The bombing of the Askariya shrine is being covered with surprising alarm. It seems to have spooked the conservative press. William Buckley says One can’t doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed and suggests the President cut his losses. Cable news pundits are gloomy. And the ports issue isn’t helping. John Podheretz says The deal is dead. It won’t survive after a 45-day extension or a 450-day extension and predicts a political catastrophe. David Gergen and Ed Collins are talking to Wolf about the ‘death’ of this administration and warning that it could be ‘all over’ for them.
Bush and Cheney are like a submarine that keeps going to lower depths. Eventually, the gaskets start to blow sending high velocity pieces of metal pinging off the walls. Scooter Libby and Michael Brown were the first to get capped, but there are more to come.
My prediction? Chertoff is on the chopping block, and Rumsfeld could be next.
Bush and Cheney are like a submarine that keeps going to lower depths. Eventually, the gaskets start to blow sending high velocity pieces of metal pinging off the walls.
Great metaphor.
Agree on Chertoff. Maybe on Rumsfeld.
I even had it copied for my comment. That is a wonderful comparison. Lets add that the captain and first mate are oblivious to the unfolding disaster and ignore the terrified crew urging them to surface. We would be the terrified crew.
Fine, then. Let it all come down, bit by bit. It’s not as if these people are doing effective work in any case.
There are some types of ‘reality’ that simply can’t be spun, really.
is that, barring a dramatic change in the makeup of Congress, is that we’re stuck with these b-stards for the next two plus years (till January 20, 2009). If the ratings get low enough, there might be nothing to stop them from doing something horrendous; sort of a “F-ck it, we’ve got nothing to lose anyway.”
Bush wants his eternal legacy as the President who welcomed Jesus Christ back to Earth…what might he do to hasten His arrival?
I tend to think that when these people leave public office, they tend to drift toward the unseen edges of the power structure to continue benefitting from the policies they’ve helped institute. It’s all quite stable for them. I’d imagine this is the basic pattern until they finally drop dead.
It’s true that Bush is the wild card, but my sense is that there’s only so much power allowed him with regard to threatening the actual bottom line.
My sense is also that he’d just as soon quit on time; the job probably isn’t quite as amusing any more. Despite his record-breaking vacations, he looks like heck.
Remember, too, that the Jesus Fear Armageddon Rapture routine is writ large for psy-ops purposes. I don’t believe Bush is any different than the rest in that he’d rather see dividends than see the Savior.
Regarding the true neocons, as well, I believe the point of usurping utmost power domestically has been in the service of the international agenda, the creation of US hegemony. Now that the plan isn’t quite working out, despite their greatest efforts, what are they gonna do — force it to work? How?
This is what’s actually new about the current administration, imho: the forwarding of the international agenda. The corporatism isn’t theirs alone; the fundies have been handy in bringing them into public office (which has created its own horrors, of course), but people like Cheney don’t really give a rat’s ass for them or their concerns.
Highly perceptive analysis, WW.
That will not stop him from air strikes against Iranian nuclear sites. My fear is he’ll launch a major foreign military action two months before he leaves office. His father sent troops into Somalia between losing the election and Clinton’s inauguration. Bush jr. will have no qualms about about starting something that could spiral out of control at the end of his term. Above all else he is a stupid man that makes stupid decisions and receives stupid advice.
Hopefully some of the money boys will see an Iran action would be unprofitable and stop him. your are right on WW they love money more then all the rest.
for the destruction of this Holy Site could spread, even to countries whose population is majority Sunni?
Surely not to countries with minority Muslim populations, whether Sunni or Shia?
Even if such an event were to occur, it could be easily contained simply by having the governents involved forbid anyone believing that the mosque was bombed by any entity other than that decreed by Washington, and the populations in question all put under “daytime curfew.”
I’m talking strictly about domestic perception of administration failures & the possible results of these perceptions regarding personnel changes.
take care of any problem of domestic perception of US policies sliding down to the agree somewhat column.
I don’t think it would impact the policies themselves, their implementation, or perception in the crusade theatres, or among the minority of Americans who oppose the policies themselves.
In fact, I think Mr. Danger was selected as figurehead precisely because of his expendability.
My sense is that the ‘successes’ of the current policy are entirely a matter of tightly controlled perception — & so as a matter of a fundamental change in policy, a perception of failure with regard to conventional wisdom is the first step.
The policy itself will eventually prove a failure in realistic terms simply because it can’t be practically implemented. As I understand it, empires tend to fail due to overreach; what we’re seeing implemented has overreach as its mantra. It’s also been implemented with the supposed lasting predominance of the United States as the primary world player; personally, however, I don’t see this position as indefinitely sustainable unless we happen to be somehow historically exceptional in terms of empire.
