Sisyphus…I mean, BooMan…just posted a diary titled Can’t Win For Trying that bemoans the left’s constant position as losers in its Sisyphean ordeal of uphill rock rolling against an almost constantly winning right.

I think that it is time to DROP that rock like a hot potato.

It is a fiction.

A fixation.

A fixation on “Doing things right. The AMERICAN way.”

It does not exist.

There IS no more “American Way”, and if there ever is to be one again, we must reinvent it out of whole cloth.

Read on for more:
Oh BooMan.

Sometimes I am just so sorry for you and your compatriots.


I like you guys.

Your hearts are in the right place, I think.

But…do you actually believe that the Ford and Reagan eras DID “end”?

No, BooMan. They just took a little unexpected electoral detour or two. Nothing that can’t be ironed out over the long term. Just a little glitch…

Remember…43 years since JFK’s assassination.

12 years of Democrats in the White House (I do not count LBJ, because I believe that he was at least passively complicit in the assassination[s].), 36 years (by the time Bush II is over) of Republicans.

That’s a score of 36 to 12. If this were a football game it would be considered a rout. A laugher.

And then you write:

“It amazes me that all our work has failed to prevent this. But I don’t know what else to do but roll up my sleeves, like Sisyphus, shrug, and start pushing this damn rock back up this damn hill.”

43 years of constant failure. And there you go, pushing the same damned rock back up the same damned hill.


Sisyphus was CONDEMNED FOR HIS SINS…primarily the sin of hubris, because he tried to cheat death not once but twice…to roll that rock.

The only “sin” the left has committed is the venial one of credulity. Of innocence. It has believed the official story. It has accepted the story around which the fix has been spun.

The “America The Great” story.

The “America: The Constitutional Democracy Story.”

‘Tain’t so, BooMan.

Not since 1963.

The fall of 1963.

The FALL of 1963.

And not EVER for the poor. The permanently disenfranchised by dint of their skin color or sex.


Stop rolling that rock.

It ain’t going NOWHERE.

Except back down the hill.

A sane man…an unhypnotized, un-mediaized man…would see that.


You would think.

Wouldn’t you?

Say when the candidate for the losing side went skiing in Gstaad while the evidence of the fix in Ohio was being assembled and wrote an OH so nice letter to his fellow Democrats about how for the good of the country we should now all rally ’round the winner and go fight the bad guys who wear rags on their heads and murder innocent American wimmins an’ chil’rens an’ such.

Like GOOD little sheeple.

And then some of you get incensed when I suggest that you wake the fuck up?

Rolling a Sisyphean rock again and again up Capitol Hill while your weak-livered, Humpty Hump Hump politicians sell you down the river at every turn is the ACT of a sleeping people. A sleeping people who NEED a good wake-the-fuck-up call.

So far, only Russell Feinstein and George Galloway have stood up in public, taken off their kid gloves and said “OK, motherfuckers. You want a fight? I got yer fight right HERE!!!”

I was watching a prizefight last night…an overweight, too old James Toney (One of my favorite characters of all time in sports, a natural middleweight who put on the pounds in order to get some of that heavyweight money) against a plodding journeyman heavyweight. I didn’t even watch it to the end but I think Toney lost simply by being too small, too old and too fat…the other guy was TERRIBLE and Toney is a master.

Anyway, in true HBO fashion they did a little feature on the fighters, and in Toney’s feature it was noted that he is an truly obstreperous trash talker and actor-out in the gym, and that he acted out once by throwing a chair though the wall of a gym owned by the fine trainer and ex-lightweight boxer Freddie Roach. Now usually people just let Toney get away with his act, but Roach…who is ten years older and about 60 lbs lighter than Toney…got in his face.

Toney said some shit about how he would “Wipe the floor with you, white boy” and in his own words (with a smile and a little twinkle in his eye), Roach answered  “Well…maybe you will. But you’ll know you’ve been in a fight.” The exact same idea my Irish grandfather (The REAL “Arthur Gilroy”) taught me when I had to learn how to deal with bullies.

It works, too.

Toney backed down, and the little South Boston Irish banty rooster prizefighter is now Toney’s trainer. Calls him “son” in the corner.

America. Ain’t it great?

Welll…I think it’s great anyway. And I think that the Dems could do worse than listen to little Freddie Roach.

Stop pushing that Sisyphean political rock up the neverending down staircase of the Ratpub hustle.

Step back, ball your fists and say “OK. You want a fight? I got yer fight RIGHT HERE!!!”

You write:

“I don’t know how we lost the battle. I don’t know how we got back here from there.”


The deal has been crooked from the Grassy Knoll right on through to the cooked books and the fixed elections.

BOTH sides.

Time for something new.

Time for THE NEW PARTY!!!


Impeach BOTH sides.

Send the Liebermans down the river WITH their Ratpub boys.

Clean house.

It’s time.



P.S. And…awww…YOU know.


Isn’t that rock getting just a little…heavy, BooMan?

You’d think so.

Wouldn’t you…???