The following is not intended as Catholic-bashing. Far from it actually. But when hypocrisy rears its ugly head…
Pope Uses Easter To Attack Gay Families
by Malcolm Thornberry, European Bureau Chief
April 14, 2006
(Vatican City) In marking the Stations of the Cross during Good Friday observances in Rome Pope Benedict XVI called for the “filth” that surrounds society to be cleansed and said the world is in the grip of “a diabolical pride aimed at eliminating the family”.
“Lord, we have lost our sense of sin,” he said. “Today a slick campaign of propaganda is spreading an inane apologia of evil, a senseless cult of Satan, a mindless desire for transgression, a dishonest and frivolous freedom, exalting impulsiveness, immorality and selfishness as if they were new heights of sophistication.”
Although the Pontiff did not specifically name same-sex relationships the message was clear, less than a week after Italian voters elected a leftist government committed to recognizing gay and lesbian couples.
In a much publicized event less than two weeks before the election the pope used a meeting with the conservative coalition to launch an attack on the leftists for their support of a domestic partner law.
“Attempts to make [marriage] juridically equivalent to radically different forms of unions which in reality harm it and contribute to its destabilization,” the pope declared.
To read the rest, go here:
.He wasn’t of course but he could have been describing the behavior of a number of his predecessors.
Let’s take a peek at the “filth” associated with some of the previous Vicars of Christ (try not to confuse this with recent GOP activity):
* selling dispensations
* participation in orgys
* pedophilia
* covering for perpetrators of child sexual abuse
* engaging prostitutes of all sexes
* incest
* torture
* bribery
* nepotism
Keep casting those stones from your glass house Benedict, however much anyone in your position has lost any moral authority to do so.
It’s truly time for penance in sackcloth-and-ashes for you and your brotherhood.
That and a megadose of begging for forgiveness, of seeking absolution and mercy from the children, the women, the dispossessed, the different–all of those to whom Jesus performed caring and loving acts.
Jesus was neither a politician nor a hypocrite, unlike the many Popes throughout history.
Yes, and the good Falwell is its alpha male. You want to see people trying to eliminate the family, Benny? Turn around and look at the anti-gay marriage folks you’re associating yourself with.
Too true. I made sure to turn on some damned channel here in happy heathen San Francisco that carries the “ministries” so I could catch Dobson. They talked a lot about Bono. Give an inch, say you are helping and not hurting (that would be Bono) and whammo they induct you. Appeasers, it just does not work.
Oh well. Why fuss. I hope they get to heaven soon. The dobsons seemed concerned that their Dachsund should go as well – to heaven I mean…
Dogs, theirs, from “good Christian homes”, get in but not non-believers? The point is the dog loves the Dobsons, accepts them as the pack leader. Bingo, into heaven!
Good one.
It always amazes me(although it shouldn’t by now) when any religion can try and vilify any group of people or blame them for all that is wrong in the world…yeah gay people are the real evil alright-forget greed, bigotry, war and destruction-that’s just life.
It also never ceases to amaze me how most religions ignore their own bibles and insert their own prejudices into core beliefs and preach it to their congregations as Gods word.
And that each generation preaches that we have lost our way and that the previous generations were so much better-that’s pretty much utter bullshit also.
Remember, these con artists (the current Pope included) are trying to build religions for the rich and powerful, just like the Catholic Church was in the middle ages. That means discarding the messages and teachings of actual significant figures (like that Jesus guy, who cares about him anyway?) and replacing them with what’s pretty much textbook fascism. They make their money by telling the rich and the powerful that what they’re doing is moral, that they’re God’s chosen people, that the real ones responsible for the suffering are the gays/blacks/Muslims/enemy-of-the-week.