Saturday Morning Cafe Hosted by Maryb
Eggs stolen from Cabin Girl’s Chickens.
Coffee & Tea Included in Price.
No Clean Plate Club – George is in the Kitchen.
No Clean Plate Club – George is in the Kitchen.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Tip the Waitstaff – 4’s Appreciated
Morning all!
mmmmm fresh eggs. How do you like them? Over easy? Poached? Scrambled?
Eggs Benedict? You’ve come to the wrong place.
Morning maryb. George has his apron on and is ready for work. He did mention something about maybe slacking today though.
nuh uh — I knew George liked bacon and eggs. Those plates will be spotless!
Don’t worry, George is such a glutton he won’t let anything pass by. But remember we have to keep it quite about how we clean the plates or no one will want to eat anything.
We do? They won’t? Nah. They’d come anyway.
How are you feeling today?
I could go on for hours about it, but lets just say, I’ve found the dentist from hell.
Is your dentist trying out for the remake of Little Shop of Horrors?
No I think she is working on her doctorate in sadism. I’m sure I’m not going back to her and I’m about a page and a half into a scathing letter to her. I guess it’s just one of those luck of the draw things.
We’ll help you with the scathing part — we can come up with juicy phrases for all occasions.
I’m waiting for all the lines outside the front door of the cafe. I mean this is the famous maryb hosting today. I know I saw sign all over town last night.
Not to mention the baking methods. LOL
good morning agent 69 — how was your undercover work this week (none of us believed you really went back to a job, but don’t worry your secret is safe with us).
ROTFLMAO!!! I wish it had been undercover work. Damn it’s been so many years since I did any of that I am a virgin again.
Don’t worry George hasn’t forgotten the Diva Dogs.
Trust me they aren’t letting me forget them either. They want to know why I want let them clean plates also. LOL
Are those eggs from chipped chickens? YA reference to last night’s lounge.
Morning Maryb,
Poor NDD was mightily disappointed last night — he did a ‘what is this’ just for you and you stood him up. I think he was so distraught it drove into the arms of the other woman (who just happens to live in the same house with him).
Mary you heart breaker you.
It was unintentional. I wouldn’t want to break NDD’s heart. I didn’t know he’d pick last night to show me his pictures (so to speak).
And it was a terrific picture.
That IS nice. But if it isn’t a bordello, what is it?
It was a church with a wide load zone for the baptist women. LOL
Grain elevator (and I was the only winner ::looks smug::).
I still say my answer was funnier.
Your answer was way funnier. But mine was right.
So you are the funny winner and I am the right winner.
I say you’re both winners. Maybe that’s what NDD should start doing. Put up different categories for the pictures.
I’ll accept that.
Real beats virtual every time ๐
There’s definitely no arguing that.
Wouldn’t that depend on how the quality of your real ife stood up to quality of your fantasy life?
I guess I can only speak for myself.
Not that I don’t like y’all but …
That’s what I would have said if I’d a been here a little sooner.
Hey — is THAT why he didn’t show up for apron duty today? And I had bought a manly man apron for him and everything.
Throw to the delivery guy you locked up in the basement this morning. LOL
He hasn’t come yet.
I didn’t ask about that. I just said throw the apron to him. LOL
Prove it young lady!!!!
disappointed, not;
Distraught! Distraught I say ๐
Speaking of real life …
I’ll be back in an hour or so. Have to do some things this morning.
Don’t completely trash the place?
(Like they’ll pay ANY attention to that.)
See ya later.
Don’t blame me for any mess when you get back — the slacker dogs are insisting that we go out and show the deer just how little interest they have in chasing them.
Oooooooo…. That breakfast looks good! My mouth waters for some nice crisp bacon!
And, hey everybody! A special thanks to…..
Second Nature
wilderness wench
For jumping in with such great support, advice, and encouragement yesterday! It would definitely be smart to consider what the legal ramifications of my situation are, though my understanding of California labor law is that in general it favors employers. California is laughingly called a “right to work state,” which apparently means that workers have no rights at all.
mythmother since that thread was way out of anything I know I didn’t comment. However, I do hope everything works out for you.
