It’s about 9:45 AM. I’ve been up since 6:30 and already feel a nap coming on. Basically I have been slacking off and doing nothing all morning. Family Man would be so proud of me!
They are just north of Pasadena. They were founded by E. Manchester Boddy, publisher and owner of the LA Daily News. 160 acres of gardens, woodlands, and chapparal for future generations to experience.
Nope – going to the high school play again. I’m sad that it’s the last one I’ll go to since he’s graduating and the younger one doesn’t act. He works on the set though.
MM, beautiful pictures, and yes I am proud of you. Your slacking days will come to an end soon and enjoy them while you can.
boran2, next time in the 24/7 cafe when we pump hugh quantities of beer into ya, we promise to have tylenol ready when consciousness returns.
SN, not sure which photo you’re talking about.
Cali, I’m really happy ya’ll had such a good time last night. Sounds like a wonderful anniversary.
Me, finish lawn, get groceries, transfer stuff out to the farm house for reception, take pictures while I’m out there, more errands, and dream about naps.
I think I covered pretty much everything. If I make it back to Happy Hour, have Manny’s funnel connected straight to a barrel of beer. Then keep them coming.
Time to hit the lawn again, then on to other work.
Good luck with everything, FM! And don’t let all that hectic activity disturb the inner poise and equilibrium of a natural born slacker such as yourself!
Ya you betcha! My three brothers are all taller. But they’re all younger and dumber than a box of rocks, ha!
(Not really… but I am much wiser… having had more years in which to make mistakes.)
A Einstein says it’s all relative anyway, so relative to my relatives, I’m the pipsqueak of the bunch.
I was going to say something about the size of my fingers… but… that part of the brain that keeps me one step back from the precipice kicked in… (thank G-spaghetti monster for that!!)
It’s a great indicator of how they’re out to tar us all with the same “evil liberal” brush.
Hey, the spouse and I are childless and middle-aged — does that mean we’re actually gay? Though neither of us are “trial lawyers”, the other code word for “Evil Incarnate” amongst the Republican set. Though I wonder, if they were ever sued, would they even consider going into court without a trial lawyer? Oh, that’s right, Republican trial lawyers work for the Good, Democrat trial lawyers work for Evil…
He and the other boys at Repton also enjoyed a curious perk, courtesy of the Cadbury chocolate company. “Every now and again, a plain grey cardboard box was dished out to each boy in our House,” Dahl writes in “Boy.” Inside were eleven chocolate bars–aspirants to the Cadbury line. Dahl and the other boys got to rate the candy, and they took their task very seriously. (“Too subtle for the common palate” was one of Dahl’s assessments.) He later recalled this as the first time that he thought of chocolate bars as something concocted–the product of a laboratory setting–and the thought stayed with him until he invented his own crazy factory.
No, I’m keeping my sanity by lurking in between reading bitchy e-mails I receive every three minutes from an incredibly emotional, irritating and downright ridiculous woman lawyer in Chicago who is driving me nuts. Thank god I’m not in the same room with her. Women like her give all working women a bad name.
But I keep reminding myself that it will all be over on Monday and I will never have to deal with her again, god willing.
I feel for you. I remember when my attorney handed over some of the garbage my ex-husband’s attorney had been sending him, so I could see first-hand how bizarre the tone of it was. My attorney assured me that he hadn’t seen anytihing quite like it before. But it sounds like maybe your little friend in Chicago went to the same law school?
It was pretty good! I love high school plays – there are a lot of things that happen unexpectedly and it’s fun to watch how they handle them. For instance, my son has to run up along a catwalk (as a member of the tech crew) to lower a sign for the second act and then run back down to say one of his lines. He tripped and forgot the prop he was supposed to have so he improvised in a funny way.
I worked stage crew for all three years of high school and loved it — and I loved working lights (and being up on the catwalk and the grid) best of all.
It’s such a great thing to get involved with, that whole drama dept. I don’t think people realize how much hard work goes into those productions and that the students put hundreds of hours of their own time into it. I wish I had done it in HS – it would have helped with my self-confidence.
I hadn’t thought about it like that but the combination of the responsibility you have and the participation in a creative effort probably is a confidence builder.
