Froggy Bottom Lounge
Good humor always on tap!
Newcomers – your drinks are on the house!
Please be considerate and use the ashtrays provided.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Here’s a little known fact: Froggy Bottom Beer has the best head in town.
Why do you always give such lead in lines that has me saying ‘I won’t say it’.
That certainly gets the conversation off to a good start!
Yea but if you get SN going, you had better watch out. 😉
Yeah but tequila gives the best “money shot”
Here’s the first attempt:
That’s your first attempt. That’s beautiful.
I’m thinking my next marco shot will be of George’s teeth. 😉
Gee, thanks.
If George’s teeth look anything like Dumbledore’s, you may want to pass on that idea….
His are actually worse. Between the beer and smoking what can you do.
I’d love to see a picture of George in his evening jacket, drinking and smoking. He and Marmotdude are hot.
Whooot CabinGirl!!! I’m gonna try, too, while waiting for the Wesmeister at the bus stop.
Can’t wait to see the results!
Nicely done — an excellent indication of your reading comprehension skills.
Heh. I actually had to flip through the whole little booklet, because “macro” wasn’t listed in the index. That was hard work.
That’s why I always try to get pdf of manuals — most indexes are shit.
OOh, very nice! I can almost smell it.
Whatever it is, ya’ll lost me.
The daffodil, FM. Get your mind out of the gutter.
My mind is never in the gutter, well almost never, OK it’s in the gutter all the time. But who did I learn it from?
If you’re implying you learned it from me I just might weep with joy.
Well from you and Andi and Janet and on and on.
I read Boo’s stats that the trib is 70% women. No wonder I’m corrupted.
I guess I can share the honor with my sisters in sleeze.
I was going to write something good, but I can’t find one word. I hate when that happens.
Do you remember where you saw it last?
Well, aren’t you just de-lurking all over the pond today? 🙂
hehehe… okay, you caught me… I have officially walked away from all work, smoke filled bars and games of Civ IV to splash back around happily in the pond… 🙂
Funnily enough, one of those smoke filled bars happens to be called “The Frog & Firkin” & upstairs where the smoking room and hockey is is “The Swamp”… I should take a pic and post it now that hockey season is officially over for my poor make-believes… oh well, at least I’ll be outside more 😉
…end weird segue…
Frogs and Firkins and Swamps, oh my.
Nope but I can say it and I think I know what it means, but I can’t even spell it close enough to get near the correct spelling. This is completely wrong but I’m looking for sabacious – it has to do with sexy siren.
Thanks dada. I was going to tell SN that a statue should be built commemorating the Salacious Sirens of Sleezy Sisters here at the trib.
I like that!
Although I’m not a wordsmth like Andi – Southern Sage of Slothful Slacking. I do have my moments.
This just touched my heart BIG TIME.
That’s an excellent picture Janet. A lot of emotion.
You know what? I want that t-shirt. I’m sick of liberal being a bad word.
Me too Second 🙂
Can we order ’em in bulk? I’ll take two, one for my daughter and one for me. Heck, I might even get one for my granddaughter, although she has no discernible political leanings yet and she hasn’t yet worn the Arlo Guthrie T-shirt I bought her.
I didn’t find a t-shirt just like that (with simple capital letters), but at Café Press I found a few others after a quick search:
Liberal (but it’s in small caps–not quite as forceful)
Proud Liberal
another Proud Liberal
And two others of different designs (and a variety of other stuff) here
If you’re looking to buy one, why not ask Refinish.
I think this is it.
That looks like it, thanks!
Whoot! Thanks CabinGirl!!! Next or next next pay day. Immagettin that shirt.
I forgot to tell ya’ll the big news. My relatives are gone. They left last night. My sister-in-law finally cooked a big meal and left me all the dishes, but I don’t care. Now things will get back to normal and I can nap at will.
She left you the dishes? SHE LEFT YOU THE DISHES? Grrrrrrrrrr!
I don’t care. She doesn’t know how to load a dishwasher anyway, so I would have had to re-do them anyway.
But they’re gone for now.
I’m so happy for you that you’ve got your home back and that George can stop barking and Cat can come out from behind the TV
Thanks Andi. I feel it will take a little time to get back into my routine, but by tomorrow, I’ll be back to napping at will.
When I first read this, my response was: Hmmm I wonder where Family Man hide their bodies 😀
Ala Mae Wes: Come load my dishwasher anytime.
Thank you for the invatation, but one dishwasher at a time is enough for me.
I do give lessons for a small fee though.
It’s not happy hour here yet, but I’m comin’ in anyway.
Oh great and wonderous Omir. Maker of the robo-rater. You have driven my laziness to new heights. Thank you.
Always glad to assist in the pursuit of Slack™
I just saw the slack video. I now have a new church.
I gotta see if they pay a finder’s fee.
I’m ready to go and convert the unbelieving.
