For those of you that need some frivolity on a Friday afternoon…
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
nuclear fuel for mangos
what can we trade to get vegimite
I evicted from the house the first bat of the season. They are getting started awfully early this year: Usually they wait till summer.
He was taking a nap on the carpet and was pretty unhappy to be woke up!
I made some mayonnaise, I guess that’s frivolous. I never had it before in my life (before Romania) and it’s unbelievably so much better than the store stuff.
Also tastes super good mixed with garlic and added to french fries, but I guess that’s probably a little too kraaazy for Americans 😉
French fries with mayonnaise are excellent…but I never thought of adding garlic before.
Romanians use a sauce on french fries called mujdei which is both delicious and easy to make.
Peel and mince about three cloves of garlic as small as you possibly can. Put them in a coffee mug and fill it with water. Stir vigorously until the liquid takes on a kind of pearly sheen (you can also add a little spoonful of oil as well).
I am always in need of some frivolity, not just on Fridays. Just ask Mrs.boran2.
the following modifications be made to amend the U.S. flag to better reflect the realities we are facing
Has anyone ever noticed that it takes longer to brew a fresh pot of coffee when you realize that the coffeepot is empty?
From the First BooTrib Frivolous Friday thread on March 25, 2005.
Don’t forget that Monday the 13th is the site’s first anniversary. Fiesta time!
Is there a party planned? What a great occasion!!
I’m sure there will be a party somewhere, though! Either on the frontpage, the cafe or perhaps all over the place.
I just read over at Eschaton that Craig Allen, one of Bush’s domestic advisors, was arrested for refund fraud at Target. That Bush, he sure is a good judge of character, isn’t he? Has uncanny skill at picking sociopaths that make him feel normal.
I mean, what do you suppose Allen was getting paid? $100K?+/- And he felt what… compelled to rip off Target for a couple hundred dollars every now and then? Or maybe this is how he “worked” his way thru college and couldn’t give up the habit?