First, thanks for the link, BooMan…

Second, I didn’t start this bs fight, but I’m more than happy to defend myself…

So… if I must explain to the witless imbeciles that didn’t get the point of the Rush call (I know…  “witless imbeciles” is redundant…  but I used it for effect – because never was effect more sorely appropriate)…  well, here ya are…

A large percentage of Rush’s listening base is composed of people that would self-identify as “evangelical Christains”.  I grew up in a time when the “Moonies” were an organization that was feared – people were being seduced into the cult and turning their backs on their families.  The Reverend Moon has called himself the returning messiah…

How do you think rabid proponents of the ten commandments, specifically “Thou shalt have no God before me,” feel about a Republican Party mouthpeice being funded by a cult leader?

Oh…  by the fucking way…  when I’m talking to Rush, I’m talking to about 3-4 million of his listeners at the same time.  Most of his listeners are not what you would call card carrying democrats.  In other words, I’m not spending my time preaching to the converted – instead, I’m doing missionary work amongst the heathens…

so keep up your petty and uninformed sniping all you want.  maybe you’d like to start your own blog about the great work you are doing to further progressive causes.

In the mean time, I’m gonna keep on keeping on…