Over the past few weeks over two million people have taken to the streets in cities large and small across this country. On Monday perhaps another two million will join that number. Yet, despite this obviously growing movement, the Democratic Party, both the mainstream component in Washington , and that more “progressive” segment represented in the liberal blogosphere, have been blind to the seismic shift taking place right before their very eyes. It’s time to wake up and see the great opportunity that’s been presented to not only do the right thing morally and ethically – but also politically.
When millions of people take to the streets, organized only through a grassroots movement, to protest a Republican sponsored bill, passed by an overwhelming Republican majority in the House of Representatives, that was opposed by the majority of Democrats in both the House and Senate – and Democrats don’t see that as an opportunity – either they are totally out of touch, or just plain stupid.
What are these protests really about? The answer is simple; H.R. 4437 and its draconian provisions to make all undocumented immigrants and those who would help them into criminals. That’s it – nothing more, nothing less.
Over the past year or so I’ve had more than my fair share of debates about immigration reform, and quite frankly I’m done arguing. To those Democrats who support the enforcement only, wall building, “what part of illegal don’t you understand?” school of thought – I say fine, that’s your opinion and you’re welcome to it. Nothing I can ever say will ever change your mind, and I seriously doubt you could ever change mine, so we’ll have to agree to disagree and call it a day.
But … to all the rest who support some form of a comprehensive, humane and practical immigration policy I say … What the hell are you waiting for?
Why are you standing by idly while a potential political revolution is passing you by?
If 2 million people took to the streets tomorrow to protest against the war, the PATRIOT act, political corruption or any number of other Republican sponsored travesties, we as a party would be cheering. Yet when millions march through the streets with signs that say “Stop HR4436” we hem and haw.
Despite what Lou Dobbs might say, the marches are not about “illegal aliens” trying to demand “rights they’re not entitled to.” These marches are made up all kinds of people. Some are undocumented, some are the citizen children, wives, husbands and friends of the undocumented. Many others are second, third or forth generation Americans who feel the tone of this debate has turned nasty, and in many ways the attacks upon the undocumented immigrants reveals an underlying racism that has always laid just beneath the surface. Still others are humanitarians and people of faith who feel that the criminalization of the most vulnerable in society and those who serve them is morally wrong.
The one thing all these people have in common is their vehement opposition to a piece of REPUBLICAN LEGISLATION and their support for the comprehensive immigration reform that is overwhelmingly supported by Democrats in Washington. To me that sounds like democracy at work.
On Sunday 500,000 people marched in Dallas. That’s 500,000 out of a population of approximately 1.3 million. That’s more than 40%. Certainly even Mr. Dobbs can’t believe that over 40% of the population of Dallas is made up entirely of “illegal aliens”. Obviously this issue has touched a nerve with a large number of American voters…. Let’s say that together now: V…O…T…E…R…S.
There’s a reason why one of the slogans for this movement has been “today we march…tomorrow we vote” – because that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
Why are we as a party not embracing this movement? Why aren’t we actively out there trying to register new voters? Why can’t we see that these are the people who are fighting OUR battle … and we should be fighting it with them?
In a day when national elections are fought in “key battleground states” where both parties vie for favor from smaller and smaller groups, why are we ignoring millions upon millions of people?
For arguments sake, lets say that only one in four of those who’ve already marched is an eligible voter who is unregistered or apathetic (I would believe it’s much higher, but I’ll lowball just to be safe), that’s more than half a million potential new voters. What would 500,000 votes have meant in 2000 or 2004? What will half a million or more mean this November?
This to me is a no-brainer.
The demonstrators want comprehensive immigration reform – most of the Democratic legislators and all its leadership want comprehensive immigration reform. The demonstrators oppose HR 4437, Republicans support HR4437. What more do we need to know.
The Republicans set up the immigration issue as a distraction and wedge to try to divide the American people and provide them with an imaginary enemy to demonize and blame for failing Republican policies. I say it’s jujitsu time, it’s time to turn this issue back in on them.
Wonderful diary, Duke – thanks. I have long wondered about the divide between those who choose democratic or republican. You remind me that some of us like to deny the legitimacy of people who are different from ourselves.
Just as with the civil rights movement of the sixties, most people will see the rightness of the cause. Some will not and they will fade to obscurity.
Thanks for this…great diary.
Dobbs can babble all he wants but there is seismic shift happening. The outrage factor has reached epic proportions and it will manifest itself in votes. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s CA CD-50 vote in San Diego. With thousands marching…literally tomorrow the CA southland will vote.
Let the voices and votes be heard.
I have blogged about this at my new blog.
