco was invented around 1975, so that sounds about right. Was but a tot myself at the time, and certainly not whiling away my idle hours in Studio 54, but I would stand by the assertion that all disco sucks, and always has sucked. And that is about the strongest position you’ll ever see me take on anything on this site.
But it was really fun to laugh at my older brother’s clothes then…
Yeah, and my older sister’s Dorothy Hamill haircut!
O, I was thinkin’ of around the time of the first issue of Punk Magazine — mid ’70s or so — when ‘Disco Sucks’ was very popular graffiti around lower Manhattan (the t-shirts came soon after) & the center of all life was an ancient biker bar on the Bowery called CBGB.
Yeah, those punks have always been ahead of the curve.
Funny, really — as someone who had ‘Punk rock!‘ screamed at her in the streets as an insult, I remember feeling not ahead — or behind — but outside. It just so happened that a lot of us happened to feel ‘outside’ in the same manner, at the same time — but we were very outre’, just disgusting.
Hard to believe that theater would still be around — especially with the blob all over everything.
The town it’s in is an old foundry town…has been a pit for decades, but is on a major upswing now. They’ve been working on restoring the theater since the late 1990s, I think.
I just love that we have some music venues close by now.
They tore down the theater I saw it in a few years back (except it wasn’t a theater any more, it was a church). It’s nice to know that some neighborhood theaters have survived.
I’m so excited for you!!! Sounds like BrotherFeldspar wants to go too… gosh I wanna tooo!!!
The Mr. LOVES Cowboy Junkies.
This is pathetic, but I’m probably off for the night. I’m going to the couch and probably to bed.
love you all.
Warmest wishes for your immediate comfort, and a speedy recovery.
Night all
Just beautiful, dada. Thank you. ‘Night!
Just got back home. I’m going to have to turtle up with my kids.
One more has to take a shower and then we are going to “camp out” in my bedroom. Which means very little reading time for me. WAH!
Not sure what movie we’ll watch.
But suffice to say, my son has had a very confusing afternoon. I got some of the meat of it and some kids were teasing him because of his voice. They said he “you sound like a girl”. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I’d like to march into these boys home and explain to them that at least he can talk which is more than what the docs first expected and…. and…
But that’s not my fight. My energy has to go to my son and daughter.
But I have a theory… kids who pick on disabled kids – grow up to have little dicks and are rotten in bed and are later on laughed at by ex-lovers. .. And get audited.
And taken to the cleaners by their many, many ex-wives
No doubt, some of them are even indicted ..
Thankfully, home is the place where we heal from the outer world’s wounds. Enjoy your evening, DJ!
I have a feeling some of them grow up to be politicians who like being teabagged by Big Pharm and Big Oil.
teabagged.. that WAS NOT my outside voice!!! ACK đ
Second wow for Brother Feldspar,
nice to see his name here again for sure.
your son’s plight reminds me of a story. Wanna hear it? Here it go! Really though, when i was a kid my Mother used to like to send me and my brothers off to all different kinds of camps and church gatherings. Mind you, she wasn’t a church person but felt it would be a good experience for us ;oP Diversity and all. I now suspect (ya think?) that Mamma wanted more time for herself ;o)
Anyway, after one particularly brutal three weeks at a Southern Baptist boy’s camp near Houston where I was harrassed and called a girl so much because of the length of my hair I finally caved in to one of the deacons when he suggested I might want a haircut. When I think back now to me and him driving into town all alone on that big old bus it cracks me up but Mamma wasn’t exactly cracking up when I showed back up at home looking like Johnny F’ing Quest Lol.
Mother’s solution was to send me back again into the belly of the beast and instruct me that if anyone or ten at a time for that matter, said anything to me I should just turn round and call them all red neck goat ropers. Nice advice huh?
Is there a moral to my story? Hell no! ;o)
Grow your hair as long as you want. Talk in whatever octive is natural and keep your own counsel.
Mamma DJ is doing fine and her son will be fine with her gentle support and reassurance.
Love back to you and yours Damnit Janet :o)
I love you!!! đ
Hope your daughter’s debut was splenderific đ
Another boy “backed him up”, my son’s term. The other boy has some disability as well. This was done while waiting for the buses.
Okay so… am I like a total loser or was I just not needed today? I should be here most of the day tomorrow afternoon as well if the froggybloggy folksters need anyone to close/start.
Daaaayang I didn’t get to fart around in here. I talked about farts but I didn’t get to fart around and goof off.. Oh wait I did. Nevermind.
Who wants to come over and play hot lava monster?? đ
Seems mighty quiet in here tonight, DJ. I’m about to take a horizontal position myself.
Speaking of flatulence, apparently Bush farted today & closed down the Capitol (if you believe Londonbear).
See you later!
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Damnit Janet Popped her Cafe Cherry
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New Cafe