As some of you might be aware, I have a blog dedicated to the immigration issue and progressive immigration reform. It was started a little over six months ago as a place where a few others and I could write and discuss the issue and hopefully supply others with some information and insight. Since then it’s been growing nicely and apparently we have now appeared on the radar of some of our more racists neighbors.
I thought I would pass on an e-mail message I received today from someone who would only call himself “John Doe” (although he was stupid enough to use a real e-mail address). I figured you would enjoy seeing what some of are fellow countrymen think about immigration reform and immigrants. Perhaps those of you who were thinking about going to a rally or march this coming Monday, but weren’t quite sure if you wanted to … reading this e-mail might help you make up your mind.
I just wanted to say what the majority of our Rightful American Legal Citizenry thinks about your asinine, offensive, and illegal movement.
As all of your traitors and seditionists march in our streets waving your toilet papier-mache Mexican, oh pardon me: American flags, keep this in your pea-brained minds-
You must cease to exist.
You have no civil or legal rights in my country; no business to suck our social services, schools and hospitals dry, no honor in your methods,no courage in your cause, no intelligence in your leadership, and no more reasons to be here. We want you gone, and we want you to keep marching on May 1st right back to the sewage littered border you crawled out from, back to the open arms of your El Presidente, Mr. Fox.
If you can Habla Ingles, which I doubt; maybe you and all of yours can Strap those inner-tubes back together that you and your swine ancestors floated across the Rio Grande on and get out of here before we really get angry.
Hey, what’s ten miles long and has an IQ of 70? The immigration rally protestor parade.
Get out of our nation you traitors, anarchists, seditionists, and lowlife scum.
Viva La USA! Wetbacks.
Your Independent American Party Activist.
nice Huh?
( I won’t put up a link to that Independent American Party as I have no way of knowing if the author of this e-mail is actually a member or speaks for them …. but from the looks of the site, I bet he is )
you get all the attention! 😉
The racism and hate is something that is experienced everyday by human beings who find themselves different than the majority of people in their environment. Even though my city is 45 minutes from the border, and is a relatively recent entry to the continental U.S., there is plenty of hostility towards Mexicans and anyone who resembles one. I know, because I feel it whenever I’m in public.
It’s unfortunate that so many decisions by our “elected” officials revolve around dividing human beings instead of uniting them with basic human needs, but alas, that’s what we’re dealing with under BushCo.
I finally got information on Monday’s events here in Tucson. They are having a student teach-in at 10am Armory Park to educate the young people who are staying away from school. The actual “May Day” rallies begin at 2pm and will be capped off with an interfaith vigil service at 6:30pm. I’ll make sure to take plenty of pictures.
To anyone lurking/reading:
Here is a link to a listing of nation-wide events
Even if you choose not to participate in the boycott, I hope you’ll consider wearing white on Monday, along with some type of ribbon that will hopefully draw the curiosity of your friends and family. El Gran Paro is moving forward due to the solidarity by groups such as the Green Party, the California Senate, and countless people who have had enough of being taken advantage of by the corporate world.
actually I’m quite proud of my new found status as an honorary Mexican. : )
This was the first time this bile was directed at me personally, usually the racists leave their remarks in the comments section under the veil of anonymity … but not MR JOHN DOE … he proudly put his name on his handiwork.
That’s one thing about these racists… they never show their true faces… that must be why for years the wore those silly sheets on their heads.
How bizaare. Especially if you’re not Mexican. it’s amazing how people can jump to conclusions.
If it were me I would reply back and tell him he must have had the wrong address because “I have no clue who you’re talking about”.
The racists just assume that if you advocate for immigrants rights you MUST be a Mexican (and from what I can gather,an undocumented one to boot). It just goes to show how small their minds are.
Listen to Lou Dobbs. He constantly calls the immigrants rights marches “illegal alien” marches. He, like all other racists, can’t fathom that all kinds of people, white, brown, yellow, black and everthing in between, “legal” and “illegal” can believe in justice and fair and equitable treatment for ALL people regardless of what they look like or where they come from. That kind of thinking just runs contrary to his racist mindset.
like I said to Manny above:
I’ve never been prouder of my “honorary Mexican” status.
