and the license plates of cars driven by people entering the clinic.
See Activist posts clinic visitors’ pictures
Mike Nowatzki, The ForumAn anti-abortion activist who is banned from going within 150 feet of the Red River Women’s Clinic in Fargo is now posting pictures on the Web of women entering the clinic.
Jennifer Ring, director of ACLU of the Dakotas, said she couldn’t recall hearing of a similar Web site, but there have been numerous tactics used to identify clinic staff in other parts of the country. Those instances “can get very scary, very quickly,” she said, because staff have been threatened and even killed in the past.Ring said Thursday was the first time she’d seen the site, and she would consult with an attorney about its legality.
“My first instinct is as disgusting as it is and as dangerous as it is, it’s probably legal,” she said.
I have no clue how best to deal with this insanity that seems to increase exponentially week by week. Maybe someone can come up with an “innovative way” to contribute to the “education” of this loony?
This is legal? Don’t they have to sign a release or something?
MS Ring of the ACLU is working on it, I’m sure. I’ve met her and knew her father, Ben, as he taught Phylosphy at UND in Grand Forks. Her father was a life long activist, well known in ND, I doubt the apple has fallen far from the tree in this case.
I’ll update, if I find more news on this.
Took a few photography classes a few years back. And, if I remember correctly, a picture of another person that is exhibited must have a release specifying the terms. If if is a picture that is sold/provides any monetary gain, and there is no release, then the person who is photographed is entitiled to a certain percentage of the profits, PLUS damages, in addition to a court order prohibiting that image/likeness or any other(s) shown, sold, exhibited w/o a release.
I wasn’t planning on writing a diary today, but I thought I’d just get this out for discussion.
Some days the news really does make one feel ill.
Anyone who wishes may incorporate this into another diary.
I will be on the road this afternoon and unable to comment. And after that on 31.2K dial up. So my participation will be limited over the weekend.
The best thing to do with him is photograph his every move and contact in public every hour of every day until he gets tired of it.
There’s no educating that type of mind.
Photography of people in public is legal as long as they are not in a place that carries an inherent, reasonable expectation of privacy. A public street, sidewalk or business is likely fair game but the zoom might be a legal loophole to close. The point of the restraining order, in that linked account, was to prevent this same conduct.
Posting those pictures is likely to be a violation of the ir ISP’s terms of service, and from what I understand, that is actually the easiest way to get some of those pictures removed from the site.
Be funny if that was cyberstalking under the Patriot Act?
Have these idiots read some of the recent diaries here.
Evidently not. But I’m hoping some of the authors of recent diaries might come up with some “creative” ideas that I could relay to people here, like Ms Ring.
I’m shuddering at the thought of the wingnut zealots stumbling on this site this week and weighing in on our discussions of sexual violence and patriarchy. It would take very few hateful comments to taint the whole discussion — there are some very strong people here who have chosen to make themselves vulnerable on this site right now. It would rip me apart to hear them flamed or see their stories spread before closed minds.