…Because I got here first…
About The Author
Knoxville Progressive
47, an environmental scientist, Italian-American, married, 2 sons, originally a Catholic from Philly, now a Taoist ecophilosopher in the South due to job transfer. Enjoy jazz, hockey, good food and hikes in the woods.
Amid a growing outcry, NOAA backed away from a statement it released after last year’s powerful hurricane season that discounted any link to global warming. (Sorry, the story is in the Wall Street Journal’s paying-customer section). Meanwhile, the scope of political pressure applied to NASA scientists to “toe the party line” grows, with new revelations of suppression in connection with the 2004 election. (At what point can we add this scandal to the list of grounds for impeachment, huh?)
Plants around the world are using water much more efficiently, thanks to increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The effect is so pronounced, says a new study, that it is massively increasing river flows and raising the risks of flooding. “We think it has added about 2000 cubic kilometres to annual global runoff, which is a pretty big deal,” says Nicola Gedney of the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Exeter, UK, who led the study.
The “No Shit, Sherlock” Department submits this for your consideration: High energy prices should spur investment in alternative energy sources and induce conservation over the long term, but they make the economy vulnerable in the near term, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday.
Astronomers have found a giant electrical storm on Saturn, larger than the continental United States, in which the lightning bolts are more than 1,000 times stronger than conventional lightning — the strongest of its kind ever seen.
EPA’s Science advisory Board voted unanimously Wednesday to approve a recommendation that a chemical used in the manufacture of Teflon and other nonstick and stain-resistant products should be considered a likely carcinogen.
China announced a plan Wednesday to combat widespread pollution and leave a better environment for future generations, citing the need to stave off possible social instability. The plan, approved by the State Council, or Cabinet, focuses on pollution controls and calls for the country to clean up heavily polluted regions and reverse degradation of water, air and land by 2010.
Toxic cane toads are spreading out across Australia, evolving into a faster-moving form as they go. The toads were introduced 70 years ago to control pests, but have since wrought havoc on indigenous animals. They kill snakes, lizards, water birds – even crocodiles and dingos. When harassed they secrete poison carried in two sacs behind the head which is lethal to a potential predator within minutes of being ingested.
Global heating report du jour #1: Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study reports that polar ice is melting at a rate of about 74,000 square kilometres each year – an area about the size of Lake Superior – and has been for the last 30 years. The researchers indicate that the time to prevent any change in the arctic is long past: “If we wanted to really change things to avoid the bulk of the impacts of climate change, we would have to totally change our way of life tomorrow,” said Fortier [a researcher from Quebec]. “We’d have to stop using our cars and reduce (greenhouse gas) emissions by 60 to 80 per cent, which would obviously create major problems.”
Global heating report du jour #2: Factoring in effects on soil bacteria and additional information of the effects of climate change on plants, scientists now say global warming will progress faster than expected, saying the average global temperature in 2100 will be 0.1 C to 1.5 C higher than current estimates that the average global temperature in 2100 will be 1.4 C to 5.8 C higher than in 1990.
…And on that cheery note, we bid you Good Night and Good Luck…
And I was all ready to go too…but locked out! 🙁
The potential downside of national healthcare: Guardian
One of the sad things with this case is that Herceptin will likely be approved for use in early breast cancer in July of this year. In the meantime, this poor woman has to fight for treatment.
Ken Deffeyes claims that we hit Peak Oil in mid-December. His analysis seems good but, as usual, his examination of the alternatives is mind-bogglingly stupid, and his solutions seem intentionally insipid. Palm oil biodiesel? Does he want to destroy the rest of our habitat, or is he just an idiot? Abandon nuclear power? Rely on coal-based fuels? Diesel cars?
In another stunning demonstration of the effectiveness of unregulated markets, the RIAA is now claiming that it’s “permission”, or withholding thereof, trumps copyright law.
Is Deffeyes the one who was predicting Thanksgiving 2005 for Peak Oil?
The last sentence in the copyright story was also interesting: P.S.: The same filing also had this to say: “Similarly, creating a back-up copy of a music CD is not a non-infringing use…”
Very interesting, as back-up copies are (IIRC) explicitly protected in law as “fair use”.
Rice asks for money to spread dissent: NYT
Interesting way to spread democracy. Guess election results only count if the US approves the winners.
Michael Jackson’s wife win’s big appellate victory in child custody dispute.
Now it will head back to the lower courts to determine what is in the best interest of the children.
Neither of those parents is any prize, IMO.
It’s the kind of news that Boran2 likes. Gotta give the public what they want.
News for maryb and other chocoholics — you’ve got an excuse:
Full story
This is a jaw-popper.
Thinkprogress caught this tidbit in DHS Secretary, Michael Chertoff’s interview on the PBS Newshour. He was asked what were some of the major problems leading to the poor response to Katrina.
Thinkprogress cites a revealing Newseek item why Chertoff was struggling:
Neither Chertoff or Rummy use e-mail. Really!
How about a plain old ’60s rotary phone? Or maybe a look on TV or the papers – doing wall to wall coverage. Maybe a call to the National Hurricane Center after landfall, a call to your minions?
Given all the heads-up, this pig won’t fly.
Read the piece “Undeliverable”