Our outrage continues to rise and get louder. Many of us understand that it is because of this terrific item from Salon
It is a lot like watching a cat or dog chase their tail, while laughing and wondering why do they do that?
The amazing thing is that so many of Bush’s opponents continue to play along. The sheer inability to put on blinders and drive one scandal home, to take it to its ultimate conclusion, is a failing of magnificent proportions. The warrantless spying fiasco is a perfect example. The day the NSA story broke, it should have been the only issue discussed by Democrats and progressive activists, the only one. Day in, day out. No matter if thirty other scandals intervened.
Bush and his team count on the opposition’s lack of focus, joyfully handing them more catnip. Perhaps that explains the ubiquitous and infamous administration smirk, most recently gracing Alberto Gonzales’ face as he humored the Senate Judiciary Committee about breaking the law.
Knowing this, I still get caught up with my angry political emotions. I for one would appreciate a BIG reminder now and then of the real issues that keep fading and mingling with all the Rovian hair-balls.
Perhaps we could have a space on this diary page with the most important ‘outrages’ like these:
White House Knew About Levees Early
McClellan Confronted With Abramoff Emails
Waas’s New Scoop:
Cheney ‘Authorized’ Libby to Leak Classified Information
Chief FISA judge warned about misuse of NSA spy data
House majority leader’s landlord is a lobbyist
Republican Who Oversees N.S.A. Calls for Wiretap Inquiry
Bush’s Budget Tricks
John Dickerson Speaks…And Drops Some Plamegate Bombshells
Bush’s Social Security Sleight of Hand
Tom DeLay to Oversee Justice Department
listed so that we can really work on crossing them off the list.
This is excellent Rosee. I’ve noticed even around here people seem to be at the breaking point.
My biggest fear is that they will push hard enough that one of America’s infamous ‘lone nuts’ will go berserk and do something horrible. I feel it myself, but I am unarmed. That would be the very worst thing for us all – it would really solidify the cult.
I’ll never understand this game.
way to win, in my opinion. I get almost as mad at us and how easy we follow rove around the board while losing site of all the impeachable offenses that Bush has committed.
And the sad part, is I really think it is JUST a (drinking) game to Rove etc. I picture him sitting in his office keeping score singing ‘There, I did it again..”
Hi Alice,
I certainly appreciate your frustration. It took me a long, long time. Finally I found something on the internet that explains these people. They are SOCIOPATHS – Period. This means they are without conscience, morals, or empathy for anyone or anything, but their own selfish needs.
This link was most useful to me after I read it a few times. Each re-read brought me deeper awareness, and a better ability to connect the dots.
Like all bully’s they back down from a REAL fight. So yes, by all means lets PUSH VERY hard! Besides, it might divert them from working on plans to use Nuclear weapons against Iran, and destroy millions of people, instead of a few.
As to the “Lone Nut”, we’ve already had an example with that 18 year old kid, Jacob Robida, going nuts in the gay bar in Massachusetts. If and when I can, I will try and do a diary as to why Faux News had a great deal of responsibility for this.
I totally agree with you. When you look at their behavior in that context, it all becomes clear what we’re dealing with. Scary clear.
It seems like our goals are to win by stealing all of the moral victories from them. Those were renedered useless a long time ago.
IMHO, this administration has been very good about confusion, as it seems, that, on a daily basis is about something or the other that they have done. To me this is why they do the switching from one thing to another constantly.
If given all the investigations in/on this adm. alone could fill a decade of work. It seems that they do nothing right that would require no investigation on what is being done.
They, in fact, are going to do what they want to do no matter what! NO laws or restrictions are going to stop this group of ppl from doing what they are going to do.
When the Democrats stand up, even for a moment, it is not going to last long. It seems that they do this as a showing…and then go on in the ways that is only known inside of the beltway.
[Wishfully thinking,] I would like to wipe out all in congress and start anew. If in fact the oldies want to run again, then they must say why they want to run. I would get away from K street totally. I would say that if someone has something they want to have issue taken, it would be up to a group of individuals to do it not paid lobbyists. I would say to get elected it would have to be on merit not money they are elected or decided to run.
I would see that they elected officials stayed on the job until maybe one month for vacation, otherwise they would have to stay in DC and work. I have to work, so why don’t they!
I would see equal representation on committees! Plain and simple! no one party should have more than the other.
There has to be assuredness of the check and balance of our government!!!! NO one party has the right to do otherwise to us. When rules are set to do things, they must be followed by, by everyone. What rove and the government of today has done to America is just plain outright wrong. I want to see all of them prosecuted for the wrongs they have done. I want to see them in jail for more than a month or two. For some I want to see life sentences.
Maybe I have not addressed the issue at hand, but yes they are wrong for doing what they have done.
Brenda – You have absolutely addressed the issue, and I know you speak for me, and probably many, many of us!