Sent to me by Susan T in Michigan, who found it on a DU discussion. The file’s name is “AWOL_Fratboy_POS.”
Susan T wonders if Bush is looking more and more like Mussolini. (Is that fair to Mussolini?)
Update [2006-2-22 20:0:48 by susanhu]: By popular acclaim, Military Tracy’s moniker of “Benito Veto” is what we’ll call him.
Benito Veto is fabulous! Let’s spread it far and wide.
P.S. Are we going to blog The Sopranos on Sunday nights? March … 11, 12? Somethin’ like that.
Of course we are blogging the Sopranos. My family says that they don’t want me to watch this season, that it is too violent and it isn’t good for me. How else am I supposed to understand politics though I ask you? I have been watching the reruns making sure I am 100% Soprano up to date!
Uhoh. I haven’t been faithful about watching reruns. You’ll have to help the rest of us.
One thing: I am going to avoid reading ALL reviews on the new season because those bastahds in duh papers always give half the damn plot away.
Because we have nicknamed one of the puppies Vittorio and not all Vitto’s are in the MOB.
Do you roll the R when you call him?
Any of them named Tony or Pussy?
and of course Darwin’s name stuck. Then we have Vittorio and my daughter picked out all German names for the girls that mean something tough. We have Caden, Erika, Leonie, Madison…..and the very small puppy who I now understand to be premature is called Zalzie after my daughter’s friend who probably the most American person I know. She is ethnically Egyptian……100% Egyptian, but both of her parents grew up in Canada and are “French Canadian” and her mother cusses like a sailor in perfect French….then they moved to America and had Americans, Oh and by the way….they are Catholics! Now label that shit yah rednecks! Anyhow Zalzie the girl is a bitty thing but she is also the first person to get my daughter stoned. Zalzie’s parents don’t know what “stoned” looks like……too bad for my daughter though that I do. Zalzie the puppy’s ears opened a full week later than her litter mates and “bitches” ovulate more then once during a heat so I now know that Zalzie is premature and so probably was her sister that I lost. If your name is close to one of my dogs name’s and you are kind of a close friend….I didn’t name a dog after you and I can’t help it if your parent’s named you a cool German name that means Woman Warrior!
Actually…he is looking more and more like Lawrence Welk.
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Conductor, TV Personality
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Big band leader and TV champaign music host
Benevolent & Protective Order of the Elks
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
German Ancestry
Author of books:
Wunnerful! Wunnerful!
My America, Your America
My Musical Family Album
A lot like ol’ Lawrence himself. Minus the joie de vivre, of course.
And with Barbara as the mother, that would be entirely understandable.
I wonder…
P.S. Or maybe it’s just the haircut…
Hey, Arthur. Those images are huge in byte size. They took a bit to load, and I’m on DSL. Our dial-up users will have a rougher time. Can you resize the images in Photoshop, and then save them “For Web Format”? Thanks.
I don’t have Photoshop. I resized them when I sent them to Image Shack, which has a “resize image” 320X240 for websites and email option.
Not enough?
Just delete the whole thing if you want.
It was only a little joke…
Well that was great you did that.
I’ll download them, and check their actual byte size.
P.S. My grandmother loved the Lawrence Welk show. She knew every detail about the Lennon Sisters and all the rest.
No offense, but…I’ll bet your grandmother woulkd have LOVED Butchie Boy, too.
I had grandparents who loved the Welk show, too.
When they were in their 50s.
Prematurely dead.
The same people…the ones who absolutelly positively cannot swing…have been weaned from Welk-ish pursuits and made into the core group that votes for BushCo.
Reagan was their first Welk substitute. I will never forget seeing Ronnie and Nancy up front at a TV special “celebrating gospel music” in DC. (Black gospel music, of course, because they already HAD the white gospel music vote.)
I tuned in somewhere near the end. They had assembled all the gospel choirs and soloists on stage and the joint was ROCKIN’!!! Now I play in black churches quite often…there’s usually a horn section in the bigger ones…and I know first hand and up close how powerful that kind of burn can be. It is among the most powerful rhythmic experiences available on the planet when it is really happenning, and these singers and musicians were the best of the best.
The camera panned around the theater, and the whole audience was on their feet, swaying and finger popping. Hands clappping, that divine look on their faces that happens when an irresistible rhythmic force descends upon you.
White AND black.
And then the camera came down to the front. Nancy was at least clapping her poor weak little hands on the proper offbeats.
But Ronnie?
Ronnie couldn’t have found the beat if someone had shoved a cattle prod up his ass and was touching it off on 2 and 4. He had that idiot look on his face that got him elected twice and he did not have a CLUE!!! This was almost a superhuman feat, given the circumstances. For ANYONE to be that square, that physically disconnected from the reality of the moment…inconceivable.
But there it was.
Epiphany time.
They meant to disassociate the people from any sort of real passion.
And Ronnie was their vehicle.
Now W.
I wonder…
Does the “W” stand for in Butchie’s name…Welk!!!???
Doesn’t the background look like he’s on the Dating Game? (ick) What a freakin’ booby prize THAT would be.
“I enjoy …”
The A, B, and C of that sentence is an open thread in itself.
The mask has fallen off. We can read so much malice in his face.
I’m reading a report by the great essayist Louis Lapham, ed. of Harper’s on why Bush should be impeached. He calls him a thief, a liar, a squanderer and a televangelist.
It’s not online yet. I’ll try to diary it later.
Lewis Lapham calling Bush a thief, liar, wastrel and televangelist -” in a word, a criminal.”
Likely no one will read it, like hardly anyone read Conyers’ excellent December resolution to investigate Bush’s crimes.
Possibly — but Benito had a better tailor.
I, in my line of profession, try to see what makes him tick. He is thumbing his nose at all of us! He is like that little boy who is bulling the school yard or in his early years of college when he was just so damn mischevious…remember then? :o) Anyhow this is his only way of being the only person he knows how to be. His rhetoric and bodymovements/language is telling it all. This man is truly disturbed and can not face up to anything he has to face up to except being misbehaving. He is determined to make others tow the line and do what he says. He is that total giant that rules over all. He really does think he is God. He feels everyone else is truly below him not only in status but in all standing on earth. I guess I have been reading to much on psychoanalysis of this man..:o) Anyhow he is feces in everyone elses mind and he knows it. He has never had to deal with decent or anyone who will talk back to him. He has gotten his way always and manipulates everyone and everything around him to get the job down
He is truly an ugly man inside and out..
I suppose you’ve all seen this … i got it in an e-mail today:
George Bush goes to a primary school to talk about the war. After his talk he offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand and George asks him what his name is. “Billy.” “And what is your question, Billy?”
“I have 3 questions.
First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes?
And third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?”
Just then the bell rings for recess. George Bush informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess.
When they resume George says, “OK, where were we? Oh that’s right —question time. Who has a question?” Another little boy puts up his hand.
George points him out and asks him what his name is. “Steve” “And what is your question, Steve?”
“I have 5 questions.
First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes?
Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?
Fourth, why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early?
And fifth, what happened to Billy?”
I’m thinking he’s starting to look more and more like his mother of the beautiful mind.
I used to think he’s closer to his dad in terms of looks but as he continues in office, I see his mom in his facial expressions.
Now, what does that mean?
Your comment makes me think of the original Psycho (1960-whatever). The final shot of Perkins very briefly has a skull overlaid on his face.
So asterisks mean bold, huh?
I didn’t not know that. Weird. Wild.
Hmmmm. Yes. Interesting….