It seems as though this year’s CD-28 primary is shaping up like last cycle. Ciro Rodriguez’s camp has already seen enough to suspect voter fraud and to make them call for an investigation by the Secretary of State, including 51 people aged 100 or over casting ballots. From their press release:
An abnormally high number of voters in Webb County aged 90 years or older prompted an attorney for the Ciro Rodriguez congressional campaign to request an investigation by the Texas Secretary of State. During the first 4 days of early voting, 93 votes were cast by people 90 or over and 51 were 100 or older.
In a message addressed to Kim Thol, Programs Specialist for the Elections Division of the Secretary of State, Luis Vera requested “an immediate appointment for an inspector for Webb County.” Vera reminded Thol, “Webb County has a long history of allegations of voter fraud.” In the 2004 primary election, Vera added, “the fraud made national news.” He was referring to the controversial election between Henry Cuellar and Rodriguez in which ballots, “discovered” days after the polls closed, eventually swung the election to Cuellar by a narrow 58 votes.
Vera also requested an investigation by the Voter Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice.
According to the 2002 Statistical Abstract of the United States, something like 1.5 percent of the nations’ population is over 85 (linked census data here). So, this does seem to be an abnormally large number, although to determine if it is out of whack, we’d need to know the total votes cast. Either way, though, it seems suspect.
A little bit more on Ciro’s opponent.
So far, Cuellar has voted with Bush 57% of the time.
From the on old Houston Chronicle article which is no longer available on the web, but on a post I put on MyDD.
Cuellar’s reasoning: “I believe in working with people across the political spectrum to get the job done,” Cuellar said.”
So I did my own little digging on Club for Growth.
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