Because, if we’re already at war, Bush won’t need Congressional authorization when he attacks. Is that it?
CAVUTO: But what if I told you it is too late, that we’re already probably at war with Iran and most of us don’t even know it. Welcome everybody, I’m Neil Cavuto, and this is Your World.
No Neil, this is our collective nightmare. I’m continually amazed at how anxious the cable nets, but especially Fox, are to hype the next war, even as they downplay the seriousness of the current one. I guess all that “bombs bursting” and “rockets’ red glare” video really helps the old ratings. But is that what we’ve become as a people: addicts for images of “it blowed up real good?”
Speaking of blowing stuff up, here’s the latest warmongering fantasy about Iran circulating in the foreign press:
Jerusalem, March 21: The United States can wipe out Iran’s nuclear programme in two days using bunker-buster bombs and other weapons to carry out the operation, a former senior CIA operative who led the search for Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan in late 2001 has said.
“We can take care of it in a couple of days with air strikes and they wouldn’t be able to stop us. It wouldn’t be difficult to plan. There would be some dangers but I think the United States can do it,” Gary Berntsen, who left the CIA in June last year after more than 20 years of service told The Jerusalem Post “We can dig those things out. We can destroy them,” Bernsten said in an interview to the daily.
More below the fold . . .
Ah yes, this time it will be better. Only a 2 day war. Under those circumstances why not bomb them, eh? We might kill a few thousand innnocent Iranians in the process, but what the hey. It’s not like they matter to anyone. As John Derbyshire of National Review Online notes, while speaking about the sectarian strife in Iraq, they’re only muslims, after all:
One doesn’t want to be accused of inhuman callousness; but I am willing to confess, and believe I speak for a lot of [Americans] that the spectacle of Middle Eastern Muslims slaughtering each other is one that I find I can contemplate with calm composure.
By the way, anyone who thinks an attack on Iran doesn’t risk a wider conflict should have their head examined. Besides the support given to Iran by Russia and China in the UN Security Council discussions, Pakistan has now made it very clear that it opposes the military option as a solution to Iran’s nuclear program:
ISLAMABAD, March 21 (Xinhua) — Pakistani Foreign Minister Kasuri Tuesday reiterated his country’s position that a peaceful solution should be found to the Iranian nuclear issue and that Pakistan also supported the Iran-EU dialogue on this issue.
While talking with his Iranian counterpart Manocher Mottakiy by phone, the Pakistani foreign minister said that Pakistan was opposed to the use of force and favored a diplomatic resolution to this crisis, according to a foreign office statement.
During the talks, it said, the two ministers discussed matters of bilateral and mutual interest including the latest developments with regard to the Iranian nuclear issue.
“As a friend of Iran, Pakistan wanted the situation to be defused and that all concerned parties should play their role in achieving this objective,” the statement quoted Kasuri as saying.
You remember Pakistan don’t you. Our faithful ally in the Greater War on Terror who is now refusing to root out Al Queda and Taliban elements in its Western provinces for fear of what that might lead to with respect to its own political situation.
Well-placed sources in the Taliban movement who spoke to Asia Times Online claim that the Taliban communicated “final messages” to Afghan and Pakistani officials, warning of direct attacks across both countries against top army and civilian officials. As a result, according to the sources, Pakistan stopped military operations in North and South Waziristan that were aimed at rooting out Taliban and foreign forces.
The same Pakistan that has nuclear weapons, and has admittedly given assistance to Iran’s nuclear program in the past. A Pakistan one bullet in Musharref’s skull away from handing those nukes over to Islamic fundamentalists dedicated to jihad against the unbelievers, people who hate our guts with a fierce, militant passion.
Makes me really anxious everytime I think of our beloved Leader donning his Commnader-in-Chief hat again to send the cavalry to the rescue USAF and Navy warplanes and missiles against Iran’s nuclear facilities. This is the same gang that got everything wrong in Iraq. What makes anyone think they’ll do a better job when it comes to taking on Iran? What makes anyone think they have a clue as to what could happen should they decide to unleash the hounds of our military against a second Middle Eastern, oil rich state?