Thanks, Family Man! Good wishes much appreciated!
sending good thoughts your way also since it is way out of my range also. I deal with civil rights issues more than anything else.
And with that in mind I’m headed out to Ristreto Coffee and Tea for the real stuff.
Note: I’ll be missing part of today’s FBCs due to our Dem-NPL District meetings being held at 1PM to select state leg candidates and delegates to the next convention.
I’m back — did the delivery guy ever show up?
I see I missed NDD again. ๐
But before he went, he emailed me a picture of him in his apron.
see, sometimes fantasy is much better than reality.
Only if I assume that you are telling me the truth (which is soooo unlikely that it would be laughable for me to even consider it).
So really this picture is just part of fantasy world.
I like my real life — so if you’re trying to lure me into fantasy virtual world — come on. You’ll have to do better than this!
As penance for my previous image, here’s Sniff reminding everybody that it’s nap time (except me because I’ve got to go run a slew of errands).
uh uh
Penance involves true atonement for one’s transgression. And for that you will have to deal with NDD since he is the harmed party (one would hope).
But I appreciate the picture of Sniff.
What are the criteria which get a person banned at BMT?
Do polite political differences get someone banned?
You’ll have to take that up with management. I personally have no power to ban anyone.
There’s a rule somewhere — something about don’t be a prick.
Dataguy, I had seen your post earlier and meant to comment to you. I’m in the same boat as maryb, but go to the top left of the page and you’ll see FAQ and contact. Another way is to wait for an open thread to be opened and then ask your question.
That should have been top right
You’re so nice to answer his question. I on the other hand was finding the idea of him wandering through all the diaries yelling “BOOMAN I need to talk to you” very amusing. You are a good influence on me.
Good afternoon all. I hope that you are well. We attend the play group with the other adoptive families today. It was quite funny to watch a little girl a week older than Andrew grab him by the hand and try to convince him to sit in a kiddie shopping cart so she could push him. He has quite a way with the ladies.
How you doin’?
Sorry about that. I edited this picture three times. I don’t know why it is still so big.
It looks fine to me.
Of COURSE he’s popular with the ladies. What a cutie.
How are the parents in the play group?
They’re quite nice for the most part. We only know them kind of superficially. But, that will change with all these cuties sharing a common bond.
I know people who have long bonds with parents from their kids playgroups — even though their kids don’t play together anymore.
The picture is cute and could be bigger as far as I am concerned. What a sweetie!!!!
Toni he looks as cute as can be. The picture looks fine to me, actually I wished you have one of those click for a larger view buttons on it.
I don’t know how to make one of those click for a larger view buttons. I’d be willing to try it next time.
If I knew how I’d tell you, but I’m in the same boat. I’m still at the point where I feel good when I can get a picture to post.
Toni, try these: (Auto Format)
To click on photo to enlarge (imbedded link):
1. Add “[< “img width= X src = URL>” image URL” ]
close brackets, delete ” marks”
2. To Add link under photo, thusly:
< photo URL >
[ clik to enlarge”image URL”]
and remember, Preview is your friend :{)
OK George and I just came back in from the alley from our er afternoon nap, ya that’s it, our afternoon nap.
George was looking at the picture upthread and wanted to know what the big deal is. His butt hangs out all the time.
Anyway, we’re reporting for kitchen duty.
It’s been a little quiet so there’s not much for George to do. But he can play with Andrew while we wait for more dirty dishes.
I’m glad you’re back, I was getting tired of cleaning our bookshelves — and the next step is moving them. I think I need a break before I do that.
I’m here to help in any way. George he’s asleep right now, but once he hears a plate, he’ll be up and running.
Thanks Mary. But your going to have to come up with something more than dog food and dog bone. George would look at that and tell me in his George way “this isn’t even 1 star food, much less the 4 star I’m used to.” Some dogs put on such airs.
my first image.
I posted it for George.
I take it back; you’re not nice at all.
