Update [2006-3-24 13:53:8 by albert]: Domenech resigns [via Atrios]
So, the Washington Post may be guilty of hiring a bigoted plagarist to their staff. Their new blogger, Ben Domenech, who writes ‘Red America’ has been getting the under the microscope treatment this week. First off, there is no liberal blogger to ‘balance’ out the conservative ‘Red America’ – there is no ‘Blue America’ to be found I guess? It’s not like the WaPo is a liberal rag and that a liberal blogger wasn’t necessary as a counterweight.
I got an email from Media Matters today where they call for Domenech to be fired for his offensive remarks in regards to the late Mrs. Coretta Scott King, the Judiciary Branch, Andrew Sullivan needing a woman and killing black babies to reduce crime. Lovely eh? And this diary by urizon sheds some more light. But there’s more.
And now I read this post on MyDD by Scott Shields about Domenech plagarizing off of a book by P.J. O’Rourke for an op-ed piece without attribution.
I haven’t been keeping up with ‘Red America’ – anyone around here have any thoughts on the content over there?
I can’t comment on ‘Red America’, but the PJ O’Rourke book Domenech plagiarized (Modern Manners) is hysterical.
good to know. even though i don’t “read” “books”. i am, however, almost done with alan moore’s classic graphic novel The Watchmen
considers “conservative” blogs, it seems to me a bigoted plaigarist who makes offensive remarks about Mrs. King is a very appropriate choice.
has been raving eloquently about this for two days.
See http://stevegilliard.blogspot.com/
Domenech is in the lowest category of creatures in the realm of opinion mongering. Peurile, adolescent, with the kind of meanness typical of the ignorant and petulant, his “peers” in the shabby art of low journalism are creatures like Jonah Goldberg, Coulter and Malkin, Bennett and Savage.
Not fit for human company.
While it’s unfortunately to be expected that the editors at WaPo.com didn’t “vet” this guy properly before they hired him, the fact that they have not already canned his sorry ass is further proof of how far the WaPo organization has strayed from being the great news institution it once was.
It’s a shame they’re so out of touch, and a tragedy because of the damage their poor standards ultimately wind up inflicting on the country.
Oh my GOD. If you haven’t done it already, you HAVE to go and check out the postings at WaPo.com about this whole issue, and this cretin. It is hilarious. Thousands of posts to scroll through, though. Definitely worth the time!
So…how long will it be again, before I see a post on this blog that takes the WAPO…or any OTHER equivalent MSM hypno-rag/hypno network…seriously?
And again and again and again and again…
(I give it just under two hours. And THAT’s being optimistic.)
I just cannot understand.
Good LORD!!!