Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
I have a podcast now and tried to post the link here but it won’t go through, so you will have to use the link at the bottom of this comment to go to Village Blue and you will find the podcast link on the top left.
It’s new so not polished yet, but if you have a mic and want to add your voice, click on the link you will find the area to add your own voice on the right side. This gets emailed to me and then I can publish it.
Don’t get scared by Shirlstars voice on this, her mic is very bad and makes her voice sound other worldly, which she is but still she doesn’t sound like this when I talk to her on the phone.
For that matter, don’t get scared by my voice, it sounds a little wheezy, due to asthma, but I guess it always sounds like that because I didn’t think I was wheezy when I recorded.
Anyway, hi everyone. Hope you all have a great Sunday.
Well after I wrote the comment, I tried inserting the link in the diary and it worked so the link is there.
That podcast is cool! I’d heard Shirl’s voice before but not yours. You have a very calming tone to your voice. BTW, I like the that photo thingey you have on your site that zooms in and out.
Laura, I didn’t think the zoom worked on this site, it won’t in comments, but I just put it in diary and it works…cool. for anyone who wants this feature, it’s from picturetrail.
I did a recording… well actually two. the first one is horrible and I did a second one that I hope will work for you. I hate my voice on recording and of course I did not write out a script fist so I sound like the amateur I am. I actually deleted the first one. LOL
Refinish I just heard your podcast. What are you talking about? I was thinking to myself this guy should be a DJ.
LOL!!! Thank you for the compliment but I hate my voice.
I think it’s a common thing among most people. I hate to hear my voice also. But I was serious, if you ever got on a radio show…. ya got that DJ voice :).
I hate my voice too when I hear it recorded. It sounds so different from what I hear in my head.
I wonder what people thought when voice recording was first started? They probably thought like we do now. Thinking I can’t really sound like that! I think we all hear other people’s voices and wish sometime to sound like them. I for one would like to sound like Kelsey Grammer. He has such a wide range in his voice.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people heard us the way we sound to ourselves.
That would be great. To me, I have a husky, sexy sounding voice. But when I hear it recorded I am disappointed that I sound like Fran Drescher.
SN I’m still laughing. Well get your little Nanny self and let us hear you soon, adnoids and all ;).
Now I have a vision of Fran Drescher at a political ralley and the microphone blowing up. LOL
Refinish we’re over at the new cafe. Come on over.
Ditto, Family Man. Your voice is very full-bodied and mellow…like wine with an actual cork in it instead of a screw-off cap. π
Seriously, refinish, your voice is great. You do sound like a DJ.
Thank you. I guess I hate it so much cause for work I talk on the phone 40 hours a week and get sick of hearing myself. LOL
Good morning Diane….
Looks like a few new visitors got to the treats under the window!
Just thought a do a quick drive-by…off to do stuff before the rains begin today.
I think what we really need in this cafe is a dragon-cat.
This would be a good pic to put on zoom, wouldn’t it.
That is one scary pic.
Hi andi, I really would like to commend you for the excellent work you have done maintaining the cafe through thick and thin. What an excellent job you have done…thanks for being there and being you.
And hugs tooooooooo.
what she said
but I’m not hugging you
You think the dragon-cat is scary too?
And that’s okay — I’m basically agnostic on hugs.
Personally, I think the dragon-cat is wonderful.
More fierce power to the feline feminine!
(Say that 3x fast & you get the purring blessings of aforementioned icon.)
I’m with you 100% on the first sentence but the dogs would never forgive me for going along with the second one (maybe I can just think and they won’t notice).
Too bad. If I ever get up to Brown County I’m gonna lay a big one on you.
wonder if Mr. Nature is smiling this morning π
Mr. Nature is a grump today, which is weird for him because he’s the nicest, most patient man on earth. Perhaps because we had to fill out 2 FAFSAs and my daughter’s tax return this morning using financial info from my ex who has been less than forthcoming with said info. Probably because his actual income is far greater than the income he stated when challenging me on the child support amount.
