This is unbelievable. Insanity is just outside my door.

License to Murder

The NRA is working to pass a law that makes murder legal in the United States. It’s been called the “Shoot First,” “Make My Day,” or “Deadly Force” law, but call it what you want, it’s a License to Murder. That’s because instead of requiring anyone who feels threatened to retreat when possible, it allows them to fire at will, regardless of the consequences. One killer has already been set free, and other criminals and their lawyers are already drooling at the thought of using the NRA’s “Shoot First” law as a legal defense.

“Shoot First” is dangerous and unnecessary. It’s a license to murder, and, if the NRA has its way, it’s coming soon to a state near you.


With all the insanity going on in the White House and Congress, the NSA, the lock-step Republicans and religious wingnuts one can only ‘imagine’ the Land of the Free citizens if this law passed.
Just imagine all the times we’ve been mad enough to shoot first and ask questions later in the political forum. Now, imagine Christmas shopping at Walmart..
Please feel free to add your scenarios.
The wild wild West is just around the corner. And hey, if we don’t like a representaives bill being presented on the house floor we could just stand up and “POP” him ..Next!

Here’s a link you can go to to protest this insane piece of legislature