I know that many Illinois Democrats, especially my fellow Cegelis supporters, are supporting Alexi Giannoulias for IL State Treasurer. I understand and respect your decision. But I want to tell you why I’m supporting Paul Mangieri instead. Paul and I are life long friends. We grew up in the same small town (downstate), where Paul’s uncle was our beloved Mayor. We went to the same church, played on the same football team and graduated from high school together in 1977.

I’ll never forget one defining moment from our senior class trip. A bunch of us were talking about our future plans and ambitions. Many of us had starry-eyed dreams, with no real commitment to them.  Not Paul. He spoke up with great conviction and announced, “I’m going to be the President of the United States”. He’s spent the rest of his life working towards that goal.

Paul went off to college, then Law School. After that, he joined the US Navy. He could have gone into a very lucrative private practice, but he felt strongly that he should serve his country first. That says a lot about Paul, and his strong sense of values and ethics….Country first, then family…and himself last.
Paul has taken a lot of heat for his PERSONAL pro-life  beliefs. Beliefs rooted in a strong sense of family, and his Italian-Catholic upbringing. Again, this only shows his strength as a leader, willing to stand up for what he believes, in the face of adversity.

    But he also believes strongly in the Separation of Church and State, and has stated publicly that he would uphold Roe-v-Wade as Constitutional Law.

I don’t doubt that for a minute. As Knox County State’s Attorney, Paul has again shown his belief in duty to country and unwavering ethics. I know many police officers who have worked with Paul through the State’s Attorney’s Office. Every one of them has commented on his willingness to back them if they have a strong case. But he won’t hesitate to send them packing if they don’t have a good case, proving once again his unwavering belief in justice and the law.

Those strong values, ethics and sense of duty are EXACTLY why we need Paul in Springfield. He is incorruptible…An attribute that is sorely lacking in politics these days.

    As State Treasurer, Paul will invest the State’s money based on the best interest of the taxpayers, instead of the interests of wealthy bankers who donated heavily to a campaign fund.

WE NEED Paul Mangieri in state government. I hope you will join me in supporting him…And voting for him…in the March 21st Primary.

Thank you for listening.
Mike Kisler

DISCLAIMER: I am neither a staff member nor a volunteer for the Mangieri Campaign. The views and opinions expressed herein are my own, and only my own.