For a fee of course.
when you show up.
Awwwwww, you’re so nice.
(sigh) I’m at work and only have IE. I’m sooooo TIRED of giving out 4’s by hand. Can’t you make it work for IE tooooo? Pleeeeeeeeeeze?
Do I need to make a burnt offering?
I’m telling you, those handjobs are way more sincere, even though they require more effort.
Sincere? Whoever said I was sincere?
I’m a slacker, remember? Sincerity has no place in the slacker guidebook.
Cry, cry, cry. Mary heart really bleeds for you. It really does.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I missed one rating and I have to hit the robo-rater.
You are an evil, evil man. Actually, I like that.
Mary know I’m only kidding. At least I hope she does or she’ll tear my head off later on.
Kidding Mary, just kidding.
Oh I missed another one. Gotta go robo-rate.
Boy, I wish I could, but I just tried it on my work computer (IE6 on XP) and couldn’t get it to work. I couldn’t even get it past the evil frog page, which is what I think people were reporting over the weekend.
This is a limitation in IE and only one of a multitude of reasons why you should switch to Firefox. (I know, you’re probably at work and have no choice in the matter.)
All the other solutions I’ve been able to think up require either loading up an external program to rate with (which is an awful lot of work, both in the coding and the usage) or would require you to log into my web site at Moosegrins with your BT user name and your BT user password. This is a BIG security hole and a massive no-no and I don’t want to do it. At some point the temptation would be too great to resist, and you all would wake up some morning to find that each and every one of you had posted a diary containing exactly 2,353 repetitions of the phrase “Armando is a doody-head” and as soon as BooMan figured out what happened I’d be kicked off the site. No, I just can’t do it.
but … but … but…
I’m one of the few people who have never said anything bad about Armando. You can trust meeeeeee.
<sigh> I see your point. If you did it for me you’d have to do it for the entire Armando fan club. And the numbers would overwhelm you.
Well, keep working on it, OK?
No promises, but if I can figure out a way to do it, I’ll definitely pass it on.
I can’t do it either Mary. Not because of IE. But because of DA.
Dumb Ass.
I have Netscape and I keep bookmarking it weird I guess.
Beautiful pic CG. Ya’ll are all getting too good.
Hey, pretty little violet. I’ve never seen a variegated one before.
The eye goes to the center. The black as well as the drop of water in there… but my eyes keep seeing more and more in the outter petals. They almost look painted and see through.
I think I like this one for a possible morning with Boran2.
CBtE likes this one:
I’ll stop now…
Mine refused! I guess it was shy 🙂
Heh. I got down on the ground to do that…
that Olivia runs around with dirty knees 🙂
wet belly photography. I figure you’d like that name — it can be twisted into all kinds of DJ-approved meanings.
I likey!!!
I did get my right knee wet and muddy. Which was the first thing my son noticed and commented on when he got off the bus. Figures. LOL
To many flowers and not enough words. All beautiful.
Too much pink?? They almost look fake.
<img width=”400″ src=””
DJ, nothing is too much pink!
this flower macro stuff might be best taken in the early morning hours. (?)
olivia can tell you everything there is to know about macro shots but I can tell you that indirect light is best for macro shots.
Definitely – the flowers look like they’re GLOWING in direct sunlight. Ack.
Yeah, Second, I have a bra like that. 🙂
And I’m sure the girls just glow!
Like caffeine.
Or sex if you’re a morning person… but maybe then you don’t need the caffeine… or maybe you need more because you’re nappy… okay, nevermind, I have no opinion. 😉
I love the flowers DJ, any time of day.
I’m one of those who drinks those coffee blended ice drinks at 6 pm. I have no idea why those coffee cafes ever close down even. 🙂
Good to see you Spidey! I’ve missed you.
Reds are very difficult for some CCDs (the chip in a digital camera that turns the light into digital information) to handle. Reds in direct sunlight are the hardest. In close up photograph, shadows are your friend.
Thanks Jim!
Each day I walk past that b*sh and it reminds me of CodePink. I used to find that color obnoxious… but now… I absolutely adore it 🙂
Instead of it reminding people of Matel or Barbie, one day it will remind our sons and daughters of marching and of the powerful force of peace.
It’s taking forever for the cafe page to load b/c of all the MACRO FLOWER PHOTOS!!! WooHoo!!! This is wonderful!!! I LOVE IT!!!
Is that a hint that we need a new lounge? 🙂 I guess I can tear myself away from Wife Swap long enough to do it.
The sacrifices you make. You are a saint.
Yes I am, Family Man. A good Catholic saint.
You put the “O” in Macro! 🙂
For an introvert, you should be very proud.
Isn’t it amazing — next we’ll all be hiking around the country taking scenery shots! Hey — you’ve got a link up to your photos — I’m going to take a browse! 🙂
As you browse, please criticize freely.
Those waves in the buttes are amazing.
New lounge open!