Vanity Fair (.pdf):

“Abramoff ‘admits that he stepped over ethical lines, insulted and misled his clients, offended the God to whom he regularly prays. By court decree, he owes the Indian tribes approximately $25 million in restitution, and he owes the I.R.S. at least $1.7 million.

On Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, when Orthodox Jews beat their breasts for their sins, he can flagellate himself with great conviction. But for Jack Abramoff, the time for on-the-record rancor is over. However angry he may be with former cronies who supped at his trough and accepted his favors but who now call him a “sleazebag” or a “creep” and wish he’d never been born, he bites his tongue. What really upsets him is all this revisionism, all these people pretending he never existed.”

He is such a God fearing man. I can tell from this:

In emails now made public by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, which is investigating his activities, Abramoff repeatedly referred to Native Americans as “monkeys”, “troglodites” and “morons.”[24]

Abramoff once asked his co-conspirator Scanlon to meet a client, saying in an email, “I have to meet with the monkeys from the Choctaw tribal council. You need to close the deal… with the client…”

About one tribal client (date unknown) Abramoff wrote to Scanlon, “These mofos are the stupidest idiots in the land for sure.” In another email message he wrote, “we need to get some money from those monkeys!!”