Now Mary, I think you did an excellent job with your first image. But we’re talking George here. After the picture of him in the tux the other night, he believes he should be going to upscale restaurants now.
You think YOU would look better in the apron?
Oh the last thing you want to see is me in that apron, but then I am a firm believer in dressing to compliment your body shape instead of draw attention to flaws. LOL
You should have given fashion advice to that guy. He could have used it.
If I had been there, I would have. I am not known for being coy. LOL
You couldn’t be talking to me. Here in bible belt Alabama I’m surprised we don’t have a law stating you have to be dressed to take a shower.
Of course I wasn’t talking to you. I never picture you as anything other than fully dressed.
Feel better?
Some what. When I lived in Germany my 75 year old landlady and her entire family went to France for vacation. They wanted me to go, but I couldn’t. When they got back they were showing me pictures of the vacation. They had all gone to a nudist colony there. They were rolling on the floor laughing at me as my face got redder and redder looking at the pictures. My landlady was especially impish because she kept coming back to her picture asking me what I thought the beach or this or that. It’s a good thing I drank back then, because I finally ended up laughing as much as them.
in Alabama, he would have be wearing the regulation white boxers that aren’t quite white any more. LOL!!!
Those would be our NASCAR skid mark boxers.
What’s the NASCAR cheating scandal all about? Did the guy cheat?
I never watch NASCAR, so I don’t know. You know as supposedly popular as it is down here, I know very few people who watch it. I think it’s just another one of those propaganda ploys from the left & right coasters saying all southern people love NASCAR.
Hey, all — just steppin’ in with a hearty howdy-do before closing time. Hope everyone’s enjoying a wonderful Saturday. Personally, I’m pleased that last night’s predicted snowstorm veered northward at the last minute. I understand the Buffalo area’s busy digging out.
So nice to have you as our hostess again, maryb.
Howdy right back at ya.
And I’m glad you avoided the snow.
It’s naked butt day here at BT — don’t feel shy. Just jump right in.
If we are doing naked butt shot day, why not see one that looks better?
and No it is not me. LOL!!!!
The next cafe I put up is going to have more class and everyone is going to be searched before entering — all naked butt shots confiscated before entering. This is AMERICA; I can do that.
I’d like him better if he was straight — and don’t lie to me; sraight guys don’t wear leopard skin .. whatevers.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Refinish69 thinks it is to late for you to become prim and proper. Noone will believe it or pay attention.
Appreciate your sharing, dear — but that’s one’s a bit too pretty for me ๐
This being a Progressive Pond, methinks we need a little balance in the Bum pix B4 maryb gets heavy handed w/ the censorship…
clik img to enlarge
I’m sure you’d much rather I pass on that ๐
& quite honestly, I haven’t got as much of a hankerin’ to bare my bottom on such a chilly day! Haven’t felt my toes since I popped out of bed.
‘Course, the kitties run around with their bare butts in the breeze all the time. They’ve got fur.
(Admittedly, I do too, but theirs is prettier.)
You’re right.
My sincere thanks!!!! LOL
Howdy Ya’ll!!! Glad you ain’t got no snow to deal with this morning. LOL
I’m not going to write a GBCFP diary, but wanted to let you know that I value all of your voices and will be fighting the good fight over at my blog. I hope you’ll stop in from time-to-time and say hello.
Yes, we’ll visit you.
Thank you for the link, Man E.
Seems that I’ve missed something important. I’m sorry.
:: sigh ::
OK, then.
I’ve definitely been out of the loop here — possibly subconsciously veering away from community contention since abandoning The Orange Spot.
Thanks for the link.
Any community has contention. Especially a large big tent community. Because communities are made up of humans with feelings and with flaws.
It’s possible to disagree with many things and still stay in a community. Or to disagree with only one thing and feel you must leave.
It’s too bad; he was just starting to come back. He’s a great guy.
Manne I’ve already and will continue to keep visiting. I haven’t commented on you blog yet, but I have been reading. Take Care.
OK people; leave all the naked butts behind. It’s Saturday quiet time over at the new cafe. George will clean up this mess.