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Friday, March 17th from 6 to 7 pm (PST) Katie from CodePinkPortland  and myself will be guests on Portland’s Community  Radio during Gabi’s Bread and Roses show on KBOO.  

Just looking at the their site you can see that it’s a very “happening” station with all sorts of goodies and great people.

The hour is being kicked off with a phone interview with a woman who recently returned from a FOR delegation to Iran from 6:00 – 6:15.

Then it will be me and Katie talking about the rally and the Women’s Convergence, talking about
Eman Ahmed Khamas, a member of the CODEPINK delegation of Iraqi women’s trip here, and CODEPINK’s work on bringing the delegation here.

And other topics… nothing’s scripted and it’s all by the seat of our pink pants.  We called each other tonight and decided that whatever else we talk about – we’re going to have fun, be ourselves and share our strength and our hearts.

The “war” and regime have got to be stopped, but I’m finding that for so many of us – working to STOP this war has helped us START to find ourselves. In fighting against this vileness, we are becoming healthy. In standing up against death and destruction, we are truly living.

I want to give out some kisses and huggles to Dada and BooMan for giving me excellent advice about radio. To OMIR the Storyteller for finding another way to hear the stream. mms:// He says, “You’ll need Windows Media Player or something that plays WMP format files.”

And many margaritas to the Froggy Bottom Cafe Cyber Cheerleaders and my Hockey Pals for their incredible support and friendship.

I’ll be there thinking of you all. With sincere gratitude and admiration, I’ll also be thinking of a wonderful soul, RubDMC, his photographs have helped me find my feet and find my voice. At first, I wondered how the hell I could ever be a “Peace Activist”. I had so much anger. So much outrage. How could anyone not be outraged? I’ve learned to embrace my anger, to use it’s passion to find my way to where I need to be and to do what needs to be done.

Marching sometimes is the easy part. It’s the daily living, the daily choices that can be hard.  

I’d like to share with you what James Benjamin shared with me recently about anger.

“Hate is poison, it destroys. Anger, if coming from a place of love can potentially be productive.”

 From the liner notes of an Archie Shepp album:

“Love is fundamental to art. I can’t go to work with hate in my heart. I go to work with love in my heart. But love can express itself in bitterness and rage. That’s only an aspect of love.”

I think maybe that’s a part of what being a Peace Activist is about. I dunno… maybe. For now, it’ll have to do.