Good to hear that, Andi! I know I sure am always relieved to get home from work trips and be greeted by the pups and a cold beer. Walks in the woods sound great too, but hard to do smack in the middle of the city <sigh>.
I hope you have a relaxing evening! You’ve sure earned it…
Does such a critter exist in Philly? Last time I was out there in Jan, I had a real, messy original style one with loads of powerful onions. Didn’t think there was any chicken in there, unless they lied to me. 🙂
this pizza sucks. The cheesesteak tasted good but the roll might as well have come from Indianapolis. Remind me not to order from those morons again. What part of hoagie roll don’t they understand?
If you folks haven’t seen the front page yet, Booman just posted what I heard minutes ago on Lou Dobbs… Rush Limbaugh arrested! Apparently some deal for which he turned himself in and promised to go through rehab to get charges reduced/dropped… I was going to rush in here to let you know, but bless, him Booman is faster than me! Great news, and I hope this really sticks like glue on him… in any case, I’m sure that KO’s take on it tonight will be RICH. Not going to miss that!
Going to rush out before more rain hits so I can take an updated picture of Olivia’s favorite new bizarro plant, and it has grown several inches since the last one I posted… catch you later!
Brian Unger was a tad better (finally got the intro to Oddball right: “Let’s play Oddball!”), but he just didn’t have enough snark.
Then again, I know from listening to “The Big Show” on ESPN Radio (when Keith is on with Dan Patrick for an hour) that Keith is NOT a Neil Young fan, so perhaps it’s best he wasn’t there for the segment on protest songs. Young’s new album is on our “to buy” list when it’s out; I’ve got Pink’s and Springsteen’s album in my iTunes shopping cart.
Man, it’s getting to be warm weather here at last — think I’ll do the nightwear shift this weekend (pack away the winter wear, bring in the spring/summer wear from the storeroom). Not sure about the sweaters, since I’ll probably want to take a few of those on the Alaska cruise…
Where’s Happy Hour? We needs us some Random 10s… 🙂
He will be back, Cali, don’t worry. Mr. “I wannabe KO” said as much last night. Have to feel sorry for the poor schlub, he tries so hard to match KO’s wit and snark that he falls on his face. I much prefer Alison Stewart sitting in, at least she’s got spunk. I can’t wait to hear his take on Gas Limburgerbag!
Andi.. did I say anything obscene by referring to Brian Ungar as a schlub? If I did, please don’t kvetch at me, I know you’ve been getting your advanced degree in that while you were gone. 🙂
This is the latest on the Dragon Arum Dracunculus vulgaris that just broke ground last weekend. Olivia and I have been eagerly following its progress, and this is the just the beginning! Hated to have to use the flash, but the ones I took without flash were too dark and blurry to post… so here it is!
If you haven’t seen this yet, I’ve posted other pics (including one of it in bloom from the supplier) earlier in the week in the FBL threads. Hope Olivia gets here to see it before the place fills up. 🙂
No odor yet, but I don’t think that kicks in until it blooms, from what I understand. Rest assured, you’ll be one of the first to know whether it smells like a) urine b) a dead cat c) apples (hoping for this)!
The leaves were not unfurled when I went to work this morning, but opened up significantly during this rainy day. It’s between 8-9″ at this point, so I’m betting it will get to the 3 foot mark before all is said and done… it’s easily tripled in height since last Sunday!
Right now it’s just tulips and daffodils, but later there will be lupines, foxglove, hellebores and a few other things in its proximity. To the right are peonies, liatris and CA poppies… there’s a lot of stuff out there, and these beds are going to get bigger over the season, as it’s planted in the new section we dug up last fall. Further up and to the left are some of its cousins called “Lords and Ladies” (Check THE BOOK for those as well.)
Well I have to run now to get dinner going and not miss KO and his take on the Limbaugh arrest! mwaahhahahha!
I just downloaded the beta of IE 7 here at work and would like to recommend that all of you Bootribbers who use IE and want to actually read the site . . .
stick with IE 6.
The reason for this is that once the left-hand column ends, the text of any comments on that page flow over to the left side of the page, making them unreadable because they’re covered up by the left-hand column. (This doesn’t happen to pictures, by the way.) I am posting this from a copy of Firefox that I carry around in a USB drive.