In the meantime, however, I’ll take the public discredit of the individuals currently deemed responsible for ‘our’ perceived failures. I’ll take their removal from the offices held; I’ll take the image of an administration in disarray & on an uncertain course, with a half-assed joker (not The Great Protective 9/11 Father with an overwhelming majority’s approval) as its prime face.
program about how the defense dept used the news media for a psy ops project to bring the public on board with their hit on Iraq. But there is only so much psy ops you can do when journalists are targeted and when what images are left coming out of Iraq are bloody and violent.
Most Americans will believe that the mosque was blown up by what they call “insurgents,” and even when information to the contrary appears in some European paper, many will think it was a good idea.
Another quote from the Buckley article:
Our mission has failed because Iraqi animosities have proved uncontainable by an invading army of 130,000 Americans.
Its good to hear them acknowledging failure. But I see the neocon meme here – those damned Iraqis just haven’t “evolved” enough to handle democracy.
Neither have we, apparently.
Do they all get to walk away with the money and contracts pilfered over the past 6 years? Remember back to the origin of LOGCAP that Cheney was primarily responsible for. That allowed the no bid contracts that made him rich. Any way we can recover some funds if anyone is forced from office?
BushCheney and Co aren’t going anywhere, except to Iran. There’s a cult of loyalty to dear Leaders and, rethuglicans on the Hill will fall in line.
The 45 days delay on Dubaigate is a cooling off period for us to go back to tv. Rove is counting on that. Dole has been retained.
Americans have short memories, short focus until the next missing bride. 45 days is an eternity in cable news cycle.
What’s the furor over national security? We’re told the Coast Guard is responsible.
Cheney will take along his quail gun and have everyone fall in line. The secret deals were made, quid pro quo. ‘Dubai, we need your territory for staging our next adventure and feed our oil addiction. You need us to protect your kingdom. We’ll wink on the sale’.
‘Here at home, we’ve given our wingnuttia base what they wanted – Roberts and Alito. Now it’s on to more profits’.
To hell with national security. Do you think if national security was paramount that the Coast Guard wouldn’t have been granted the $5.4 billion they requested over 10 years. Bush asked for $46 million. Congress cut a check for $175million. Thank goodness.
This deal will be made. America is bankrupt and for sale.
The Chinese already have Long Beach. And under globalization, we’ve been busy selling off and or leasing our infrastructure to foreign corporations. Coming soon to your state will be toll roads operated by the Spanish, the Aussies, the French or maybe the Arabs.
No tinfoil. For an eye-opener of what’s in the pipeline;
Here’s another one: link
If it all wasn’t so tragic it would be great news, if you get my drift.
Can’t decide whether to give this a O or a 4. I guess I don’t get the comment, and I can darn sure see it as a very smelly trollish comment. Please correct me.
I should probably let keepinon speak for him/herself, but I totally get the comment.
Boo’s diary is all about the neocons having to face the failure that Iraq has become. This is something we’ve all been hoping for.
But the price that is being paid by Iraqi’s for that obvious failure is too high to imagine.
Duh. Okay. Thank you. Usually I’m not so dull, but I’m probably suffering a declining IQ to match my declining eyesight.
Oh, I’d just write it off to a mix-up over mixed emotions.
But wouldn’t you know it – just when there might be reason to celebrate – you get lost in grief at the price that’s being paid.
NLinSTPaul got my drift. I’m very sorry if this came off sounding glib. That was not on my mind at all. I’ll try to be more sensitive in the future.
who will pay a price for destroying this mosque.
In my opinion, neither the crusade itself, nor this particular “operation” can be said to be in the best interests of the American people.
Bush would rather go down with the ship than admit defeat. And unfortunately, the media enablers, the Repubs and the wingnuttery are going to go down with him, too. In flames. There will be no one to blame this time, because the debacle will be total.
And there is worse to come. This event will vie with this much remembered conclusion in 1975:
What do I predict?
Our men and women could be chased from Baghdad. There may not be time to retrieve the bodies. There may not be media reports either. It will be a disorganized rout.
Better pray, people. Better pray.
Imagine the complete chaos involved with the high number of US/Coalition signed private contractors that would be caught up in it. I figure there would be a moral responsibility for the majority of NGOs there. I’m not sure about the PMCs.
I agree. I remember what was it, April 1975 Vietnam.
It’s much, much more ominous now though.
The Iraqis can hardly rout bomber planes. All they have are home-made bombs and old guns.
Once US gunmen are redeployed in one of any number of nearby bases in the client state cluster, a robust bombing campaign will swiftly reduce population and eliminate opposition to the occupation, empowering the surviving Iraqis to express the gratitude that these insurgents have forced them to suppress.
