Happy Birthday Booman Tribune!
Birthday wishes gratefully accepted
Free birthday cake while it lasts!
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Though I didn’t come to the Trib until May or June it quickly became home. Thanks BooMan….and congratulations!
Happy birthday BT!!!
Happy Birthday to BoomanTribune!!
Now, could you kindly point me in the direction of the double dense death by chocolate triple layer cake? :oP
A death wish so early on a Monday morning? I am in desperate need of a poppyseed bagel.
At least I’ll go with a smile (and chocolate) on my face :o)
Sometimes that’s all you can ask. Didn’t see you around much…did you have a good weekend?
mention chocolate?:
(Heading out the door in about 20 minutes…back later…)
And before the white light sucked me up my vision cleared for a moment and I saw this photo again and it jump started my heart. IT IS WRONG TO PUT THIS UP FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!
I think I’d pick off all those chocolate covered espresso beans and just pop them in my mouth. Maybe it would wake me up a little.
Isabelle says good morning and happy birthday to Boo and all the froggies. Yay spring!
That is a wonderfully composed picture — great framing and light. It’s very painterly.
Thanks, it was carefully planned out as you can imagine.
planning is for weenies — you’ve got talent and a good eye.
There’s an idea.
Maybe we could have a painting expo. I like to watercolor and I have a decent scanner.
All this time and I didn’t know that you painted! We had an expo several months back, we could do it again.
then. Last night at 11:00pm my loving spouse had to ask me to please be quiet so he could go to sleep. I used to pass out around 8:00pm completely exhausted before. Let me know if and when you would like to do another.
Maybe I’ll do a diary with a poll. (Right after I do my next east coast meetup diary, which is overdue.)
Beautiful shot, SN. Simply luscious!
Thanks to you, WW, my sister in lusciousness.
And happy birthday to the pond!
I’d like peanut butter chocolate mousse pie, please…
Hey, no special orders. You’re lucky I baked a birthday cake this early in the morning. Maybe when it’s YOUR birthday you can have a peanut butter chocolate mousse pie.
Well, tomorrow’s my 1-year at BooTrib birthday…can I have it then? 🙂
Well then, of course. If you make it, I’ll cut you a piece. :0)
Happy Birthday!
Gosh I love birthday parties.
Put a party hat on George and bring him along.
George wouldn’t miss it. I think I saw him going straight for the cake and he can be a pig when it comes to cake.
You know I saw that, but I thought it was the Ziffel side of your family.
Just can’t get rid of that part of the family. We’ve learned to cope. 🙂
Every family has that one person, or one branch, that you wish you could hide.
How are you FM? Got any big napping plans for the day?
I’m fine thanks.
Believe it or not, before the rain hits I’m going out and do yard work. Phewtttttt. That’s going to cut into a few naps, but I’ll make up for it tomorrow. 🙂
Just to let you know…if you’re taking more than one nap a day it means you’re officially old. Fight it, Family Man, fight it!
OK, today only two naps.
Now I’ve got to run and get started on the yard. Pheewtttt.
Happy B’day pond dwellers.
Happy First Bloggiversary, BooMan Tribune!
I think I’ve done more posting at this site than at any other joint since the good old days of BBS when the only people who were on the internet were science geeks, Heinlein worshippers, & secret agents. Now that I think of it, I’m not sure what to make of the fact that we used to have pretty much the same arguments back then, we just had them with no graphics and they went much s…l…o…w…e…r. Dialup at 300 baud. Heh.
So, which of those were you?
I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.
I’m guessing it’s the science geek/Heineken worshipper. Unless you really do read sci-fi, in which case you are a bigger geek than I imagined.
I never really had much of a category; I elude categorization without paying attention, whether it’s any kind of “normal” or whichever stereotype. But I did used to read a ton of sci-fi and I am certain that I am a much bigger geek than you have imagined.
Did you confuse Heinlein with Heineken or was that a joke? My dad liked both. I was never enamored of the beer, and I only really liked the author when I was a kid, before I’d figured out some of the more subtle complexities regarding political theories.
