Duct tape? No we’re not “getting prepared” for the “End Times”, we’re making “rocket launchers”, “bombs” and “missiles” for an upcoming CodePink Portland demonstration.

Bush logic: A bomb for every baby.

Danni was our “Creative Arts Consultant” and came up with fantastic idea of using orange and yellow feathers to simulate flames.

I think what continues to draw me closer to CodePink is the nurturing and healing touch they have for one another. You enter a room, a street, Washington DC and you are amongst instant friends. I mean, this is the day before a holiday for many, and here there were souls contemplating waging Peace. Gathering and sharing ideas. Getting bright pink paint and sticky glue all over themselves. As always, I come back more energized… and filled up with pizza.

We’ll be parading with our shopping carts chock-full of all the Bush tools of death, destruction and devastation. We’ll also be handing out War Receipts asking “Are you satisfied with your $225.6 Billion purchase? Which tells what our tax dollars “financed”. Print some off for yourself to use! These are great to pass out to Peace Supporters as well as to place on windowshields of cars with “W” stickers on their ass end.

Cristy hard at work creating rockets. We first glued the rocket “fins” on and then had to take them off when we discovered it was too difficult to paint them pre-made. We have recovering lawyers, mothers, students and activists… but as of this posting – no rocket scientists…yet.

This is what “Freedom, Liberty and Democracy” looks like.

Please visit our Mother’s Day Action diary and sign the Peace Pledge to honor Mother’s Day

Criss-Crossed at Booman and Kos