I really, really wanted to march today but I cannot because I am sick. I’m hoping lots of you will be there and I will be with you in spirit.
today and going to a rally at City Hall in New York (3-7 pm). I am hoping for a H-U-G-E crowd, and given that many of my friends have also agreed to march, and given the reports of the numbers elsewhere in the country, I do believe that my hopes will be realized.
My sister marched yesterday in St Paul/Minneapolis and said that the crowd was just enormous and the energy unbelievable!
Good luck! The Post said they were expecting maybe 180,000 in DC. I hope you have a great time.
I just got back from the march in Oakland, CA. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!
I was astounded and shocked and brought to tears, really. It was at least 10x the number of people than I expected. The energy was high, despite rain, and the signs and flags were abundant. Wow…
I’m glad you were able to make the march/rally and hear the message of those gathered.
It was awesome and I am glad I got to be a part of it. Just for the record, I hope I didn’t give the impression to you that I am opposed to immigration. I absolutely support human rights 100%. So, really, the message of those gathered includes me. I even got interviewed on camera. I was no doubt approached because my skin color was far more pale than of those around me. ;>)
The teaser photos have been great!
The people united. Shall never be divided!
Yay! I’m so glad you got to go. When I caught the bus at the metro station to go to the doctor, I saw lots and lots of people with flags and signs and stuff going into the metro station, heading downtown. It made me happy. 🙂
You ask:
“Why are you standing by idly while a potential political revolution is passing you by?”
A further question.
Who are the “you” about whom you are speaking:
What we laughingly refer to as “the left” in today’s America.
Another question.
Who ARE these “left” people?
And another answer.
They are primarily of European descent, primarily at LEAST second generation middle class, primarily college educated and primarily in debt up to their assholes in order to maintain their “American” lifestyle. Middle class division.
And now..the answer to the first question?
YOUR question?
About why this joyous movement is not being properly recognized or supported by “the left”?
#1-Because the people who are MAKING it are not white, middle class bourgeoisie.
Just as it’s always been.
And why does this “left” NOT truly support other race’s attempts to escape (and STAY out of) the permanent underclass so assiduously promoted by the PermaGov over the last 50 years or so?
That’s a little more complicated. But it boils down to two things.
#1-They are not being TOLD to do so by their trusted corporate media outlets.
#2-Somewhere deep inside, they know that they are no better…not as GOOD as, in many respects…the people who are demonstrating. And they also regularly ask themselves that classic Lenny Bruce question “But…who’ll clean the SHITHOUSE!!!???“
So they sit.
Because THEY don’t want to be cleaning any shithouses, that’s for sure.
Which is where this joyless, lame middle class culture will find itself if the playing field EVER gets level.
Listen…I played a party/dance Friday night (I’m a musician, for those of you who don’t know.) for “The Hispanic Teamsters of New York City”. That’s right…a bunch of primarily Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban and Mexican truck drivers and other real workers. Now, I’ve played my share of white working class/ethnics-up-from-the-slums parties, and most of them are dreary , plodding exercises in overeating, overdrinking, and dancing badly to TERRIBLE music. (Victor Paz, a legendary NYC jazz, studio and latin musician originally from Panama and a guru to many of us of ALL races and cultures: “Don’ watch the white people dancing. It will ruin your time.” Yup.)
But here are these 300+ people…GROOVING!!! They’ve got the same problems as any OTHER working class people. Debt, children, work, making ends meet. But the joy, the brotherhood, the camaraderie in the room were palpable.
What a pleasure it was.
Anyway…not to write about the life of a musician. My point is that these “minority” cultures have not yet been totally ruined by America, and in fact could very well be the SAVIORS of America as we know it. But we ignore them because…”They’re not US!!!”
Well…WE weren’t “us” either, orignally.
ANY of us.
1600s or 1900s, everybody’s family except the Native Americans came from somewhere else.
I have said elsewhere here that I believe the jazz/swing music of the ’40s combined with the wonderful humor of the times…both products of largely “foreign” cultures (Jazz started out black, and the vaudeville thing that produced the Marx Brothers, Warner Brothers cartoons etc. was HEAVILY ethnic with a major in Jewishness)…were the real reasons that we prevailed in W. W. II. We literally swung and laughed our way to victory. Now you can object to that idea if you wish…it is a purely subjective and personal viewpoint…but one thing is PERFECTLY clear.
The mainstream culture has lost its lilt. No more swing. Clomp clomp clomp. No more laughter except for the laugh that does not mean “ha ha”. Ditto the black culture. How has this happened? Long story. Long story short? TV. A media that has been PROGRAMMED to appeal to the lowest common denominator of human beings.
