Promoted by Steven D.
This is not a joke. The mushroom cloud will not come from a nuclear explosion, but it’s a big step in that direction: An April 14 AP story reports:
LAS VEGAS – A huge non-nuclear explosion expected to generate a mushroom cloud in the Nevada desert will meet state air quality regulations, officials said Wednesday.
State regulators have raised questions about pollution and hazardous materials from the planned June 2 detonation of 700 tons of an ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, an official with the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection said.
But the Nevada Test Site has a blasting permit, and state officials said they had no plan to try to block the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s experiment, dubbed “Divine Strake.”
When even Sen. Orrin Hatch questions the sanity of this move, you know there’s a problem:
SALT LAKE CITY U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch wants reassurances that a massive explosion test planned for Nevada this summer won’t disperse radioactive material from past nuclear weapons tests.
Hatch, R-Utah, has joined a group of Congress members voicing concerns about “Divine Strake,” the detonation of a 700-ton ammonium nitrate and fuel oil bomb scheduled for June 2 over the Nevada desert.
Although the bomb isn’t nuclear, there are concerns that it could shake loose radioactive material from past tests at the Nevada Test Site, about 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas.
Can we say Bad Idea Jeans?
I got my start in activism at the Nevada Test Site. I went with my poetry class, of all things, on a field trip. I saw my first “men in black” who drove by us protestors, filming us. (Somewhere in some vault, the government has a picture of what I looked like at 20.) It was right before Easter, and Daniel Ellsberg was there, tall, handsome, and somewhat stiff and imposing. He gave a marvellous speech that moved me, the details of which have long since been forgotten. But the gist was that nuclear weapons make us less–not more–safe.
I couldn’t agree more, especially since this particular test seems related to our upcoming actions regarding Iran. The entire world outside the Bush administration and a few defense contractors opposes the use of any and every kind of nuclear weapon. But Bush and his cronies are determined to try out their new toys, even if they have to destroy the last shred of America’s credibility as a compassionate nation to do so.
Could they really be that insane? Iran does not have nuclear weapons. It will not have them for many more years even if we did nothing at all in the immediate future. There is plenty of time to seek diplomatic solutions.
But Bush doesn’t have plenty of time. Thanks to Presidential term limits, we will finally be free of the worst president ever in 2008. Unless, that is, he finds a way to declare himself Chancellor (see V for Vendetta for the reference). Remember how his administration floated a balloon to cancel the 2004 elections if a terrorist event happened? I can’t help but wonder if somewhere, someone isn’t working on a plan to keep Bush in office past his time. Whatever the case, he seems determined to be not the “education president”, but the “nuclear president.”
But back to “Divine Strake.” (And how dare they declare a device whose purpose is to destroy “divine” – I can’t think of anything more oxymoronic!) According to Global Security:
The DIVINE STRAKE full scale test is planned to be a large-yield, buried burst detonated at the Nevada Test Site. Divine Strake would appear to be associated with the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator RNEP, or possibly the B61-11 Earth-Penetrating Weapon, a fact that is obscured in most press coverage. Divine Strake is a high-explosive (HE) test sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). The test is a detonation of a 700 ton buried heavy AN/FO charge above a tunnel structure. The main purpose of the test is to study ground shock effects on deeply buried tunnel structures. Of secondary interest is the airblast produced by a buried charge and its modification as it propagates over the local terrain. Scheduled for the summer of 2006, as of 01 April 2006 the test was planned for 02 June 2006.
In other words, this is clearly a test related to the planned upcoming use of the infamous nuclear “bunker buster bombs.” This was hinted at in the budget for 2006. According to the same site:
DTRA’s FY2006 budget request including funding to “Conduct the Tunnel Target Defeat Advanced Concept and Technology Demonstration(s) (ACTD) Full-Scale tunnel defeat demonstration using high explosives to simulate a low yield nuclear weapon ground shock environment at Department of Energy’s Nevada Test Site. Deliver validated analysis and planning tools to conduct the end-to-end use of nuclear planning tools to characterize and “weaponeer” the full-scale Tunnel Target Defeat Advanced Concept and Technology Demonstration(s) (ACTD) event. … The Tunnel Target Defeat Advanced Concept and Technology Demonstration(s) (ACTD) will develop a planning tool that will improve the warfighter’s confidence in selecting the smallest nuclear yield necessary to destroy underground facilities while minimizing collateral damage. The focus of the demonstration is to reduce the uncertainties in target characterization and weapon effect/target response. Target characterization uncertainties include those related to determining the target function, layout, operational status, and the geological and geotechnical features. Weapons effects/tunnel response uncertainties are associated with predicting ground shock and tunnel response in layered and jointed media.”
Translation: They really are that insane. They are hellbent on using their nuclear weapons. They think if they make them smaller they will be okay.
And why should that be a surprise? This is the team that doesn’t believe in science, that believes that reality is whatever they want it to be.
And if they lived in a padded cell, that would be perfectly fine.
But their belief now imperils hundreds of thousands if not several million, because make no mistake – if we use nuclear weapons offensively for any reason, they will be used on us. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of our lives, because radiation is forever, nearly. Just ask the people from Chernobyl.
Or, for that matter, Scotland.
20 years later and 1500 miles away, the radiation from Chernobyl keeps 10 farms in Scotland under quarantine from still too high radioactivity from the fallout of that explosion.