And, no, I didn’t misunderstand your question. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that you think I would kiss and tell.
SN I glad you don’t kiss and tell….not even a little huh.
LOL I didn’t really expect you to. (kiss and tell, that is).
Damn, it’s really hard when someone makes a commenta that really nice but cries out for a lewd response. Thank you, SN but I really think that Indy should break out of her drug-induced stupor for a moment and take advantage of the great big opportunity she’s been handed.
Oh, you’re talking about “lay a big one on you.” You must have thought I meant a hug. I really just meant me. Heh.
Actually, hugs were never what I was thinking. But I don’t kiss and tell, either.
You’re safe – I’m not a kisser. π
Thanks Diane. Fortunately, putting up the froggybottom diaries takes very little time and there are other folks helping out.
Though if they are any folks out there who would like to take on Tuesday and Thursday, I would be delighted to hear from you.
Did someone say, Dragon? I’ve been out there in the Universe Dragon stars all over the place for aeons now. . .heheheh. . .
Having been born in the year of the Dragon, I have been mostly steam with occaision bursts of flame, and I am often dragon my butt attempting to keep up with things. . .still, I am a dragon, no doubt about it.
I love dragons!!! I have a dragon tattoo and am planning on getting another one soon.
Those are really cool. Are they are a chinese design?
It is a pattern I have in a clip art file. I added all the colors to make a design for one of my shops. LOL
For a t-shirt?
LOL yes. click the picture and it will take you to my shop. That is also the design I am going to have done as a tattoo on my leg in a few weeks.
So do you sell a lot of the thong version?
ROTFLMAO!!!! I have never sold a thong from any of the stores but I believe in giving them choices.
I like the dog t-shirt.
My daughter got a baby gift for her friend’s new baby. It’s a bib that says “Formula is for pussies.”
Hopefully baby will not wear this out of the house, but I love it.
LOL I love it!!!!!
I knew it. Where’s Indy when we need her.
I believe she is blissed out on pain meds.
Yea she said earlier she wasn’t feeling any better, but her attitude was. I hope she stays blissed until it’s over.
I was thinking that if maryb knew about those thongs, she’d abandon the apron idea in a nanosecond.
The thongs are in women’s sizes and I think would be real uncomfortable for a man unless he is tiny and then why bother. LOL
Uncomfortable? Why would I care? As an employer, I take the Walmart approach. It’s what I want that counts, not the employee. π
mmm… glad I just drink coffe and not serve it on Saturdays. LOL
George wants to know will he have to get a body waxing or not?
LOL!!! We will save the waxing for mary
Cold but pretty day here. Hope everybody is having a very pleasant Sunday.
Yet another lovely woodland image, Andi. Thank you!
Care to join me in a chorus of ‘Pleasant Valley Sunday’? π
Thanks. One of my favorite things about winter is how it exposes the geometry of the woods.
As anyone in family will tell you, it’s a really bad idea to ask me to sing anything.
Agreed on the geometry. As well, the angle of winter light tends to bring out great relief (no pun intended).
Not to worry about the tune, Andi. I’d just as soon not be compelled to remember anything beyond a few Monkee bars π
Well, I’m off to the chores. Grumble ..
Hey there, everyone — hope everyone’s enjoying a pleasant Sunday.
As for fun: we’ve got sunshine here in the Catskills today. Air temperature is about 18 F, with a wind chill of about 5.
Dropped a bit of butter on my desk & it solidified instantly!
It’ll be a real pleasure to get out to the chores today. Not.
Good to hear about the podcast, Diane. Someday soon I, too, will enter the 21st Century (& then bring my plumbing into the 20th).
Hello everybody, I’m back. We had a wonderful lunch/dinner for my Mom’s 80th. We expected 25 but only had about 18. There’s a lot of flu going around here. My Mom enjoyed the whole thing and now is basking in all the kids, grandkids, and great grandkids running around the house. I had to take a break. Plus out of the entire family only my Mom and I are the only ones that George won’t bark at. BTW he was highly insulted that he wasn’t included.
