It took some time for Bush’s allies (the proponents of limitless globalization and permawar) to get over the shock of DubaiGate, but they are up and running today. David Ignatius calls Bush’s critics racist and says that we should get used to foreigners owning our ports, hell…we should expect the Chinese to own Yellowstone Park anyday now. Charles Krauthammer accuses the Democrats of rank hypocrisy (also known as: insufficiently consistent racism). He wishes we didn’t have these tricky problems and pines for the days of the British Empire when shipping magnates weren’t Arabs but passed the time:
serving afternoon tea and crumpets on some immaculate Jewel-in-the-Crown cricket pitch in Ceylon.
Krauthammer thinks the deal is an unnecessary security risk but that it is too late to reverse because it:
would cause too much damage to our relations with moderate Arab states.
And then there is the unsigned WP editorial.
the president’s job description does not include taking a personal interest in decisions about whether foreign companies based in countries that are America’s allies should be allowed to purchase other foreign companies that are based in countries that are America’s allies. This is particularly the case when such purchases do not have any discernible impact on American security whatsoever.
Never mind that Krauthammer thinks it poses a security risk, the Board solves that problem with a wave of the hand.
While the Washington Post beats back attacks on the President’s lack of engagement and criticism of all aspects of these contracts with DP World, the corporation has wisely sought compromise.
Dubai Ports World has agreed to postpone its plans to take over management of six U.S. ports after the proposal ignited harsh bipartisan criticism on Capitol Hill.
Essentially they will leave the port manangement in the hands of the Brits while Bush, the Washington Post, Bob Dole and Madeleine Albright all do their magic on Congress and the Cable News Channels.
This is all political theatre of the worst kind. Virtually no one is telling the truth. David Ignatius came the closest when he wrote:
“Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”
Oh wait…that was Mark Twain. I mean, when Ignatius said this:
The real absurdity here is that Congress doesn’t seem to realize that an Arab-owned company’s management of America’s ports is just a taste of what is coming. Greater foreign ownership of U.S. assets is an inevitable consequence of the reckless tax-cutting, deficit-ballooning fiscal policies that Congress and the White House have pursued.
The best quick analysis I’ve seen of the fiscal squeeze comes from New York University professor Nouriel Roubini, in his useful online survey of economic information, He notes that with the U.S. current account deficit running at about $900 billion in 2006, “in a matter of a few years foreigners may end up owning most of the U.S. capital stocks: ports, factories, corporations, land, real estate and even our national parks.”
So, for Ignatius the problem is not with this business deal, the problem is the we are fucking broke (which is another way of saying we should raise goddamn taxes and cut goddamn spending). That’s as close to the truth as we’re gonna come on this issue.
The real debate would be over whether we want to nationalize our port management and have, say, the Coast Guard or Customs do what DP World does. If not, we might deny to contract to DP World on the grounds that they are a state owned business. But American’s should be clear that the contract will then most likely go to a Singapore firm. And I’m not sure that is going to satisfy the public on the whole sovereignty and security thing.
This whole spectacle bring to mind a little Roger Waters’ lyric:
Big man, pig man, ha-ha, charade you are
You well heeled big wheel, ha-ha, charade you are
And when your hand is on your heart
You’re nearly a good laugh, almost a joker
With your head down in the pig bin saying “keep on digging”
Pig stain on your fat chin
What do you hope to find, down in the pig mine?
You’re nearly a laugh
You’re nearly a laugh, but you’re really a cry
-Pigs, Three Different Ones
Idiot tools.
Moronic gits.
Flatulent fools.
A bunch of dimwits.
What’s the word on this important factor in the deal?
It seems like this would be a good time to have sensible public discussions on that subject. A consistent position on the subject from the admin would be a good start.
The bottom line is that the election of a Hamas parliament is an enormous humilation for Bush and they are not willing to accept it merely for the sake of intellectual consistency. They are not even trying to resort to covert means to change the situation. They are openly lobbying against the government they worked hard to elect. That is because they got the wrong government.
Being openly snubbed on the issue isn’t helping matters either. The only thing I will give BushCo. credit for is that they are being fairly open about their hypocrisy. That didn’t keep Bush from saying that freedom is on the march in Palestine in his speech today. But, with this group hyposcisy is always on a sliding scale.
But all of that is acceptable to get this deal to go through? The subject of racism as a tool goes right to the heart of this. How can the Democrats not bring this up as an issue to push for a realisitic compromise?
I don’t really see this as a problem of racism. It’s a problem of fear and denial.
We have been scared to death of dirty bombs and so forth, and we are conditioned to fear Islamic radicals. The UAE has connections to both of these fears.
Add in an insult to our pride in not owning our own ports, and a heightened awareness of this fact, and you get hysteria.
People should not be shocked that Voodoo Economics and fearmongering have consequences.
Are you making the argument of why the deal should not go through? From your other comments, I had the impression you were in favor of the UAE deal and their limited control of 21 terminals.
no. I think it is an unnecessary security risk. But I also think that we can’t reject DP World on the basis that they are foreign, or that they are our enemies…
Maybe we can object on the grounds that they are a state-owned business. But they bought P&O fair and square and they negotiated with the administration before finalizing their bid, and it is just unfair to screw them and hand over the business to their competitors. That is not how capitalism is supposed to work and it fuck things up rather badly.
So, either we let them have the contracts or we nationalize the ports. But we can’t just screw the shareholders of DP World.
This might have very little to do with capitalism. If the entire deal was a backroom negotiation to avoid fair tax accountability by major investors, would it still be unfair to them to deny the deal? I think there’s a good chance the dealers have something to hide if they don’t want an open discussion about it.
There are many legitimate reasons and issues that have a bearing on this but fairness to DPW need not be too high on the list. When they get to this point, if a deal is only ‘fair’ to them, they won’t take it. It has to have potential for huge returns.
One legitimate issues that should be discussed is racism, but not against the DPW investors or the UAE families. The racism of denying and prosecuting anyone remotely associated to Hamas but then making the exception only for the DPW-UAE-US deal. I don’t support violence and I think Israel should be recognized and I also think a peaceful compromise can and must be found.
If the UAE-DPW deal goes through then the admin should admit that they are insincere in dealing with those related issues of terror threats and multi-purpose humanitarian organizations. Democrats should step up present a reasonable, honest compromise to show that it can be done.
Don’t pigs quit eating when their bellies are stretched full to the max? If so, these lyrics are not fair to pigs.
BooMan, this is totally hilarious … I know it’s serious too but you had me in stitches.
you’d better c-post this one. it’s a keepr. i think even bob johnson’s dog rex would approve.
Now available in orange.
I went over to rec you; but unfortunately I liked the diary right below yours better.
Don’t worry, I rec’d them both 😉
“Hearts and minds, bitches; hearts and minds.”
By the way, spread around “DP World” if you want to keep fundamentalists outraged. It sounds like the name of a porn distribution company.