This list was inspired by a blurb by Will Durst on AlterNet called Bush the Leaker in Chief.

Jim Carrey once introduced Nicholas Cage as “Risky Riskerson” because of all the risks he takes in his acting.

So, Bush would be, obviously, “Leaky Leakerson.”
Wouldn’t he also be “Liary Liarson,” “Dummy Dummerson,” “Deludy Deluderson,” and my favorite Dick Cheney’s finger “Puppety Puppsterton.”

But then he could be “Drafty Dodgerson,” “Oily Oilerson,” or he could be Saudi Arabia’s “Bitchy Bitcherson.”  

But perhaps he might be……..C’mon and play, it’s fun.

This isn’t intelligent political analysis, but it is punditry and should get on some cable talking head type show.  Add your “Bushy Bushersons” to the list and be a pundit.  I think this is actually how Ann Coulter got her start.  Can we be as bitchy as she is? I hope so.