So, Watcha Readin’ These Days?
Saturday Afternoon Book Group in Front; Naps in Back.
Saturday Afternoon Café is Partially Hosted by Maryb (who will be back).
Coffee & Tea Available.
Coffee & Tea Available.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
A Book Review 4 is Appreciated by All.
I have to leave for a while so talk among youselves (echo echo).
The NYTimes (sub req) has a review of the book Andi recommended last week: “In the Company of the Courtesan” by Sarah Dunant. The reviewer is Erica Jong.
“The First Sex” by Elizabeth Gould Davis; 1971
The First Sex traces woman’s contribution to civilization from the first millenium to the Age of Aquarius — it concludes that woman’s contribution has been greater than man’s…. repudiating 2,000 years of propaganda known as HIStory…..
And she, fellow readers, was born in KANSAS !!
(I also got just now in the post “The Imperial Presidency” Arthur Schlesinger; 1973)
Sue Monk Kidd’s The Mermaid’s Chair because I so enjoyed her Secret Life of Bees.
Has anyone read Evan S. Connell’s The Aztec Treasure House? It’s a delightful collection of geographical/historical/travel writing.
I’ve returned
to nobody it looks like
LOL well I haven’t been doing much reading this week.
Well, I just got back from lacrosse…and can I just say it was a perfect afternoon to hang out at the field for a few hours?
My house was hot today and I briefly thought of turning on the AC, even though the heat was on less than a week ago. Now it is sprinkling, but nothing much expected to ease the drought.
Mr. Nature is in Japan and the kids and I are cooking rib eyes on the grill.
I briefly thought the same thing today. It was only 81 but it was really humid.
Then I decided I was a wimp and drank some water.
MMM…grilling. Good idea. (Can you tell I don’t feel like making dinner?)
I’m leaving again for a while. Be back in an hour or so.
Since Mary is gone, I thought I decorate the reading room.
Think she will like the notice?
I can almost smell it. If Mary isn’t around to claim it, I will.
It’s yours. How’s it going today SN. Did you get over your headache?
The headache tormented me all night, and finally was able to get to sleep around 5 AM and when I woke up it was gone. Yay!
Yay indeed! I’m happy to hear that, and you get two flowers.
THanks, we don’t have any magnolias in our yard. Lots of rhododendrons that I’ll probably manage to kill in no time, and some beautiful dogwoods though.
I like trees that produce flowers. No plant is safe around me and since trees are pretty hardy, I don’t worry about them.
Apparently you’re supposed to DO something to rhododendrons that I’m not doing, because some of them are looking pretty pathetic. Maybe I pruned them at the wrong time. Or maybe it’s because we’ve had drought conditions the past two years and I never watered them. Don’t want to waste water trying to keep up with the neighbors and their landscaping crews.
Concrete. That’s your answer. Make your yard into a parking lot.
It’s getting there, FM. I guess I should water it before the homeowner’s association has us hanged in the middle of the cul de sac.
I’ve been lucky this week because the storm that came through made the neighbors yard look as bad as our. So now I don’t feel so bad about not getting it done.
Did you sister decide to come after all?
If not, it’s a good thing you didn’t come to visit me as I ended up in Cincy experiencing the joys of helping my sister and her family move in a downpour.
I have another sister in Cincinnati too. The one who was supposed to come decided not to. It’s weird, we all seemed like pretty normal kids, but as adults there are several of us with depression, anxiety and drinking problems.
Do you ever go visit the sister in Cincy?
Having problems is pretty normal as far as I’m concerned. Seems like you all love and like each other which is the most important thing as far as I’m concerned.
our relationships change over the years as circumstances dictate. At one time she and I were really close but not lately. She got remarried about 5 years ago and moved down there and I’ve rarely spoken to her since then.
Okay, just ignore my last comment.
I was just doing some wishful thinking about the likelihood of you, me, and Indy being in the same neighborhood.
That would be cool. I wouldn’t say that I’d never visit her, just never really thought about it.
I have 3 or 4 of my 6 sisters who I would choose as friends even if we weren’t related, and the others I just don’t have that much in common with. No least I don’t THINK so.
Hi FM. What kind of flower is that?
Magnolia. It a picture from a big tree in front yard at the farm.
Wow, great photo, FM!!!
Thanks mythmother, but it pales in comparison to your.
Thanks, FM! It’s hard to miss with such beautiful surroundings!
stunning picture. I am a flower freak. I was a designer for years.
Thanks Refinish. It’s one of my nature pictures of which I only have 4 or 5. I’ve got to start taking more.
today’s dawn was pretty good.
That’s beautiful Andi. Did you take that on the way to help you sister?
Yup. The weather was weird — while this scene was to the east of us, there were thunderstorms to both the north and south of us.
We’ve been cloudy today, but no rain. It got up to the low 80’s and the A/C almost got turned on. We’re supposed to get some rain tomorrow.
I wonder if maryb is still under tornado warning?
Driving down the road to meet the day. Very pretty.
Really lovely! You must have a great camera!
Nope haven’t read any books, but took some photos this morning. My week was basically just surviving the wierd vibes in my workplace while completing an NEA proposal. The NEA applicant now has to access, the most obscure and convoluted online proposal process ever invented. Your tax dollars at work!
That’s magnificent mythmother.
Thanks! Those cormorants love to strike poses!
Wonderful photo. I’m glad you have somewhere wonderful to escape your horrible work environment
Yes, what a blessing!
I agree with Andi. I’ve thought of you often and I keep hoping things get better.
OK I’m going to go take a nap now.
Sleep well.
This picture is missing the last two of my sisters, yet to be born, and the oldest. Andi thinks we look like Children of the Corn.
I think ya’ll look like happy sibling posing for a picture.
By chance were there any corn field near by. Just asking. 😉
Nope, this was suburbia. Just a jr. high baseball field across the street where I hung out from dawn to dusk playing ball, making mudpies when it rained, and kissing my first boyfriend behind some bushes.
It sounds really nice. Since I grew up on a farm I had more mud than I wanted, but my brother and I used to have dirt clod fights. Unfortunately, he was better at it than me.
We were such little scrappers that we would make ashtrays out of the mud and let them dry in the sun. Then we would try to sell them to neighbors for money to go to the penny candy store. One time we had a porch sale while my mother was at work and we sold some of her shoes without asking her first.
Great photo, SN, it really captures a familiar essence.
That picture is too precious!!!!
Yes but so were the Children of the Corn. 🙂
I’m the little one in the picture. The one to the left of me scratched my arm so hard that I still have scars. We were all arms and legs and nails and teeth when we fought. The Children of the Corn would be scared to death of us.
sounds like me chasing my brother through the house with the rail from the top bunk so I could kill him. LOL Luckily for him the housekeeper stoped me.
I’m back and — yes there are people here!
Hi Mary. The bad weather gotten past you yet?
No, we’re still under a tornado watch and bad weather hasn’t hit yet.
It doesn’t FEEL like tornado time though. If you know what I mean.
Yes I do. Thursday it came through here and didn’t feel right. You stay safe.
that was a great comment in susanw diary.
I guess I might as well open the Lounge — so come on over.