BUT…it is ENGLISH speaking TV. The stuff that has the REAL power. The REALLY effective, trillion-dollar-polish TV that goes right in under the radar like a stealth bomber and wipes out the personality.
Hispanic TV? Child’s play in comparison. Made with play money.
Combine that with recent arrival and the necessity for many of them to be…shall we say circumspect…about their very existence due to jive, racist immigration laws and you have a living, thriving culture that still has the capability to feel emotion.
And yes,…righteous anger.
Which scares the SHIT out of “the left”.
A left that has passively sat through progressively more severe takeovers of this government by criminal right wing elements.
A left that has lost its capacity for action.
A hypnotized, tranced-out, passive left.
Big talk, no action.
So when it is asked “Why are you standing by idly while a potential political revolution is passing you by?”, here is your answer.
Because the left has been neutered.
THAT “left”, anyway.
Time for a new one.
P.S. And…turn off your goddamned TV sets. Step away from the mainstream print media with your brains in the air. Take a breath. It’s springtime in the barrio.
Go get some.
there is a lot of truth in this baby, AG.
I’m still not down with this broad brush analysis, white people can’t dance…are incapable of joy…hooey. But, one thing that has paralyzed the left…not having a big fight (like Jim Crow), and another, hypnotism through mass culture consumerism.
Not ALL white people, BooMan…just the culture as it is functioning today.
I mean…hell. I’m a white Irishman.
But look at the culture OVERALL.
It is paranoid.
Its music has steadily devolved on a MUSICAL level from the peak of the ’40s-60s to a point where the musicians who play it cannot even tune a guitar. (Yes…I’m a musician. But that is just one part of the devolution. I KNOW how the stuff is made. I KNOW craftsmanship and knowledge. The same could be said of…automobiles. Houses. Political parties. Presidents. Education. a NASTY devolutionary trend has been in effect for a LONG while. Bet on it.)
And yes, it IS a broad brush.
It’s a big picture.
Got to get some type of march going against Medicare D(isaster).
The presence of large crowds in the streets does not preclude a “silent majority” that wants to close the border–and that’s exactly what polling data show.
I also, as I’ve said, think that we have a distorted economy that orients itself toward cheap labour because it is available. If that labour was no longer available, it wouldn’t be an issue of simply “Americans don’t want to do these jobs” but “now you’re going to have to put your capital to use in a different way”.
And a commentator on Marketplace made an interesting point the other day. He said that if we set up a legal guest worker program, Mexicans will actually lose out, because their geographic proximity to a large, porous border will no longer be of great advantage to them. Instead, we will likely get a lot of workers from Asia coming in who are willing to work for even less than Mexicans do.
I’m just getting home from our march and rally. There were between 12,000-15,000 people there. The Democrats were very prominent with voter registration tables and most of the City Council and County Supervisors spoke to the crowds, showing solidarity. WHAT A GREAT DAY!!
Here’s the first of many I took, will post more later
Getting all registered (D) voters out to vote is even better.
Glad the D’s were organized today.
What is happening in the streets, despite some of the signs referencing this or that hate law, is occurring quite independently of what the politicians do.
While I can confirm, that at least speaking for “my” march, there were indeed people there who were neither migrant nor immigrant. However, most shared with their brothers something very important to the question you raise: they are poor.
The politicians, regardless of party, have nothing to offer the poor, and for that reason there is no need, nor should there be any expectation, that they will be “exercised” by the numbers of people in the streets.
Their opportunity in this matter is to listen to their constituents, who with a few precious exceptions, speak with one voice. Their opportunity is to make it plain that they support the war on terror, whether fought in the skies over Tehran, or on the streets of their own town.
Indeed, they do not know what those numbers are. They believe what they are told about those numbers, and I know that you are aware that the “official estimates” and actual numbers have some differences, to say the least.
And all things considered, that is probably for the best. All too soon the day will come when the official estimates no longer serve to calm them…
Yes, one day all the children we see at the marches will vote. But it will not be their father’s boss’s ballot box! 😉
In some ways the most poignant thing I saw in the march yesterday is that young folks cling to the hope that the Dems are with them (local ones are, of course, quite inflammatorily in the speeches in fact.) I walked for awhile next to a group of young people who were jumping up and down all the way chanting
I wish I trusted that we’d done more deserve this.
In NY, Hillary and Schumer marched with them. In CA, Dean spoke at unions. Democrats have been working with these groups tirelessly in many areas.
The media has not covered it well.
I know it is not popular to post about the Democratic Party here, but you need to do some searches at
http://www.democrats.org in various sections.
Dean has spoken out a lot on this on TV. Others have as well.