Not only that, IE 7 does not work and play well with Robo-Rater any more than 6 does. It apparently doesn’t recognize something called a “refresh tag” that tells the browser to load a page after a certain amount of time. That’s why IE gets stuck at the Evil Frog page.
There is much to like about the new IE, most of which (like tabbed browsing) was available long ago in Firefox and Opera. In fact one review of it was headlined, “Yesterday’s Browser . . . Tomorrow!” But I don’t think the bennies are worth not being able to see the left half of all of the posts on the site.
Thanks for the heads up Omir! You are the fount of all things techie, and we gotta love ya for it! You’ve just given me yet another reason to migrate over to Firefox… can I dload it at the Mozilla main site? Will it import IE bookmarks by any chance? (I hope so, so I don’t have to rebuild all that.)
Any tips you can pass on when you get the chance, I’d appreciate it, cuz I’d love to be using the RoboRater myself.
it’ll automatically import all your IE favorites, settings and cookies when you install.
You can go here to download the browser — you might want to explore all the assorted whistles and bells…errr, themes and extensions you can add on to the browser. My favorite is the BBCode Xtra — makes adding links and formatting posts a heck of a lot easier…
Yep, Cali nailed it. I also recommend the adblock plus extension. Tired of all those ads that say “Punch Bush in the mouth and win a new iPod”? OK, maybe that’s a bad example, but you can fix things so you never see that ad again.
But don’t do that wholesale to BooMan’s ads. He needs the money to keep this place warm and hummin’.
but I only use it on dKos, because when they did the redesign the comments were bleeding over into the ad column (especially when someone would post a margin breaking photo in C&J). Haven’t bothered to turn it off over there…
One thing about Firefox, at least on the Mac — I can’t view pages with embedded video clips; I can hear the audio but can’t see the video. There’s probably an extension for that, but my workaround is to copy the URL then paste it into Safari, and that works fine. (Also have Netscape 7.2 installed — there are some sites that don’t work in either Safari or Firefox that work fine in Netscape…go figure.)
Thank you, Omir and Cali, for the helpful tips on getting going with Firefox. Of course I would never turn the ads off on BT, because yes, they do help keep the lights on, and frankly, I don’t find them annoying at all. Blogads on most of the sites I go to are actually interesting most of the time, even if I don’t often click through. At least so much better than the “punch Bush” type you mentioned.
I really appreciate the time you took to answer my questions!
up to this afternoon?
Looks like you have a crazed clutter critter on the premises!
More from Descanso Gardens….
It’s about 9:45 AM. I’ve been up since 6:30 and already feel a nap coming on. Basically I have been slacking off and doing nothing all morning. Family Man would be so proud of me!
Pretty. Where is Descanso Gardens?
They are just north of Pasadena. They were founded by E. Manchester Boddy, publisher and owner of the LA Daily News. 160 acres of gardens, woodlands, and chapparal for future generations to experience.
Here da link:
Head still aching, off to take a quick release tylenol.
Is that you in the photo? You look so bohemian. And why are your cheeks so rosy?
It must be all that alcohol I’m about to drink. 🙂
How are you SN? Movie night tonight?
Nope – going to the high school play again. I’m sad that it’s the last one I’ll go to since he’s graduating and the younger one doesn’t act. He works on the set though.
Is the younger one into art?
And still recovering from last night’s game…voice still a little rough, ears still ringing from the noise…but wouldn’t have missed it for the world!
Hoping some quieter songs will come up on the Random 10 later today… 🙂
CG, I’m taking a break.
Manny, think of the Fiesta. Time will fly.
NDD, you’re a short dude, aren’t ya.
MM, beautiful pictures, and yes I am proud of you. Your slacking days will come to an end soon and enjoy them while you can.
boran2, next time in the 24/7 cafe when we pump hugh quantities of beer into ya, we promise to have tylenol ready when consciousness returns.
SN, not sure which photo you’re talking about.
Cali, I’m really happy ya’ll had such a good time last night. Sounds like a wonderful anniversary.
Me, finish lawn, get groceries, transfer stuff out to the farm house for reception, take pictures while I’m out there, more errands, and dream about naps.