I sure don’t. Do you?
I don’t. The regime that most needs urgent changing is our own. And that goes for the leadership of the Pentagon too.
Boo, if you keep lighting matches near a leaking gas stove (as Bush is doing) you’re bound to have something blow up in your face. It’s not a question of if, but of when.
Slightly OT but your lines reminded me…
Rockets red glare the bombs burting in air..
I was raised to always look at the flag with your hand on your heart while you BELTED out the lines during the anthem.
Saturday at the hockey game… I didn’t see too many with their hands on their heart or looking at the flag…
Me, I didn’t sing, I didn’t look at the flag either. In fact when that particular line rang out – I wanted to flip the flag off and scream out in horror.
It done blowed up real good bubba… Fuck Bush – and his supporters.
Excellent article.
Same old story. Same old drumbeat. War on Iran is being built up in the propaganda channels exactly the way it was built up against Iraq three years ago.
And this time they’re not going to go to the United Nations and the U.S. Congress for permission.
Instead, they are going to “respond” to an “Iranian attack.”
Mark my words.
In a panic after the 2004 “election,” I moved my family a lot further away from Washington, D.C. I’m not sure I moved far enough. I guess it’s not possible to move away from this nightmare.
I’m sure you know that you are not the only person who has tried and failed to think of a place that might be “safe” from US aggression.
It is quite a popular topic of discussion among non-Americans as well…
We thought about Costa Rica for a bit. Even sent out resumes… how we ended up here in Oregon actually… anyways
Costa Rica – no good.
kiss all our asses goodbye. Nuclear war.
It’ll be the start of WWIII.
WW3 will be fought on the nuke level – WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.
Nuclear Tragedy Emergency Kit??? A gun with enough bullets to not worry about “surviving” a nuclear war.
Bush Regime is bound and determined to kill us all.
Holy shit I’m depressed…
What I fear is that we’ll be the first ones to use nukes.
Yes, Bush & Cheney are that crazy.
Of they’ll nuke first. We’ve nuked civilian cities before… This time though – Bush nukes… and the planet will nuke back.
The planet will unite against the real terrorists… our govt.
We’re toast.
Americans can be assured that their warlords will do what they believe will be best for key US business interests.
Maybe Canada, Mexico and Venezuela will join forces and liberate Americans from the ruthless, crazy dicttator??
although it had also been my prayer that Americans would do that themselves, as I believe that would be in the best interest of ordinary Americans as opposed to having it imposed externally by outside parties whose primary motivation would be, understandably, their own security.
And you know how those “Liberators” end up going into homes and shooting babies in the head… then they’d have to round us all up as insurgents and then put dog collars on us and enact their own pent up sick fantasies upon us.
How dare you grieve or want to bury your child that we had to revenge kill because one of our own Army of One was injured or killed. Boys will be boys – when one of their own is killed and they feel better about rampaging villages and killing 3 year old girls in nightclothes.
… Bush turns everything into shit.
of that is related to American culture, and that US will prove to be in this respect, the “exception” it has decreed itself to be in so many others, and that nations wishing to preserve their own safety would simply remove the weapons and depart, leaving, as it were, the US to the Americans.
could suggest that his view is a unique, or even a fringe one in the west.
On the contrary, westerners who have endured the slaughter of thousands of Muslims from Waziristan to Palestine for quite some time with anything but quiet composure are the “fringe.”
And yes, operations in Iran have also been active for quite some time, and are slated for full decovertization very shortly, as aerial bombardment will be difficult to maintain in a “covert” status, what with the internets and all…
As if that would be the end of it. As if Iran would just turn the other cheek. As if the rest of the ME wouldn’t lift a finger before or after. As if the one or two friends we have left in the world would rally to our support in the shitstorm that would follow. God damn the hubris of these people.
someone needs to tell Neil that sweeps month is May not March..maybe Iran will get all those thosands of centrifuges necessary to make its first bomb by then..but not likely….