The first story was about the Bush administration’s actions to muzzle the Press by prosecuting reporters and their sources (government whistleblowers) for violations of the Espionage Act.
The administration of President George W. Bush is mounting an unprecedented effort to crack down on leaks of government secrets, even as it is vastly expanding the range of information deemed too sensitive to share with the public.
That twin effort has raised fears that the White House may succeed in shutting off the flow of such information by threatening to jail those who leak secrets and those who receive them. […]
Many see the case, which relies on a novel interpretation of a 90-year-old espionage law, as a test of whether the administration can exercise new powers to shut off leaks that have been severely embarrassing to the White House. In particular, the Justice Department is aggressively trying to identify the sources for two explosive news stories: the existence of secret Central Intelligence Agency prisons in eastern Europe, and the National Security Agency’s domestic surveillance programme.
The Washington Post reported at the weekend that dozens of officials from both agencies had been questioned recently by the FBI in the leak investigations.
“When you have more and more information being classified, and more and more secrets being kept, the only way reporters can get information is when internal whistleblowers provide it. And that drives this administration crazy,” says Lucy Dalglish, executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
Craig Crawford, a recurring guest commentator on Countdown was on to discuss this matter with Keith. You could tell from what each of them was saying, and from their body language and tone of voice, that both were clearly distressed by this story. Unfortunately, the transcript for last night’s show is not yet up, or I’d give you the exact words of the dialogue between the two of them.
Suffice it to say that they were both sounding alarm bells for our Constitution, and particularly for the seeming death of the First amendment freedoms which are the fundamental basis for our democracy. Freedom of the Press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly — all being flushed down the toilet by the Republican Party.
I’ve never seen Olbermann quite so despairing. The cynical edge he always employs was in full force, but it was dampened by his openly stated realization that Bush and the Republican controlled Congress are suppressing our Nation’s few remaining sources of dissent, with nary a peep from most of the media or the public.
And Craig Crawford, usually so full of snark expressed with his peculiar brand of over-the-top bonhomie, was unusually somber. Whenever I’ve watched him appear on Countdown before, he’s always played the jokester with Keith, but last night you could tell he was clearly too worried and too concerned about what he sees happening to our free press to evoke his usual persona of detached sarcasm. The jokes were few, and no one was laughing, least of all Keith and Craig.
It had the appearance of two desperate men facing the gallows. It was hard for me to watch. It must be difficult to be the only sane newsman on broadcast television these days. No one else on TV covers these stories of White House and Republican abuse as much as Keith does, nor is there any other news show like his that actually reports the reality of these various disasters rather than merely regurgitating the Republican spin.
So if you have time today, send Keith an email, and tell him how much we appreciate his show, and to keep fighting for us. Why? Because we need the guy more than ever.
Keith’s email:
Update [2006-3-7 10:27:27 by Steven D]: At the suggestion of Rick Oliver in the DKOS comments, please also contact MsNBC to let them know you support Keith and Countdown.
Webpage with other MsNBC contact info: LINK
Cross-posted at Daily Kos: LINK
I recommended it over at dKos, and then hit the button again by accident. Doh! I keep doing that lately; these diaries are just too darn exciting for me, I guess.
Olbermann is a national treasure…good job tipping the hat to him. He deserves it, as do you.
Oh no worries. I’ve done the same thing there. So frustrating. At least here you can rectify the situation if you click on the unrecommend butto by mistake.
it is a simple fix that Andy put in. Here you can recommend, unrecommend, and recommend again, but the time stamp will always by from your first recommend.
That way, you can’t keep a diary on the rec list longer by re-recommending it.
That’s the reason Kos doesn’t allow the re-recommend. But, it is easy to fix the problem of accidental unrecommneds…so we did.
…more civilized bunch here. Ssssssh. Don’t tell them that I said that though, ok? :o)
These sites won’t be around much longer if we don’t get some representation quickly on these crucial issues. Graham(with a smile from Gonzales) is going after the political activists and his work to derail the wiretap investigation will make sure he shuts down any opposing opinion.