I think I covered pretty much everything. If I make it back to Happy Hour, have Manny’s funnel connected straight to a barrel of beer. Then keep them coming.
Time to hit the lawn again, then on to other work.
Good luck with everything, FM! And don’t let all that hectic activity disturb the inner poise and equilibrium of a natural born slacker such as yourself!
Ya you betcha! My three brothers are all taller. But they’re all younger and dumber than a box of rocks, ha!
(Not really… but I am much wiser… having had more years in which to make mistakes.)
A Einstein says it’s all relative anyway, so relative to my relatives, I’m the pipsqueak of the bunch.
I was going to say something about the size of my fingers… but… that part of the brain that keeps me one step back from the precipice kicked in… (thank G-spaghetti monster for that!!)
So, better quit while I’m still ahead…
Enjoy the party, FM!
Cleaning……the stuff that I do everyday that nobody notices while they believe that I lay around eating bon bons all day.
Don’t forget to have a couple of well-deserved bon bons while you’re at it!!!!
Heh. My house cleaned itself this morning…
I made it in to work today but for some reason I’ve been really tired and am having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I’m ready to go home.
something up in orange.
Me too.
Thanks, do you think I should crosspost it here or would no one care?
It’s a great indicator of how they’re out to tar us all with the same “evil liberal” brush.
Hey, the spouse and I are childless and middle-aged — does that mean we’re actually gay? Though neither of us are “trial lawyers”, the other code word for “Evil Incarnate” amongst the Republican set. Though I wonder, if they were ever sued, would they even consider going into court without a trial lawyer? Oh, that’s right, Republican trial lawyers work for the Good, Democrat trial lawyers work for Evil…
I’d definitely cross-post it, so we can all read it in green. Orange looks funny.
Ok, I’ll try. Do you just copy the HTML like doing a cafe?
Just copy and paste what you used over there, and hit preview to make sure all the same tags work here.
Wow, you’ve now made the rec list at Orange. Will you still talk to us?
give me enough chocolate maryb and I’ll do anything.
Did you know that there is a real connection between Cadbury’s and Willie Wonka?
BTW Boy is a wonderful memoir.
That was a great article you linked to!
Speaking of not talking to us…is your (work) week over now, maryb?
No, I’m keeping my sanity by lurking in between reading bitchy e-mails I receive every three minutes from an incredibly emotional, irritating and downright ridiculous woman lawyer in Chicago who is driving me nuts. Thank god I’m not in the same room with her. Women like her give all working women a bad name.
But I keep reminding myself that it will all be over on Monday and I will never have to deal with her again, god willing.
Thanks for asking 🙂
I feel for you. I remember when my attorney handed over some of the garbage my ex-husband’s attorney had been sending him, so I could see first-hand how bizarre the tone of it was. My attorney assured me that he hadn’t seen anytihing quite like it before. But it sounds like maybe your little friend in Chicago went to the same law school?
What are you up to this weekend?
That should have been Reco’d. for both Boo and SN.
How’s everybody doing? That’s good to hear. Hope your friday is going good, see ya later.
Hello, hello?
Jeez, I finally get home and there’s nobody here.
Well put your bags down and give us a hug!
How was Bye Bye Birdie starring Nature Boy?
It was pretty good! I love high school plays – there are a lot of things that happen unexpectedly and it’s fun to watch how they handle them. For instance, my son has to run up along a catwalk (as a member of the tech crew) to lower a sign for the second act and then run back down to say one of his lines. He tripped and forgot the prop he was supposed to have so he improvised in a funny way.
I worked stage crew for all three years of high school and loved it — and I loved working lights (and being up on the catwalk and the grid) best of all.
It’s such a great thing to get involved with, that whole drama dept. I don’t think people realize how much hard work goes into those productions and that the students put hundreds of hours of their own time into it. I wish I had done it in HS – it would have helped with my self-confidence.
I hadn’t thought about it like that but the combination of the responsibility you have and the participation in a creative effort probably is a confidence builder.
I take it your trip went well and you made it home without incident. Did the dogs greet you with howls of delight and beers in tow?
