How did you become the person that is here now?

What is it that made you the person that you have become?

Who is/was your hero/mentor?

Did it really matter to you about the lessons learned or taught?

Better yet, are you important to anyone who is considering you to be a hero/mentor?
Let me hear it from you folks and why it matters today, if it does, and if not why.

One of the most important persons I remember being very influential to me was the charge nurse in my hospital corps class at Gt. Lakes, Il.  She took the time to help me through some very rough times for me, personally. Oh, I know, you say that is why she was there…no, really it wasn’t, but she did and I really did appreciate that…It gave me the confidence/courage in me that I really needed to give that very first shot and that was all it took for me to send the last 40+ years doing what I love best.  It was the caring, interest, time-taking, steady hand [soft but oh so strong] and most of all her smile that gave me strength.  I have never forgotten her for that very special thing she gave to me.

Now, yes, I gave a woman, online in a chat room, the umph she needed to get into nursing and to learn to drive a care.  She lives in England.  I became her mentor, so she said and if it weren’t for me, she would not have had the courage to learn to drive a car.  She was so proud when she acomplished both goals.  I am so very proud of here….

How about you?