Froggy Bottom Cafe – Slacking in the Sun
Come on in, the water’s warm!
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Don’t forget the sunscreen or wide-brimmed hat
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(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Who’s bringing the blender drinks?
Ooh! Pick me! Pick me! π
too bad I have to head to class now… π
Oh, darnit! I was making a special appeal to your blenderizing skills. I’ll still be here slacking off when you get back.
Perfect theme since I was just going to jump in the shower. Now I won’t feel out of place being all wet.
Well the sun is hot out here, you’ll dry in a hurry.
here’s a hot towel!
Thanks, nothing like a hot towel when you get out of the water. Brrrr.
or someone hot to towel you off. LOL
(looking around in all directions)
but I don’t see anybody that fits the bill
I told you not to open the basement door.
Thanks for reminding me. I should have looked lower.
Wow, Bill must be hard to live up to.
What a great idea! I could use one of those, it was literally freezing when I woke up this morning. Not usual for this neck of the woods, and my teensy tiny space heater doesn’t help much!
Golf, anyone? Just kidding, it seems like the dumbest sport in the world to me!
I have to agree. It is even dumber than curling. LOL
What’s curling, anyway? I see it advertised on the Olympics schedule and I don’t have a clue what it is. Uh… Must be a winter sport. Anything to do with hair?
sweeping ice LOL and boring sort of like ice shuffle board
Curling is actually pretty cool and fun to watch. They slide a 40-lb polished stone down the ice and try to get it in the target area, or knock the other guy’s out to score points. Think darts on ice. Or shuffleboard.
It beats baseball and golf all to heck. LOL
Very nicely done site with animated examples here
described curling as “a combination of bowling, shuffleboard and cleaning out your garage.” Best description I’ve ever heard…
I still maintain that any sport that features men sweeping is a sport to be supported.
You will notice no men are commenting on that :).
You got that right.
no I had stepped away. The women’s curling was scary. Tough looking women with a 40 lb rock and brooms in their hands does not make for good sport. If I wanted to see that I could knock on a redneck neighbor’s door. LOL
You don’t live in my neighborhood do you?
LOL do you live in Redneck oops Round Rock, Texas?
Nope. In the middle of red neck Alabama, but there does seem to be similarities
I think it’s just country life — you could find the same thing here in southern Indiana.
Here in Missouri we refer to red necks as hoosiers.
Sweetie, we withstood years of being expertly worked over by Mike Royko; insults from a bunch of people who don’t believe in things they can’t see isn’t going to bother us a bit.
No, I’m not kidding. In Missouri we refer to rednecks as hoosiers. I don’t know why. But we do.
Because it’s an insult. Like kentucky jokes.
still don’t know why. I mean its not like we dislike people from Indiana or even have that strong of a connection with Indiana. So it must be something else.
It’s an association like welsh on a bet or dutch treat.
I tend to agree with you on that. People in the country don’t come into contact with that many diffent types of people, so their view is pretty one sided. Not saying that all country people are one sided, just that what they’re used to is what they’re used to.
I like curling. There’s more strategy and skill to it than you might suspect.
Golf, on the other hand, is boring as all getout. The only good thing about golf is the golf stories and jokes.
and isn’t it the rule that the winners buy the beer?
I wouldn’t know. I’m afraid my next-door neighbor ruined the game for me when I was about 5 or so. I was just out in the back yard batting a golf-sized whiffle ball around with a 2×4, and he insisted that this was a manifestation that I was interested in golf and he (an avid golfer) was going to teach me how it was done. After some hands-on instruction involving probably about a 9-iron and said practice ball, I wanted nothing so much as to get back in the house and having nothing to do with it.
Not that I disliked him or anything, I just didn’t want to be told I had to have fun this particular way.
I meant curling, not golf.
I feel quite sure that the losers buy the beers in golf.
From the golfers I’ve known, you buy the beer before, during, and after the game.
Now for curling – I’m watching the women’s curling. Is it me or are they better sweepers then men :)?
I know a couple of boys in my house who would kill to golf in that very spot.