5 years ago I would have confused the two, but Mr. Nature was a huge Heinlein fan as a lad so now I can legitimately claim it was a joke.
I never got into sci-fi. Something about the way it’s always dark and there’s no trees anywhere just gives me the creeps.
There is a lot of scifi that isn’t anything like that. Here’s a couple I think you might like:
The Color of Distance, Amy Thomson
A Paradign of Earth, Candas Jane Dorsey
I don’t know…there’s also the fact that it takes place long after my kids and I are dead so it kind of creeps me out that way too. Unless it’s one of those prehistoric-futuristic ones in which case it’s too complicted for me to follow and I don’t care anyway.
Shorter SN: I don’t like scifi and you can’t make me read it — 😛
Happy Birthday Booman Tribune!
Hoppy(pun intended) Birthday Frogsters! Here’s to Booman and the people that make it the best damn liberal blof community on the Nets!
I would love a slice of cheesecake with rasberry sauce please. Off to the grind. Hope you all have a splendiferous day.
Don’t forget the SoCal meetup in two weeks. I will be posting a diary later in the week to get a gauge on how many are actually coming etc.
Oh Good, aloha about the diary for the meetup, yes we need to start the coordination and all the details.
Happy Birthday!! And just think, on this day in history, one year ago, the Cafe wasn’t even yet a gleam in Diane’s eye. There was so much more to come!
Happy Birthday Bootrib,, Booman and fellow froggs, what a long year it has been, but yet hard to believe it’s been a year at the same time..
Isn’t that the truth? I guess that’s how life goes.
I’m with Supersoling – chocolate for breakfast every day.
Is everybody bringing their dogs? Now that’s a party! I’m bringing my two goddesses of frolic – Stella and Charlie, they love a pond. Let’s dance while the dogs play.
The really sad thing is Stella and Charlie dance better than I do.
Just join in SN – no judges here, and no wallflowers or shrinking violets. Passionflowers all.
I’ve never heard of a better suggestion. 🙂
were the Marine Corp breakfast. I guess he wanted to alleviate our guilt on Christmas morning while we were all downing Mimosa’s and plates of chocolate everything were laying all over the house. Instead of glutinous snarfing American Civilians we could pretend we had standards and a mission.
Did ya all vote in the Koufax for Best Blog Community? I guess you vote by comment. I didn’t realize that at first. I thought you could leave a comment while they were setting up the voting system….I’m sort of slow like that.
If I remember right, and if they’re doing it the same way this year, then this is just the first round of voting. These votes by posting will narrow down the candidates to a shorter list and then there will be another round of voting — which will be more like the polls around here are set up, select an option and then click — for the winners. (But I could be confusing these with a different web award, so this might not be right.)
I desire to win in the primaries! I must win in the freakin primaries or I will, I will, I will eat chocolate and have a beer!
Happy Birthday BT!
Happy Birthday Boo Trib!! And congratulations to all the pond dwellers.
This is my backyard this morning. Six inches (at least) of wet, sticky snow with fog and wind. And lest you think we live like this all the time up here in the tundra, last Friday it was 56 degrees!! So, a bit of a shocker this am.
And to top it all off, we found out the power is out at work – so we’re all taking a snow/no power day. With all this unexpected time on my hands, thought I’d drop in to the cafe and join the birthday celebration.
Sounds like a great day for cocoa and a nap. Oh, and birthday cake, of course.
seeing that.
Its pretty as long as I’m sitting here safe and snug cuddled on the couch with my canine pals.
This is the kind of snow that sticks to everything – so the whole world is coated in white. The only problem is that for some reason (maybe wind and fog), all my windows are coated with snow too – so I can’t see out. That’s why I opened the back door and decided to take a picture.
And I’m spending lots of energy trying to talk myself into grabbing the snow shovel and getting to work. Its going to be a bear to shovel since its the heavy wet kind.
Now that the marmot is here the party is complete!
