Senator Feingold’s 53d Birthday’s tomorrow, and he’s scheduled a couple parties for Sunday, in Madison and Milwaukee. (technically fundraisers for his Senate re-election.)
I’ll be attending the Madison event. If you’d like to see him run for President, (or just want to send a Birthday greeting) drop me an email, I’ll strip the headers, print it out, and hand-deliver.
bmasel at tds dot net
Madison: 11-2, Inn on the Park, 22 S. Carroll St.
Milwaukee: 3-5 Ambassador Hotel, 2308 Wisconsin Ave.
Happy Birthday and a sincere thanks to Sen Feingold for reading all of those State resolutions in their entirety. He didn’t just read them, he gave each principle meaning and spirits of liberty to the words’ intent….but he was also correct in saying, ‘the die had been cast’
Add my name. Sending you an email now!
Tell Russ that he HAS to run. He has what it takes and what people want.
adding my letter of support.