I agree with this long as we went in without enough troops(and I’m am not advocating that we should have been there at all)and bushco continues to ignore this fact with the year to year escalating violence there is no good solution. Every day we are occupying their country, new stories of torture, no rebuilding only more destruction, no electricity, no drinkable water, no health care and so one brings us one day closer to a Tet offensive moment where our troops are going to be killed in some spectacular fashion in large can that not happen?
But the US military will retreat to their 4 superbases which are like self-contained cities in the desolation of Iraq.
Oh they are not ‘permanent bases’ according to Rumsfeld. They are ‘enduring camps.’ And don’t forget the largest embassy in the world we’re building in will take up 104 fucken acres..and have it’s own sewage and water treatment plants and have a 1000 government officials working there when finished..and of course it’s being built by slave labor from mostly Asian countries. Why in God’s name do we need such a monstrous huge embassy in the middle of the mideast..yeah I know cause we just want to make friends and spread democracy whether they like it or not.
Why does the US military need this:
from the 4 superbases link.
should they occur, will not hamper US policies or their implementation.
McManus on Washington Week (PBS) just said that American troops in Iraq have not been involved in providing security over the last few days because their presence at mosques would incite violence.
So, tell me again why Murtha’s point about our needing to get out of Iraq NOW demonstrates “cut and run” anymore than we already have??
BooMan writes:
My prediction? Chertoff is on the chopping block, and Rumsfeld could be next.
Rumi writes:
And Cali Scribe writes:
is that, barring a dramatic change in the makeup of Congress, is that we’re stuck with these b-stards for the next two plus years (till January 20, 2009). If the ratings get low enough, there might be nothing to stop them from doing something horrendous; sort of a “F-ck it, we’ve got nothing to lose anyway.”
Bush wants his eternal legacy as the President who welcomed Jesus Christ back to Earth…what might he do to hasten His arrival?
Put ’em togetther and what have you got?’
Bippity boppity BOOM!!!
They CANNOT AFFORD to be put out of power. They are well past the point of no return. They must try everything and anything to continue their game, because they will end up in being prosecuted as treasonous thieves and murderers if the truth comes out.
And they only have one option.
War with Iran and the ensuing war with the entire Third World and whichever countries choose to ally with it.
There is only one thing standing in the way of this now.
A REAL World War Three.
Those in the U.S. military and intelligence worlds who oppose it. For professional reasons if for no others. Because they do not think that it can be won.
Nothing would surprise me now.
Assassinations, resignations, terrorist attacks in the U.S. (bogus or otherwise), Israeli nukes being used on Iran, an oil shutdown, China finally flexing its REAL muscles…economic or otherwise…and things that are beyond prediction.
But one thing will NOT happen.
A voluntary surrender by BushCo.
Would you expect the bosses of a massively vicious crime family to walk into police headquarters and say “OK. It’s not going so well. We surrender”? Or to voluntarily give up their territory to opposing gangsters?
Of COURSE not.
Ain’t going to happen here, either..
It’s going to the mattresses.
BET on it.
Most of these guys have been working on this for the entire lives. Moving in and out of the shadows to hold office, set laws to protect future schemes and grant wishes for friends. Some of them are pursuing ideological goals and some are pure profit. Either way, the top guy never seems to drop much below that 39% mark no matter what. They won’t leave on a court order. They won’t disclose public information simply to throw a fuckoff in everybody’s faces so they sure won’t allow an impeachment.
Profit is the ideology.
You don’t think it goes deeper than money for some of them? They had to be driven by something deeper than money. There were overlapping ideals that allowed joint pursuits by unlikely alliances but there had to be goals of establishing radical conservatism across the globe.
I said “profit”, not “money.” š
The ideology is “all the marbles for me”–those marbles could be money, could be friends, power, influence, or the spread of beliefs–but if you imagine a sort of king in the counting house just hauling in whatever the hell there is to haul in….that’s the ideology: gimme, gimme, gimme. Mine, mine, mine. Gimme all the marbles, man.
Profit–in the sense of ‘how do I manipulate this situation (whatever situation) so that I win, that I come out on top, how do I profit from this?
“He who dies with the most toys wins.”
Except now they believe they don’t even have to die–they can travel to Mars, or survive 4 heart attacks and have a timex installed–it just keeps on ticking.
Yeah, that’s the one.
Hey, do you have any good information on artifacts some of the hardcore zealots might have been after in the Iraq museums? It sounds crazy, but there are some disturbing patterns of symbolism that follow stories of a few secret societies.
Absolutely. Bushco..including Rummy and Chertoff are never going to get the axe nor resign…these people never admit they are wrong.
Sorry Boo but I disagree with you on that….As much as I’d like to believe that would happen that just is not the way these people operate, if anything they will circle the wagons and become even more arrogant in the belief that they are right.
It’s gonna happen, the question is when? And who is going to be made the scapegoat?
For all we know, it could even be happenning in Iraq right now…scary thought.
Excellent post!