Diane I’m going to try your podcast and I hope you will be able to understand me through my heavy southern drawl.
Well I can’t wait to hear your voice, voices make us even more real…
I hope others will add their voices as well.
Glad your party went well. It’s probably better for everyone that the people with the flu stayed home.
Living in a border state, I have to remember on a regular basis that dinner in the south is what northerners call lunch. That’s true when you get about 2 hours south of here. It always amuses me when my cousins invite us to dinner and my mother whispers (“they mean lunch”).
I was, in fact, supposed to take my mom south for dinner with the family today, but she woke up with the flu. So its going around.
How are you feeling? Could you eat any of the wonderful dinner? Did you tell your sister what a good job she did?
I’m feeling fine. Sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she feels better soon.
Yes I was able to eat, but only soft stuff for now. The dinner/lunch was actually a surprise for me as well. My B’day was on the 10th so my sister threw it for both of us. I and everyone told her what a good job she did. She is one of those pull together forces in the family. I think every family has a black sheep and every family has one that pulls the entire family together. That’s my sis.
On the lunch/dinner thing, since I’ve been gone so long, I’m still getting used to it also.
BTW I think you did a great job yesterday on the cafe.
Happy Belated Birthday!
What I was taught by my farm friends that supper is always the evening meal and that dinner is always the biggest meal of the day so it could be at noon or it could be in the evening (in which case supper was dinner). On the farm, dinner was mostly at noon because they were ready for a break and they could plan for it but in the evening they just kept working until there wasn’t any more light.
Happy Belated Birthday Family Man
Happy belated birthday!
Thanks for the Happy Belated B’day thougts, but B’days have never been that big a deal to me. As I told a friend who is in her mid 70’s, I never expected to make it past 25. The funny thing is, after making it past that landmark, I’ve always looked forward to the age I’m at now. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely some thing about age that really suck. But I can remember the inner turmoil I was going through from teenage up to my late 20’s and I wouldn’t wish that only anyone. I’m not as fast or agile as before, but I’m much more at peace.
Absolutely seconded on that last part, FM. I thank my Creator every day that I’m no longer the youngster that I was.
Blessings on your new year, FM! May it be filled with joy & love.
Thaks WW. Everyone here has already started it with joy and love, I don’t see how it couldn’t keep getting better.
That’s wonderful!
I love it when scientists find chemical explanations for the obvious. But 400 percent? Who knew? I would have guessed, like, 325.
Well, from what I vaguely remember they are right LOL!!!
So, uh, what’s on your mind today? π
I’m just glad someone finally quantified this stuff. It’s one less thing to argue about in barrooms across America.
The only ones who would argue for the other side of this issue are the ones who are sitting alone at last call arguing about stupid things to keep from going home. LOL
I’m wondering when prolactin will start being out in pill form.
would I be correct to assume that prolactin also some function related to milk production?
If so, that’s kind of strange that the chemical serves such diverse purposes.
It’s not that unusual, iirc. I played around a bit with neurochemistry theory in college (not in the lab, just the theoretical end). The more we uncover about all the body’s chemistry, the more we realize that many of them are multi-functional and have very diverse tasks. I’m behind the times now from being disabled and unable to keep up, but I was constantly fascinated by it when I was able to indulge the interest with all the reading it requires.
Hello Indy, I hope you are feeling better today.
Thanks Family Man. I’m not really feeling any better, but my attitude is pretty good. π How are you feeling?
I’m feeling much better today, thank you. I’m still pissed at my dentist and I’m seeing her first thing in the morning, but the anger level has gone down a good bit.
Is it safe to say “There, there”?
Of course.
You know now that you memtion it, I think you are right. So will the next designer drug produce big breasted men with dazed smiles on their faces?
does not make me cringe at all. In fact, if I wasn’t a family woman I’d say it’s rather…um, sexy.
You heard??? Now I’m embarrassed, plus you’ve given me the biggest ego boost I’ve had in years. Thanks SN.
It is weird, isn’t it? Prolactin stimulates the production of breastmilk.