Yup, I’ve been enthused over by dogs and husband and even been for a walk in the woods.
Good to hear that, Andi! I know I sure am always relieved to get home from work trips and be greeted by the pups and a cold beer. Walks in the woods sound great too, but hard to do smack in the middle of the city <sigh>.
I hope you have a relaxing evening! You’ve sure earned it…
I’m glad you’re back safe and hopefully sound! 😉
I’m happy. My chicken cheesesteak and pizza have arrived.
Does such a critter exist in Philly? Last time I was out there in Jan, I had a real, messy original style one with loads of powerful onions. Didn’t think there was any chicken in there, unless they lied to me. 🙂
oh yeah, pretty much anyplace that makes a cheesesteak also makes a chicken version. Tastes almost the same, but with less fat and gristle.
Doesn’t the cheese whiz ruin the nutrition meme?
Yeah. What’s your point?
Chicken cheesesteak and pizza? Wow.
I needed to plan for breakfast.
Oh, how I wish we had a good pizza place that would deliver…
this pizza sucks. The cheesesteak tasted good but the roll might as well have come from Indianapolis. Remind me not to order from those morons again. What part of hoagie roll don’t they understand?
If you folks haven’t seen the front page yet, Booman just posted what I heard minutes ago on Lou Dobbs… Rush Limbaugh arrested! Apparently some deal for which he turned himself in and promised to go through rehab to get charges reduced/dropped… I was going to rush in here to let you know, but bless, him Booman is faster than me! Great news, and I hope this really sticks like glue on him… in any case, I’m sure that KO’s take on it tonight will be RICH. Not going to miss that!
Going to rush out before more rain hits so I can take an updated picture of Olivia’s favorite new bizarro plant, and it has grown several inches since the last one I posted… catch you later!
Brian Unger was a tad better (finally got the intro to Oddball right: “Let’s play Oddball!”), but he just didn’t have enough snark.
Then again, I know from listening to “The Big Show” on ESPN Radio (when Keith is on with Dan Patrick for an hour) that Keith is NOT a Neil Young fan, so perhaps it’s best he wasn’t there for the segment on protest songs. Young’s new album is on our “to buy” list when it’s out; I’ve got Pink’s and Springsteen’s album in my iTunes shopping cart.
Man, it’s getting to be warm weather here at last — think I’ll do the nightwear shift this weekend (pack away the winter wear, bring in the spring/summer wear from the storeroom). Not sure about the sweaters, since I’ll probably want to take a few of those on the Alaska cruise…
Where’s Happy Hour? We needs us some Random 10s… 🙂
He will be back, Cali, don’t worry. Mr. “I wannabe KO” said as much last night. Have to feel sorry for the poor schlub, he tries so hard to match KO’s wit and snark that he falls on his face. I much prefer Alison Stewart sitting in, at least she’s got spunk. I can’t wait to hear his take on Gas Limburgerbag!
Andi.. did I say anything obscene by referring to Brian Ungar as a schlub? If I did, please don’t kvetch at me, I know you’ve been getting your advanced degree in that while you were gone. 🙂
This is the latest on the Dragon Arum Dracunculus vulgaris that just broke ground last weekend. Olivia and I have been eagerly following its progress, and this is the just the beginning! Hated to have to use the flash, but the ones I took without flash were too dark and blurry to post… so here it is!
If you haven’t seen this yet, I’ve posted other pics (including one of it in bloom from the supplier) earlier in the week in the FBL threads. Hope Olivia gets here to see it before the place fills up. 🙂
Nice phallic symbol you’ve got there.
Until it turns into THIS…
It was in The Book! I couldn’t believe that IVG had one, as I had just finished reading about them… 🙂
My head is still in proximity to my neck. 🙂
That’s certainly good news, Andi! Head/neck proximity is an important quality to have. 🙂
You must be so tired — or has returning home given you a little lift?
to almost utter and complete exhaustion.
Wow — it’s really growing! Does it have any odour yet?
No odor yet, but I don’t think that kicks in until it blooms, from what I understand. Rest assured, you’ll be one of the first to know whether it smells like a) urine b) a dead cat c) apples (hoping for this)!
