Who better than to appoint to the Presidential HIV/AIDS Advisory Council than Rev. Herbert Lusk. The same Rev. Lusk who hosted Justice Sunday III which I attended and at which I took photos. The same Rev. Lusk who has preached Bush from the pulpit and is openly anti-gay.

From the Philadelphia Gay News:

Lusk served as a Bush adviser on faith-based funding and his nonprofit organization, People for People Inc., which helps low-income residents break the cycle of poverty through education, counseling, training and entrepreneurial development, has received about $1 million of “faith-based” funding from the government since 2002.

And from Philadelphia Will Do [a blog for one of two alt-weeklies in town]:

But isn’t it just like the Bush administration to (1) reward a loyal, vocal, visible supporter with a cushy advisory position that meets only three times a year and (2) pick someone who seemingly stands opposed to gay rights to a council that advises on a disease that affects a disproportionate amount of members of the gay community.

The Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS was set up by President Bill Clinton in 1995 to make recommendations to the government on the worldwide AIDS epidemic. And the Council is co-chaired by the crazy Sen. Tom Coburn who, if you’ll recall, once said lesbianism was

so rampant in some of the schools… that they’ll let only one girl go to the bathroom [at a time]

The other co-chair is Louis W. Sullivan, former Secretary of Health and Human Services under President George H. W. Bush.

So, what I guess I’m trying to say is that this Council may not be in oh so good hands. But when has this president appointed people who have not been safe, and by safe I mean obedient, choices who will back down when told to and not stir the pot. So, I’m not surprised, but this guy coming out of Philly, it made my ears perk up.

I’m not familiar with the Council’s previous track record and accomplishments and recommendations, but I can’t imagine the addition of Lusk would improve matters. If Lusk were to change his views for the greater good of humanity, that would be wonderful, but if he’s going to continue to treat gay people as heathens, his placement on this council means bad news.

Lusk will be sworn in on March 15.