That’s right establishment Democrats, both politicians and consultants. Time to call a spade a spade. Republicans are liars. Not misinformed. Not misleading the public. Not omitting to tell all the relevant facts. Not spinning. Not reading from a script of prepared talking points. Not parsing words.
Pure and simple, Republicans are LIARS.
Got it? When you appear on television, or on radio, don’t hesitate to use the word that best describes what Republicans are doing: LYING. Trust me, it’s easy once you get started. Here, let me get you going with a just brief list of some of their whoppers:
(Steven D’s handy dandy list of “LIES THE GOP TOLD YOU” follows below the fold)
They lied about not taking bribes.
They lied about who outed CIA operative, Valerie Plame Wilson, to the Press.
They lied about the intelligence they used to justify the War in Iraq.
They lied about President Bush’s meetings with confessed criminal, Jack Abramoff.
They lied about how much the Medicare Prescription plan was going to cost taxpayers.
They lied about spying on American citizens without first obtaining warrants.
They lied about the air quality in and around the World Trade Center after the collapse of the towers.
They lied about the “K Street Project.”
They lied about the revenue enhancing benefits of Bush’s tax cuts.
They lied about Terry Schiavo’s condition.
They lied about Michael Schiavo’s alleged abuse of his wife, Terry.
They lied about when they knew the levees had broken in New Orleans.
They lied about Bush’s record of creating new jobs for the economy.
They lied when they said we’d be greeted as liberators by the Iraqi people.
They lied when they said Saddam had close ties with Al Qaida.
They lied when they said Iraq had sought to buy 500 tons of raw uranium from Niger.
They lied about the danger to Social Security if we didn’t adopt Bush’s plan for “personal” accounts.
They lied about John Kerry’s service in Vietnam.
They lied about Max Cleland’s patriotism.
They lied about the reality of Global Warming.
They lied about their attempts to silence government scientists from speaking out.
They lied about Jeff Gannon’s “special relationship” with the White House.
They lied when they claimed the Abramoff scandal was a “bi-partisan” issue.
They lied when they said the Senate Intelligence Committee would hold hearings on how intelligence about Iraq was misused by the administration in the runup to the war.
They lied when they said we don’t do torture.
They lied when they said they support the troops.
And Democratic Party regulars, rest assured these are far from all the lies Republicans have told over the course of the last few years. I’m sure you can find a lot more if you bother to look for them. In fact, I bet you probably already know a bunch more I haven’t mentioned here. Just don’t be afraid to call them what they are: LIES told by REPUBLICAN LIARS.
Because in this case, the truth won’t hurt you.
That was the best frickin Rant I have read in a long time. You not only go them the one two punch you came back with the devasting blow…The F’ing Truth! Liars is putting it mildly! They are treasonous traitors that leak national Security papers.They are warmongering prifiteering corrupt criminals that should be left to dry at Gitmo for their crimes against humanity!
And the biggest lie was: I will restpre honor and dignity to the White House.
I am sick and tiered of reading their lips!
How do you know when a Republican is lying?
His or her lips are moving.
That was the # 1 lesson I learned from daddy Bulshit 🙂
Monday’s hunting trip to Pennsylvania by Vice President Dick Cheney in which he reportedly shot more than 70 stocked pheasants and an unknown number of mallard ducks at an exclusive private club places a spotlight on an increasingly popular and deplorable form of hunting, in which birds are pen-reared and released to be shot in large numbers by patrons. The ethics of these hunts are called into question by rank-and-file sportsmen, who hunt animals in their native habitat and do not shoot confined or pen-raised animals that cannot escape.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported today that 500 farm-raised pheasants were released yesterday morning at the Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier Township for the benefit of Cheney’s 10-person hunting party. The group killed at least 417 of the birds, illustrating the unsporting nature of canned hunts. The party also shot an unknown number of captive mallards in the afternoon.
“This wasn’t a hunting ground. It was an open-air abattoir, and the vice president should be ashamed to have patronized this operation and then slaughtered so many animals,” states Wayne Pacelle, a senior vice president of The Humane Society of the United States. “If the Vice President and his friends wanted to sharpen their shooting skills, they could have shot skeet or clay, not resorted to the slaughter of more than 400 creatures planted right in front of them as animated targets.”
Disgusting! No real hunter would go to such a place. But, what else would you expect from a five-deferment dick.
Yeah. I’m kind of ambiguous in my feeling about hunting and hunters, but I’ve known several who know and care about the animals and the environment that supports them. They also take the idea of “sport” seriously. Cheney’s love for essentially shooting fish in a barrel must appall real hunters as much as it does animal-rights folks. This is the kind of thing that really lifts the curtain on what kind of alleged person Cheney is.
The victim was peppered with buckshot, apparently from his face to his crotch. Wow — what sportsmen these guys are — they need a yard-wide rain of shot to bring down a little bird, no aiming, no skill required. What a bunch of heroes we have making life or death decisions for us all.
room doctor earlier who was talking as if this happens all the time. I guess these jokers shoot each other on a regular basis.
Janet, tell me he did not actually go “bird hunting” Two days after he shot a hunting buddy of his?! If by Monday, you mean today, this is just over the top!
Imagine, if you will, a farm. A farm where the owners stock Republican Vice Presidents who are assholes. (a data set of one). Imagine further that the owners of this farm are quail, pheasants and assorted birds (kind of a George Orwell type farm). And finally imagine with unrestrained joy that the purpose of this farm is to let the Vice President run through a shoot, above which are many bird perches with many bird asses taking many bird shits on this shithead’s head.
Now, dammit, admit that life is good.
We’re all tired of our ‘representatives’ acting delicate about the things that really matter to us. They’ve been pussyfooting around like it’s an audition for tv anchorman.
Whose language is it anyway? Let’s reclaim our native English.
why are dem leaders afraid to use the word liars?
ps – anytime you hear the word “categorically” as in “i categorically deny i put my pubic hair on her coke can”, the person is lying.
Yeah, but would “non-toxic panties” sell?
for a highly useful ammo box. My only hope is that Dems are biding their time in pulling out the L word, waiting for unspinnable evidence. I’m not sure that’s a bad strategy, if that’s what it is, and not just more going along to get along.
What bothers me more is the craven complicity of the media, who have a very real responsibility to call a lie a lie, and back that up with fact and investigation. Disappointed as I perpetually am by the national Dems, I think now, with Dean really stepping up, we have to rally around him against the inevitable trashing that’s sure to follow. And try to run primary opponents against Dem candidates who insist on pretending that all we got here is a problem with communication.
Minor quibble: they are fucking liars.
You read my troubled mind from last night as I was trying to fall asleep! HOW can the people who did vote for him not see the sum of all these parts?
pudentilla, over on my blog skippy, set up two great memes suitable for framing:
(meme #1 courtesy of ned lamont, lieberman’s biggest nightmare.)