It’s a dangerous time right now…but all we can do is stand up for what we believe is right. Fortunately, we have a few things going for us that I hope will save us in the end: our Constitution and our long history of free thought and expression.
My parents are 1956 immigrants to the USA. My father fought on the streets of Budapest during the Hungarian Revolution against the Soviets. After the revolt was put down, they fled to America. The people in Hungary at that time did not have a Constitution and had not been living in freedom for two centuries. They did not have that to fall back on, to help guide them. The German people also did not have a Constitution as ours in place or a long history of living in a free society such as ours.
I’m not saying that ‘it can’t happen here…’ Heck, I’ve been saying that it can for a long time. What I’m attempting to say is that although we’re no different as human being from others who went before us, our experience as a nation is entirely unique. I’m hoping that will be our ace in the hole and keep us from descending entirely into the black hole of tyranny.
I know it’s a much different world today; and I do agree that we’re going to have some dangerous times ahead of us — but I have to hope that our Constitution and experience as a people will win out in the end.
What else can anyone hope for? There’s no other alternative…and we must continue to behave in a manner that mirrors a positive and hopeful attitude: that we know we and our actions are right, and that the Constitution will protect us in the end.
That’s the most hopeful expression I’ve heard in a long time. Thanks. I’ve been trying to warn people of the dangers of the dataveillance for several years now but nobody would take it very seriously.
I watched Keith last night and all my inner red flags went up during this segment. Keith is trying so hard to get the truth out within the confines of the corporate realm he has to deal with. I felt exactly the way you did Steven. I wonder if we have crossed that invisible line of no return. I wonder how the others in the media reading the propoganda from the White House look inthe mirror each day.
Sadly, I think they just look at their paycheck and smile.
It’s on the DVR waiting…but I did peek in and Crawford had a bit of a “furrowed brow” look IIRC.
How long, O Lord, how long?
emailed my support.
Keith is the only one I watch on msnbc….the only one!
send Keith an email, and tell him how much we appreciate his show, and to keep fighting for us.
Done! I won’t be home to see him tonight, so if they read an email from Knoxville, let me know so I can come hide in your attic, LOL.
Look, this is the time to stand up. BushCo will fold if the American conscience arises.
Hell, Spring is coming, the war is lost, we’re broke, everybody knows BushCo is on the run.
The judges, the cops, the FBI, the clerks and mail carriers and copy room workers are going to see that this Espionage Act bs doesn’t get past 1st base.
I’m sure Olbermann is sticking his neck out, but the last shall be first.
From my diary It Was Only A Dream…Eddie Cleanhead Vinson.
Read it and weep for your country.
Sound familiar?
“…one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. . . “
“You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join you in resisting somehow.”
Keith Olbermann.
168 to 1.
Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), a media watchdog group, did an analysis of the so-called “expert witnesses” brought onto the news programs of the major networks during the runup to the Iraq invasion. ALL major networks, 24/7 right at the peak of the flame fanning.
The results, which were shocking even to me, a long-time media skeptic, were as follows.
168 to 1 in favor of the government. “Ex”-government officials, purveyors of right wing academic studies, etc.
That’s 168 to 1!!!
It went like this. 168 men and women in Washington drag…suits, uniforms, “nice” haircuts, etc., then one nun from Topeka, 168 more media clones, 1 student from Bennington, 168 more government spokespeople, another harmless and vaguely foolish left-winger.
Well…that’s about right.
Olbermann is their token opposition. Slightly nerdish, relegated to some backwater cable station, he can easily be ignored or dismissed by the REAL people, and he is certainly useful in selling stuff to that benighted segment of the American public that still believes the media are not under a tight lockdown that is always and forever administered by one faction or another of the PermaGov.
Olbermann vs/168 other talking heads with a DIFFERENT…and fairly consistent…script.
Does he realize this?
I imagine that he does…he seems very intelligent.
Is he doing what he is doing in some cynical manner?