It also probably explains all those blissed out Madonna & child paintings.
This is one of those well kept secrets about breastfeeding. π
Wikipedia to the rescue since Cabin Girl isn’t around.
Back from putting up signs and exhausted. LOL!!!
Thanks to everyone who who so nice about my dairy on depression. I did take Andi’s advice and add links to the first two dairies in the series.. One of them here and one at my own blog since dairy two disappeared from booman.
I hope everyone is having a great Sunday!!!! and HAPPY BDAY Late to Family Man!!!!!
I think it would be cool if you would record your voice on my podcast site, I would love to hear your voice and I bet others will as well.
Family Man submitted one and it’s up on the site now and he has a great voice, so thanks FM.
Hi Diane-
I’d love to. Unfortunately my only mic is packed somewhere. I’ll try to locate it tonight. If I find it I’ll chime in.
Thank you Diane. I think you have a wonderful idea about Booman. I heard his entire radio interview and I think he has a very good speaking voice.
Oh boy! This just in from our mountain weather-witches:
Tonight: partly cloudy with scattered snow showers. Colder with lows around 1 below. Northwest winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Chance of snow 40 percent. Wind chill values as low as 17 below.
Monday: partly sunny. A chance of snow showers in the afternoon. Brisk and cold with highs around 19. Northwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. Chance of snow 30 percent. Wind chill values as low as 16 below in the morning.
Monday night: partly cloudy with a 40 percent chance of snow showers. Not as cold with lows around 9 above. West winds 5 to 10 mph.
Gotta love it: ‘not as cold’ .. lol
Yuck. My mother says — well she would if she was on the internet — that you and the cats should stay nice and snug around the stove and when you go out, be careful and make sure to cover up all your exposed skin.
Yes, indeed — will do. Thank you, Mom π
I did stop for a bit down in ‘town’ today (using the term very loosely) & everyone I met expressed dismay about the weather. These are pretty hearty folks, too.
The trouble this year, I think, is that we haven’t had the chance to acclimate — what with spring arriving monthly & all.
It seems folks are experiencing lots of unusual illnesses, as well. No wonder — strange weather, strange effects.
Do hope your weather’s a bit kinder than ours is currently.
Tonight’s ear-worm: Diana Krall’s ‘Popsicle Toes’.
It’s been in the 20s which is balmy compared to yours. And we’re heading toward the 50’s tomorrow (sorry).
Haven’t heard Krall’s but I have Michael Franks’ recording of it — and it’s now humming away in my head.
I’m glad it’s not as appropriate for you!
Temps in the 50s are my idea of heaven at the moment.
I’m about to bust out the deLonghi π
Isn’t one of your cats big enough to be a foot warmer?
We’ve got a bunch of pavers out in the shed. I’ve often thought about putting a few of them on top of the stove and then putting in them in the bed (wrapped in a towel or something). But then I remember what I klutz I am and realize that I’d probably just end up hurting myself.
My cats are small, actually — I think it’d take ’em both of ’em to warm one of my Prussian canoes.
A friend who lived in a stone cottage in rural Edinburgh often took a warmed brick to bed, wrapped in towels. I consider the idea occasionally — but I’ve got the same considerations you do, being a pretty active sleeper. I’d probably wind up breaking a toe.
Just checked in with noaa; apparently we’ll see some of your warmer weather by Wed.
Had a look at the current regional temperature map, as well. The entire NE is absolutely frigid!
(And you thought we were just cranky ..)
Time for me to scrape up some vittles. See you soon!
That’s rural Scotland, not rural Edinburgh.
(Note to Springtime: please hurry! It’s too soon for cryonics!)
Hi, I have been trying to post a new cafe but nothing is working, so I am giving up…someone else will have to post one.
Refinish69 and Family man have both posted on the podcast sight, so go and have a listen.
I’ll post a Froggy Bottom — hopefully andi isn’t already doing it.
New one up already! Who has ESP?
I was getting ready to but my dialup suddenly crapped out and then I saw this. Thanks.