The Times of London has an amazing editorial today. Everyone should read it and send it all their relatives. Here’s a teaser:
For George Bush and Blair to demand a “long war” against Bin Laden and, by implication, a long suppression of civil liberty is ludicrous. Western civilisation is not some simpering weakling that cowers before a fanatic’s might, pleading for leaders to protect it by all means, however illegal. It has been proof against Islamic expansionism since the 17th century. It is not at risk.
The American president and the British prime minister have spent half a decade exploiting Bin Laden for political ends, in thrall to their security/industrial complex.
Remember when American newspapers published the unvarnished truth?
Yeah, me neither.
It is great to hear/read words like this being published. It is just the they way he states too. It is actually that simple to see. This is why the patriot act is nonfunctional as is written. So now what? We know the diagnosis, what is the treatment? If not treated and soon it will die a miserable and agonizing death. Is it too late for revival of the last breath and heartbeat of suvival for us all? This was written with everything that is wrong all in one article. It is actually that simple. Thank you for bringing it for us to review.
I like the lines just before your “teaser”:
George Bush’s presidency was going down the toilet on 9/10/01 and 9/11 temporarily saved it – it’s time to kick this crutch out from under him. Not easy though, fear is the most powerful of all propaganda tools.
Great piece. This is one of the main “money quotes” for me.
Reagan’s Period 1980 thru 1988 —
Created George W. Bush as leader and savior with theme —
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Have been written at Any time shortly after 9/11 and Made the same Common Sense, look what’s been Lost Since!!
Great Catch and it’s Traveling Right Now, Far and Wide!!
Photoshop cartoons on page 37 – Bijvoegsel
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“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
But ya gotta see the headline:
Bush and Blair have brilliantly done Bin Laden’s work for him
I’ve been preaching this for a while now, as have others in America, only to be met with disbelief and dismissal. Maybe somebody will get it that the Times is being literal, not rhetorical. Maybe somebody will notice that Britain is still, despite everything, a free country, and will wonder what we are.
A practical proposal for those who still care: print this out, make 500 copies and paste them to fences, leave them in waiting rooms, put them in church hymnals, trains, cabs, meeting rooms, offices, stores, theaters — your imagination is the limit. The redder the venues the better. If 1000 people did this, as many as 2 million Americans might get the chance to see with clean new eyes.
Cheney on Meet the Press, the Sunday after 9/11:
A war that will not end in our lifetimes
In between all the lies & obfuscations, these people have also been remarkably direct at times regarding their intentions. It’s the sheer audacious scope of their project that rational minds want to deny.
Encouraging as it is to read forthright editorials like this, I’m afraid they’re only playing catch-up as twe get caught up once again in the fear-mongering demonization game vis a vis Iran.
First strike use of nuclear weapons, a demonstration to the world of don’t mess with us ala Hiroshima/Nagasaki, prepared for since the Clinton administration with the Pentagon hawks eager to get tactical nukes in play & on display.
Lennon’s Imagine playing as the camera pans across young faces from around the world.
Who knew?
In that the London Times is a Murdock property, it makes the editorial more of import.
But what’s with everybody on bin Laden within the last 2 weeks? Lots of questions being asked by scholars, here on the most recent “fake” tape and here from a Virginia-based defense analyst who asked a half-dozen questions about 9/11 they don’t want you to ask.
Is he dead, but no funeral because he’s a convenient bogeyman?
One needs to remember as well that the Times (nb just the Times not the London Times) is relatively right wing by British Standards and is owned by Murdoch’s NewsCorp which also owns Fox.
However Simon Jenkins is frequently seen writing in the Guardian. I was surprised to see him in the Times.