Would they knock a few heads together? If so, I can get them started right away.
okay must be a lot hotter where you are than here. I am thinking coffee drinks. LOL
Just got back from my lunch date and my fellow blogger from mlw t=urned out to be a total sweetie. It was like spending time with a good friend I had not seen in a long time. Her son Kyle( god, I hope I have his name right) was as cute as he coould be and a perfect angel. I am sure we will be metting again soon to continye developing what could be a fabulous friendship.
It’s all in the mind, refinish69.
Glad your lunch partner turned out to be cool. I haven’t really had the nerve to meet anyone in person yet.
yeah amd mine says it is cold as hell and I want coffee with B&B on the side. LOL
I’m through working for the day and now it’s beach time. Somebody come and kick me when I turn lobster red, or when a new batch of blender drinks are ready.
I knew I smelled something cooking! Don’t worry, no one will let you burn.
Hey, I found you a nice machine and look, it’ll do both both hot and cold.
Ooooh, marshmallows! Now we’re talking.
me too, me too!
It’s been so long since I’ve had a blender drink, does anyone have any suggestions?
grape dacguerie(sp)
The last time I had something with grape in it was a college party. It was a mixture of everything with everclear as the kicker. Needless to say, grape has not been my favorite since then.
PJ also known as Purple Jesus. LOL
I would say those were the good old day, but after that – no way :).
Just the thing for a wintery day with the a big wind blowing over Lake Erie. Or a 60° February day in a hammock in NC.
Thank you!!!!!
Artwork for the walls, I think.
Dang Frankie was cute back in the day
He never moved me so we won’t have to compete over him. By the time this movie came out, I already was already seriously absorbed with Jean-Paul Belmondo.
Brava! Good for you, Andi. Formidable!
Even Alain Delon held a rougher appeal, iirc. Avelon was toothpaste.
Me, I believe it was at about that time that I was taken to my first film, ‘One Million Years BC’. Raquel Welch in a fur bikini changed me forever (or perhaps she just brought certain things into my consciousness).
each to hos own. I have always like the guy next door cute as opposed to the model or so called rugged look.
Yep, whatever floats yer boat. I can see the appeal on both ends. ‘Course, these days I’m most attracted to things like moss-covered rocks & old logs π
It’s really nice when these work out so well and we don’t have to worry about competing with each other. π
I’ve always found certain women very physically appealing but we won’t be fighting over Welch, either. π Have you ever seen the French actress Irene Jacob?
I recognize beauty in a woman. Sophia Lauren and Raquel Welch are two of the most beautiful women in the world. They look good no matter how they are dressed or what type of character they are playing.
Are they still working? (See my post below; I have no idea.)
I haven’t seen anything laetly but raquel has been doing stage work
Raquel Welch is still active and was in an excellent film called Tortilla Soup (which is a Hispanic take on the Chinese movie Eat Drink Man Woman). I actually think she has gotten more attractive as she’s aged.
Sophia Loren is still working too but I haven’t seen her in anything.
Catherine Deneuve is still working and she’s still absolutely gorgeous.
Excellent — wonderful to know there are worthy parts still created for older women.
Thanks for the show-biz update — as I say, I’m ‘in the wilderness’ in more ways than one.
I doubt it; I haven’t seen a new film since about 1992 π
Thankfully, I grew out of Raquel Welch very early & she eventually just seemed tacky.
in terms of my personal groove, which evolved in a rather twisted manner.)
Just had a look at her. I commend your taste! She’s very attractive. No teeny-bopper, either.
Ah well. Off to the scullery I go, for more appropriate forms of thought π
Once again: many, many thanks for the beautiful beach images above! Ahhh, the ocean breeze, refreshing spray, the sound of the waves, feet buried in warm sand ..
Yes, I’m trying (as the mercury plummets, evening chill creeps in & the cats emerge into the warmer room from their private den in the rear). Time to re-invigorate the fire!
At least we’ve got the ‘blanket’ part taken care of.
a pillow and a slacker dog to keep you warm.
How sweet of you! Puppy warmth!
That’s happiness (says Lucy Van Pelt).
I see your dog goes under the covers and pillows just like mine does. LOL