Just read her article and then think about it for a while. Do you agree? Hell I do and it is bout damn time we did something for a change. lets get busy instead of writing articles, lets do something…what ya say? With me or not?
Molly has hit base with me
Especially that last paragraph.
And I know just the man.
That is a great article…I am glad I am not the only one who thinks we need to be behind him even today. I know it is important to get the job done in 06, but I have already made up my mind what I am gonna do.
Thanks Omir. hugs
I keep thinking I need to write a diary about how we need to jump on the Russ bandwagon right now in order for him to have a fighting chance, but I get started and then toss it out because it’s not coming out the way I want to.
He’s got an uphill battle in front of him, because if current events are any indication, he can count on scant support from the institutions of his own party, if he gets any at all. However, I think he has two things going in his favor: he seems to want the same things those of us in the progressive wing of the blogosphere want, and I think he’s enough like Dean that he’ll attract a lot of the same kind of support from the Deaniacs (not to mention Howard himself, and hopefully the DNC).
But if he’s going to be president, it’s up to us. Fortunately the lunatic fringe of Wingnuttistan has shown us it’s possible to get a president elected if you just get behind your candidate and push.
You do have a point there; however, I do think that when you get someone like Molly behind you and pushing for the same things we want, we have got a good start in that motion of going up the hill. She has come out early on against Hillary Clinton. This is why I am reading more of what she says. I find her truthful and witful and right on with her words. I really do not want anyone to think Russ is not worthy of their time…he is and I think we need someone who will stand up for the PPL here and everywhere in the world. I think he will too…….
We need to get enough progressives and prominent liberals behind Russ early on so we can present the Powers That Be with a fair accompli when it comes to choosing the next Democratic presidential candidate. I’m thinking people like Jim Hightower, Al Franken, Howard Dean, Michael Moore . . . you know, all the wackos who have this strange, pre-8/11 mentality.
Go, Molly, Go!
Molly and Russ Feingold speak for me. A-fucking-MEN.
What a great article Brenda. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I LOVE Russ and am behind him 1000%. We CAN do this.
Molly is preaching to the choir and I, for one, love every note.
She is one fine Texas writer. Great political mind, and dead funny, too.
I’m so proud of her socking Hillary between the eyes like she needed to be.
One of the stupidest things the NYT ever did was to fire Molly. Who would you rather believe: The likes of Judith Miller, or Molly Ivins? Nuff said!
Single payer health care–works for me!
and I think she has cancer too. I watched her on cspan not to long ago.
Regardless, her clarity works for me!
Wings of Justice Award
Let’s get behind him every way we can!
To steal a quote from one oor colleagues, “yup.” Thanks for posting this, BS.
This article give me hope and see that others are out there seeing the whole story of all this crap that the congress is shoveling out. I am back on the phone today. So will not be posting much till later on. I am not going to stop! This has got to be a must deal for the democrats. They have to start to stand up! and stand up for us. Hugs to all.
Geeze I love that Molly Ivans!!
She is the voice crying in the wilderness that matches what all of us here have been saying for a year or more.
Just Love her!
Thanks Brenda
Your welcome Shril. I try to read everything she writes. her book Bushwacked is great too. I recommend it to anyone to read.
Thanks for stopping by. hugs
PS: she doesn’t beat around the bush (:o)) to get her message out either..She is very easy to read and not full of nonsense. Funny and witty and straight on with her opinions.