Happy birthday to all! 🙂
Can we all go celebrate with marmot for the festivities?? I just LOVE a good beach scene.
Party on, ‘dude!
Can someone remind me how to limit the width of an image to 400 without shrinking it in photobucket, please? I forgot…
at the end you just put width=”400″>
add this to tag
< img width=400 src= URL > close brackets…hard to trick the HTML gnomes into showing this
Thanks SN and dada!
And p.s., Second Nature, that is the best frog picture EVER. I love the one ManEeegee used to use, of the stack of frogs, but this one!
Thanks, kansas dear. 🙂
Glad to see you here safe and sound after the nasty weather out your way yesterday.
Whew! Thanks, KP! Sirens blasting off and on all day long. My son is a senior (more or less) at KU, in Lawrence, and he said it looked like “Armeggedon” yesterday. I read that 60% of the buildings on campus are damaged. Thank god none of the kids, or anybody else there, was injured or killed. Although it seems to have affected practically the whole town, the heart of it hit close to campus, and about 12 blocks from where my boy lives.
You should hear Katiebird’s harrowing tale. She saw a funnel as she drove home under clouds so low and black that she couldn’t see the tops of some utility poles!
I’ve been with you since – well, since!
It’s damned about time I got one of
those – hick – those! Haffy new year!
Happy Birthday from a (relatively) recent member! Congratulations, BooMan!
Happy Birthday, everyone!
Around my house we like to celebrate birthdays all week long, so let the festivities begin! (late-to-work west coaster here)
Now I’d love a piece of that triple threat chocolate thingie. Mmm, chocolate for breakfast!
Happy Birthday to a great, great community!
Happy Birthday to Boo
Happy Birthday to Boo
Happy Birthday to the frog pond
Happy Birthday to you!
& many, many, many more.
Thanks, everyone. Cheers!
Can I get some of that chocolate cake now? Or have you all scarfed it up?
What a wonderful community you’ve fostered Boo.
Thank you so much for all inviting us all in. {{{Boo}}}
And big hugs to all the BTers … {{{froggies}}}
A virtual bouquet to celebrate!
Welcome everyone, and please eat all of the cake. I sure don’t want any leftovers hanging around to tempt me after you’re all gone.
Hi everybody! I feel so good today. I think it’s because of the beautiful spring weather we have been having. I got to spend some time outside this weekend and it was just grand. Of course my allergies are beginning to act up. But I have an appointment soon with my new allergist, so we’ll get THAT dealt with too.
If you’re not freezing your ass off you’re sneezing…that’s life for those of us with allergies. Ah well, the weather is beautiful, isn’t it?
Ayup. And it’s not quite so bad yet I have to stay holed up inside.
I did it, I did it, I did it! Thank God, Great GooglyMoogly, and Bar the Door Katie.
Oh the joy of not having to go out and rake leaves again, I won’t have……… Wait a minute, now the grass with grow. Damn!
I guess I’ll have to bake another cake for the occasion. Now I guess it’s nap time? 🙂
Definitely nap time, and George likes Black Forrest Cake. Better get to baking. 🙂
I love Black Forest Cake! Alright, hopefully the electric mixer won’t wake you up. Zzzzzzzz
Speaking of Zzzzzzzzzz. I’ve got to get a shower and take a nap. Check back in a while.
Boing, boing, boing…
(That was a frog hopping.) I guess I could say Hop, hop, hop… Happy Hopping!! 🙂 That’s it!
P.S. Go Russ!
how we give a website birthday spankings?
This’ll hurt Booman more than it will me. 🙂
Anybody in the cafe?
I hope SN is getting one of her famous happy hours together. I’m about ready to throw in the towel on any further law thinking today.
I’m sure she will. I could use one today myself.
Happy hour is open! C’mon in you two, wouldn’t be the same without you!
heard we’re running low on booze, cake and party favors. Need some help to unload the car. The cakes are special ordered from my friend’s french patisserie. We should have enough rounds, open bar to take us past midnight.
Happy birthday Booman.