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About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
THE HAGUE (AP) 10 minutes ago — In February 2004, Milosevic moved into a small office separate from his standard cell equipped with phones, computers and filing cabinets. It was there that he interviewed witnesses, consulted legal aides and prepared his defense. His main advisers were three Belgrade associates whom he met regularly. He also could interview witnesses at a second office at the U.N. court.
Milosevic held confidential meetings with most of the 50 witnesses he called in his defense, as well as his wife and grandson, and former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
«« click on pic to enlarge
The car carrying the body of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic leaves the Dutch Forensic Institue in Rijswijk, near The Hague, Netherlands, for the morgue at Schiphol Airport. Milosevic's son arrived in the Netherlands to take possession of the ex-Yugoslav leader's remains. It was still not clear whether Milosevic's remains would be flown to Belgrade, where the family has requested to bury him or to Russia, where his wife, Mirjana Markovic, and son, Marko, live. AP Photo/Bas Czerwinski
The U.N. detention unit was a wing of a Dutch prison complex in the seaside resort of Scheveningen, a few miles from where the trial was held.
From the facility, Milosevic was able to review 1.3 million pages of testimony and documentation and more than 1,000 videos and DVDs that had been gathered for the prosecution case.
In an order, the trial judges insisted the office remain in “a privileged setting.” The room required two keys to gain access, one held by Milosevic and the other by prison officials.
≈ Cross-posted from earlier diary — Traces of Benzodiazepines Found In 2004 ≈
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Hey, Oui, good to see you out and about today. Been missing your great diaries/posts. Worry is my favorite thing to do, ya know…:o)
An Iraqi woman walks past the bodies of Iraqis killed during sectarian violence, at a hospital in Baghdad, Iraq. At least 87 men killed by gunshots, most bound hand and foot, over the past 24 hours. AP Photo/Samir Mizban
JERICHO -- Three Palestinians were reportedly killed in exchanges of fire with IDF soldiers. GOC Central Command Yair Naveh expressed regret at their deaths, noting the operation was not aimed at the PA security forces, but rather at arresting the six wanted inmates.
The poll found that by a 47-36 margin, people favor Democrats over Republicans when they are asked who should control Congress.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Central Valley CA: funnel clouds, thunderstorms w/hail, rain, high winds, interspersed with periods of sunshine. Weather equivalent of a political blog.
Democrat world? Oh, you know, everything’s just fine, doncha know.
A look at the lack of integrity in our federal prosecuters’ conduct, our court system and general disrespect of the law.
Hey, but thank goodness the judge allowed the death penalty option to stay. The FBI can’t even connect ZM to 9/11 directly, but they want to kill him for not saying what he knew-same as everyone else in the govt did.
It’s funny: if she granted the defense request for a mistrial, the gov’t could bring this before a new jury, possibly with the very witnesses who are now tainted. By allowing the penalty trial to go, the gov’t will probably appeal — bad news here is that the 4th Circuit is one of the most conservative districts in the country & will hear the appeal.
I wonder if though, if Brinkema wants this to go on as is (i.e. without the tainted witnesses, deemed by the prosecution to be 1/2 their case) on the theory that the gov’t has fucked it up so badly they deserve to be allowed to lose on its ‘merits.’
Of course, an emotional jury can do anything . . .
Jeralynn, btw, has an interesting theory as to why this happened — has less to do in her view with prosecutorial misconduct than the TSA lawyer wanting to protect the TSA & teh airlines in the 9/11 civil suits againt them — her theory makes a lot of sense
What Was Carla Martin’s Agenda in Moussaoui?
hey rumi,
Get a load of this
The local tv newstories last night were terrible: live interviews of omigawd reactions
It’s trapped! The article is being held against it’s will behind a registration firewall.
If that’s what I think it is, the jurors aren’t impressed with the govt case. I’ve seen reports that say Martin is a senior lawyer and was present in the classified meetings when the judge reinforced the normal procedures. TSA has a pattern of blocking access to incriminating(govt) evidence. The trial didn’t start well for a few of the FBI agents testimony. They were showing signs of being severely uninformed in areas of presumed expertise. They were also digging into evidence that higher-ups were obstructing the investigation being pushed by field agents in Aug, 2001.
This ‘goof’, egregious as it is, might have been genius disguised as incompetence. It sure protects a lot of evidence.
Sorry ’bout that.
Here, have at it from the Mercury instead. It’s not abut ZM, but the Lodi case I’ve written about before. I thought you’d at least get a laugh out of it.
ZM trial isn’t going very well for the gov’t, eh? Ms. Martin has retained counsel, & when questioned, is invoking the 5th 🙂
It’s unclear now if the gov’t can even appeal the decision to exclude all airline security info since the trial has begun. Prosecutors were quoted today saying that it wasn’t worth going on with the trial if they are exlcuded . . . awwww
Hey, are you familiar with the FAA/DoT role in holding evidence in the Lockerbie investigations or trials?
There are too many odd occurrences of the past reaching up to appear again now. How about the bizarre life of Stefan Eriksson and his California adventures?
Not in any detail offhand — certainly wouldn’t be surprised. I recall reading about some funny stuff with the black box, & that some law enforcement type (Scottish? FBI?) came forward alledging planted evidence to falsely implicate Libya. I perked up too when I saw Martin was involved in Lockerbie lawsuits . . .
One will never prove it, but it wouldn’t be shocking if she (Martin) did what she did knowing very well it would be exposed & cause the trial to implode. Poor baby’s lawyered up now. It’s almost amusing when the need for a showtrial conflicts with the needs of coverup.
Dare I ask who Stefan Eriksson is?
March 14, 2003:
And later, regarding Colin Powell’s role:
Emphasis mine.
Fucking “fine”? What is that, like “oops”?
Or even Ides Eve, apparently.
<nods wisely>
I’m just sayin’…
Arab central banks move assets out of dollar, switching to euros.
Meanwhile John Snow is biting his nails….running out of money-he need debt limit ceiling increase.
Is this after raiding the Social Security Trust fund, the fed employees pension fund. And of course, the Democratsic members are to blame.
they were gloating about how all the frightened little Democrats are running away from Feingold’s resolution just as fast as their feet can carry them. They played clips of Schumer and Reid and Stabenow gutlessly dodging the issue.
I hate having the FOX birdbrains call Democrats cowards. I hate it even more that they’re right.
No way. A Reuters story carried by Israeli Daily Ha’aretz:
“U.S. general says no proof Iran behind Iraq arms”
Oh my. Caught with a short tongue. Again
Yoohoooo Scottie, any clarifications here? Will the General be …what is the military term?…ah cashiered. Scottie any…you’ll get back to us on that?
should’ve been “Shock and ‘aw, crap'”, according to report on “Countdown” — new book details how administration was warned about possibility of insurgency. Will try to diary it tomorrow after transcript is up so I can get some details and do research…
There was a not very well publicized report somewhere soon after the invasion that Saddam (and company) had plans in place to begin the resistance/insurgency sometime in June or July of 2003.
I don’t remember everything about it, but the date it was allegedly to begin holds some significance in Iraqi history (either pre-Saddam or from his reign).
Sorry I don’t have the full details, but it might be something to look into when doing your diary. I had a feeling that something like that was in the offing anyway, when there were all those news reports of the Iraqi army just “melting away” when the US advanced. They, more than anyone, also had the knowledge of where all those unguarded munitions places were, too.
Anyway, this just made me think of all that again.