Maybe we should ask Bush to have a meal at one of those farms. Or several. He should know what it’s like to live with radiation sickness personally, before he inflicts it on another innocent populace. Hey, if it’s so safe, maybe he should move his family there. Plant a garden there. Drink the water there…Okay, enough fantasizing…
And maybe it’s not stupidity. Maybe they’re just really that evil. Maybe they want a way to thin out the world’s population. Maybe they think it’s their personal duty to bring about the apocalypse.
Whatever their reasons, the Divine Strake test should be read as the most serious indication yet that this administration is determined to use nuclear weapons offensively on a first-strike basis.
And that is an idea that should make us take to the streets in very large numbers to protest.
Using nukes offensively under any circumstances should never, ever, be an acceptable option to any true American. If you feel otherwise, there’s some farmland in Scotland I’d like to show you.
[Crossposted from my Real History Blog.]
You are right. Bush and his fellow lunatics live in a second reality of right wing Christian anti-science and lunatic John Birch political weirdness. All in all a recipe for global disaster. Oh wait, no Kyoto treaty, Iraq, sabre rattling in Iran, response to Katrina, padding the pockets of big Pharma and big Oil, bankrupting the country to give even more money to the investor classes, ….fuck, he already is a global disaster.
Randi Rhodes has been screaming about this for the last week or two. No one else seems to know about it so thanks for bringing it here Steven. Has there been any talk of protesting out there? I will write DiFi and Boxer for sure.
George is hellbent onn getting to the rapture as fast as he can. Time is running out for him and that is what scares me the most. Please let us win the majority back in November. This is no longer just an American political problem. This is the whole world that is at stake. He MUST be stopped. The sooner the better.
Hmm, I think you’re more than right. To a question about how he thought historians would view his legacy, didn’t Bush say something like “We’ll all be dead”? Maybe he’s gonna finish us all off before his terh ends in 2008?
I can’t help but wonder if somewhere, someone isn’t working on a plan to keep Bush in office past his time.
I would bet everything I own that the plan to keep him in office was finished long ago. Condi probably gets it out every so often to update and drool over.
Whatever the case, he seems determined to be not the “education president”, but the “nuclear president.”
He has already lost any chance at the “education president” moniker, most teachers will tell you that “No Child Left Behind” has been an unmitigated disaster. Bush’s only chance of being remembered positively is as the President who united us after another terrorist attack, which is what keeps me up at night even more than the insane future war on Iran. He has a vested personal narcissistic interest in getting more of us killed, and narcissism seems to be the one thing Junior is good at.
Lisa, thank you for keeping this from falling down the memory hole.
It really is a dumb, stupid, dangerous idea. And for me the kicker is: if the tests should show that this is a dumb, stupid, dangerous idea that doesn’t even work as advertised, the “powers that be” will just ignore the the results.
And thanks to Steven for promoting it to the front page. When I stumbled upon this upcoming event, I was terrified. I’ve been reading more about it this morning. We must pay attention to the path to war and scream at the top of our lungs before we have the blood of innocent Iranians on our hands.
Check out these links:
There’s more here:
Don’t Fucka with the Winnemucca
and disgusting at the same time:
posted by 5hearts @ My Left Wing
This link was posted to my DKos diary on Chernobyl
The comment claims that Chernobyl was a boon to wildlife.
It’s hard to get the straight goods on Chernobyl. How does its ‘boon to wildlife’ reconcile with sheep farms as far away as SCotland being quarantined? I would guess that Chernobyl animals would not be ‘fit for human consumption.’ (heaven forbid.)
Elks from the northern part of Sweden have not been suitable for human consumption for many years after Chernobyl. I saw a program on it yesterday and they say that the levels of Cesium in Elk is still augmented but now are down to be considered relatively safe.
About the Chernobyl crash; It was workers at the nuclear plant Forsmark in Uppsala, Sweden that first detected the radioactive fallout in Sweden. At first they thought it was coming from one of their own reactors and some hectic hours followed. You can read a timeline of it here (scroll down to the entry for 28 april).
Some excerpts:
So Tass covered up the Chernobyl accident facts initially and now we have proponents of Atomic Energy who also cover up facts. I’ve been told that very few people were killed and there were very few lingering cases of radiation cancer. The official internet sites attempting to give accurate information are said to be suspect because they ‘are looking for funding.’ < sigh >
This test, which is non-nuclear, seems to push a lot of emotional buttons, which is not all bad if it helps motivate people to make their opposition to using nuclear weapons in Iran known to their members of Congress etc.
But the history of nuclear weapons is a history of fear and the suppression and repression of fear.
Let’s try and see what is realistic.
This test itself is not a reason for panic. No radiation will be released, if the test is as it is advertised. The “mushroom cloud” business means nothing. Anything can make a mushroom cloud.
The RNEP weapon doesn’t exist (as far as we know)and won’t exist for several years. Before its budget was derailed, it was scheduled for deployment in 2013.
The B-61-11 does exist and is the most likely weapon to be used in Iran. It’s not clear what this Nevada test can tell them about this weapon, but if it is related to the B-61 (a smaller yield weapon than the RNEP), the timing of the test is a cause for concern.
So my message is: don’t panic. But be very afraid of the consequences of using nuclear weapons in Iran, and make your concerns known to people who can stop it. Use this test as a hook if you wish. But save your fear for the prospect of nuclear mushroom clouds over Iran. The farms of Scotland and of California are safe from this particular test, apart from air pollution from dust, if the explosion is non-nuclear.
There’s more details in my diary:
The panic isn’t over the test – it’s over what the test SIGNIFIES.
And frankly, there is plenty of reason to be concerned. It’s going to set off a 3.x earthquake, which will undoubtedly shake loose some previous radiation long since settled. That’s why Hatch and others in the vicinity are concerned.