The leaves were not unfurled when I went to work this morning, but opened up significantly during this rainy day. It’s between 8-9″ at this point, so I’m betting it will get to the 3 foot mark before all is said and done… it’s easily tripled in height since last Sunday!
What have you got growing around it — does it really stand out?
It’s so exciting! I’m really amazed at how much it’s grown.
Right now it’s just tulips and daffodils, but later there will be lupines, foxglove, hellebores and a few other things in its proximity. To the right are peonies, liatris and CA poppies… there’s a lot of stuff out there, and these beds are going to get bigger over the season, as it’s planted in the new section we dug up last fall. Further up and to the left are some of its cousins called “Lords and Ladies” (Check THE BOOK for those as well.)
Well I have to run now to get dinner going and not miss KO and his take on the Limbaugh arrest! mwaahhahahha!
Hello all,
I just downloaded the beta of IE 7 here at work and would like to recommend that all of you Bootribbers who use IE and want to actually read the site . . .
stick with IE 6.
The reason for this is that once the left-hand column ends, the text of any comments on that page flow over to the left side of the page, making them unreadable because they’re covered up by the left-hand column. (This doesn’t happen to pictures, by the way.) I am posting this from a copy of Firefox that I carry around in a USB drive.
Not only that, IE 7 does not work and play well with Robo-Rater any more than 6 does. It apparently doesn’t recognize something called a “refresh tag” that tells the browser to load a page after a certain amount of time. That’s why IE gets stuck at the Evil Frog page.
There is much to like about the new IE, most of which (like tabbed browsing) was available long ago in Firefox and Opera. In fact one review of it was headlined, “Yesterday’s Browser . . . Tomorrow!” But I don’t think the bennies are worth not being able to see the left half of all of the posts on the site.
Thanks for the heads up Omir! You are the fount of all things techie, and we gotta love ya for it! You’ve just given me yet another reason to migrate over to Firefox… can I dload it at the Mozilla main site? Will it import IE bookmarks by any chance? (I hope so, so I don’t have to rebuild all that.)
Any tips you can pass on when you get the chance, I’d appreciate it, cuz I’d love to be using the RoboRater myself.
it’ll automatically import all your IE favorites, settings and cookies when you install.
You can go here to download the browser — you might want to explore all the assorted whistles and bells…errr, themes and extensions you can add on to the browser. My favorite is the BBCode Xtra — makes adding links and formatting posts a heck of a lot easier…
Hey Cali, thanks so much! You’re a peach (or whatever other fruit you prefer…)! I will do that this weekend. Appreciate the tippage.
Gotta run, KO is on in less than 10!!!!
Yep, Cali nailed it. I also recommend the adblock plus extension. Tired of all those ads that say “Punch Bush in the mouth and win a new iPod”? OK, maybe that’s a bad example, but you can fix things so you never see that ad again.
But don’t do that wholesale to BooMan’s ads. He needs the money to keep this place warm and hummin’.
but I only use it on dKos, because when they did the redesign the comments were bleeding over into the ad column (especially when someone would post a margin breaking photo in C&J). Haven’t bothered to turn it off over there…
One thing about Firefox, at least on the Mac — I can’t view pages with embedded video clips; I can hear the audio but can’t see the video. There’s probably an extension for that, but my workaround is to copy the URL then paste it into Safari, and that works fine. (Also have Netscape 7.2 installed — there are some sites that don’t work in either Safari or Firefox that work fine in Netscape…go figure.)
Thank you, Omir and Cali, for the helpful tips on getting going with Firefox. Of course I would never turn the ads off on BT, because yes, they do help keep the lights on, and frankly, I don’t find them annoying at all. Blogads on most of the sites I go to are actually interesting most of the time, even if I don’t often click through. At least so much better than the “punch Bush” type you mentioned.
I really appreciate the time you took to answer my questions!
Been a long and busy day!!!!! I re-recorded the pod cast.
I Hate Stupid People
Long and busy day here too — glad it’s almost over! 🙂
HI Olivia!!!!! I’m ready to start some serious drinking. LOL I have to run to the store and get some tonic and some limes. I will be back in a few.
Be right back.
HI miss andi!!!!
I just opened the FRT lounge. Come on over.
over here.