I think not, myself. But the question is irrelevant. Cynical or full of hope, he is always outnumbered, always outgunned.
Once again, people…when you involve yourself in a battle…when you REALLY BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN WIN THAT BATTLE…and the odds are 168 to 1 against you…
You must wake the fuck up.
“But what about the power of the truth?” you say.
What about it?
This system will destroy itself eventually. (I mistyped “destory”. Yup. That too.) Or be destroyed from without. Or a little of both. THAT is “the truth”. How do I know this truth? Every religion on the face of the earth, every spiritual discipline that has ever successfully succeeded in moderating and guiding a well-functioning society says this.
From the Richard Wilhem translation of the I Ching
destructive to the good alone but inevitably destroys itself as well. For evil, which lives solely by negation, cannot continue to exist on its own strength alone.
But this resident evil (See my recent diary The Existence of Pure Evil for more on THAT idea.) has gone WAY too far for our little segment of society to do the deconstructing. WAY too far.
About the only real choice we have is to either continue to lend our support to it by believing that it actually works in the manner in which it is advertised (A “free press” that functions as a watchdog for the rights of the people.) …or withdraw our support from this shell, this hologram of that idea and go on about our business.
The single most effective blow that the left could land on this machine today would be to TOTALLY drop out of participating in its maintenance.
It would be both a cultural shock and a financial one.
A sudden mass awakening among the intellectual elite of this country (“WE” are the intellectual elite? Sad. Well…everything’s relative, I guess…) would have PROFOUND effects on how the game is played. On any number of levels.
So…WHO’S WITH ME!!!???
(The silence of the lambs…)
Poor little sheeple…
Ain’t gonna happen, is it?
Next order of business…
Those of you who DO hear what I am saying…prepare for the crash.
Fasten your seat belts…it’s going to be a rough ride.
Hunker down and hope you survive the storm.
Get to high ground if you can.
It’s about to get even nastier.
“…no one was laughing, least of all Keith and Craig…”?
“It had the appearance of two desperate men facing the gallows…”?
Like I said…Keith is pretty smart.
HE knows what’s up.
Betcha he’s got his escape route already planned. (Money’s pretty good in broadcasting, and he’s been at it a long while. I notice that he already has a spot on ESPN radio…”Oh. Well. I’m just a sportscaster at heart…” Whatever is necessary to survive, Keithy. I understand. The family, the mortgage…)
Hunker down…storm warnings are out.
And you don’t even NEED a weatherman to tell which way the wind’s blowing…
What we need is an organized, temporary walk away from the internet…the new moneymaker.
I’ve been through that so many times I’ve lost hope.
Now posted as a diary.
Media Weather Report. 3/7/06. Storm Warnings Everywhere.
In case you’re interested…
Yup, I just saw that. I hope it gets plenty of discussion with or without my radical views in it. A few voices here and there in a disjointed approach hasn’t proven very successfull so far.
It won’t if it doesn’t get enough recommendations…
And there seem to be a LOT of people here who are pissed off at me for suggesting that they might be missing a boat or two in the regatta.
So it goes…
I already did, before I posted here again. I’m not sure what it takes to engage people without pissing them off. I can’t seem to do it.
…back in his 70’s heyday had more progressives on one show than all of our networks and 24/7s had on in a full year’s time. Look around — even now. When was the last time we saw even a VETERAN’S GROUP represented on any of these shows? Fine…you don’t want Veteran’s for Common Sense? OK…how about the American Legion, then? You don’t want Veterans for Peace? Fine, how about the gosh darn USO? At this point any group would be an improvement over what we currently have: absolutely nothing.
I mean, good God…we’re a nation at war with soldiers coming home from battle and our ‘Support the Troops’ media can’t even be bothered to give a few of them or their advocates a seat at the table every now and then? It is utterly disgusting and a moral scandal.
Ticks me off to no end…
You are wonderful! Consider your entire face covered in lipstick! :
I also ran over to Kos and gave you a rcmd.
Don’t tell my wife.
I think one of the agencies already sent that email, sorry.