Viva la Raza 🙂
Some idiot commenter on my blog a few months ago referred to me as a “nigger.” I found that somewhat amusing given that I’m of English & Irish ancestry (you could say I was born drunk and sunburned). But hey, if I’m an honorary brother, that’s cool by me. 🙂
This seems to be a common theme among idiots and racists..same way with feminist movement-if you were for ERA amendment you were called or asked if you were one of those ‘lesbians’…and I’ve been called ‘nigger lover’ also..I imagine if I was able to be out and around more now I’d probably now be called ‘wetback lover’ or some other stupid name-I’ve even been asked if I’m some kind of white people hater-simply because it’s known or I make it known I’m against prejudice-being white brings it own kind of stupid name calling against you.
About the only sure thing about any racist is that whatever the topic of the day might be-right now being immigrants-scratch a little deeper and you’ll find they are bigoted assholes against any other race and they usually also have neanderthal ideas on women.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Nuff’ said!
I don’t have a purely white t-shirt – about the closest I can come is my Guinness shirt, which is mostly white except for the Guinness logo, and a pic of a pint of Guinness on the back. Think that would be appropriate enough?
As it turns out, I’m spending at least on of my Monday courses talking about immigration (cross-cultural psych).
You can always turn it inside out.
This is true. 🙂
Thanks for the link, Manny. I can’t take the day off as I work in a very small office and my co-worker who is lucky enough to be a duel citizen of Mexico and the US will be marching herself. However, I note that the march will end right across the street from me at lunchtime, so I know where I will be having lunch. :>)
Stay safe, have fun and say a chant for me!
So according to this nut, the hatemongers occupy the majority position. Umm, I tend to think not.
Sorry you had to get such a slimey e-mail, Duke, but when you start getting this kind of response you can be sure that your blog is having an impact.
Sorry you had to read such filth duke. Call me naive, but at 50something, this type of sliming slrring hate speech still shocks me. I just cannot ever imagine feeling that way about another being. It saddens this womans heart.
This land is upset over gas prices. Imagine… gas prices. They don’t care about torture, illegal wars or … anything. Just their wallets. Period.
With each day I’m more and more ashamed of my country.
From CodePink email
Dear Janet,
A broad-based and powerful peace and social justice movement is on the move! Millions of people poured into the streets a few weeks ago across America to protest the criminalization of undocumented immigrants, now at greater risk than ever before of detention and deportation. Imagine as a US citizen you are told that your undocumented parents might be incarcerated and deported. Recent bills have been introduced in both the House and the Senate aimed at creating a new enemy in America — hardworking immigrants. And they could be your relatives.
The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill that would, if passed into law: 1) expand the grounds of deportation; 2) use domestic military bases for immigration detention; 3) legalize the indefinite detention of non-citizens; 4) authorize local officers to enforce federal immigration laws; 5) erect a border fence; 6) enable Homeland Security agents to expel suspected foreigners indiscriminately; and 7) create a national identification system for all workers, among other measures. Recent passage of House Bill, H.R. 4437 criminalizes anyone providing assistance to undocumented immigrants.
No matter where you stand on U.S. immigration policy, what is currently being promoted by some of our elected officials is undeniably counter to the values of justice and equality. And it is exactly those values that we hold dear when we strive for a peaceful foreign policy. In order to promote its war policies based on fear and violence, the U.S. government relies on portraying immigrants of color, whether they be Iraqi, Afghani, Mexican or Salvadorian, as a security risk, and implying that their lives and rights are less valuable than those of U.S. citizens. If we wish to create a diverse movement for peace, we must confront both the foreign and domestic policies that create divisions between those who would be our sisters and brothers, and make peace with the millions of immigrants trying to eke out a life within the U.S. borders.
Recognizing these connections, leaders from diverse ethnic communities, labor, religious groups and anti-war groups have been standing together to call on Congress to respect the rights of immigrants. Now, in an unprecedented show of common ground, immigrants’ rights activists will march together with the anti-war movement on April 29 in New York. On May 1 we will join actions for immigration reform and justice all over the country. Please join us! You can also click here to see what events are happening in your area, including the general boycott of work, school and shops.
We look forward to standing with our brothers and sisters in the immigrant community to work for policies that respect our values of fairness; provide a clear path to earned citizenship; make immigration safe, legal, and orderly; unite families; and ensure workplace and civil rights protections for everyone.
Click here to read Global Exchange’s 10 reasons to support Immigrant rights.
Si Se Puede!
Allison, Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Meredith, Nancy, Rae and Tiffany
P.S. Mother’s Day is fast approaching. Join us in DC, organize an event in your community. Whatever you decide, make Mother’s Day a day to work for peace and justice.
me happier than you know. I’m glad to see groups like Code Pink and the Greens waking up to the fact that this movement is about Human Rights. There is a wave of fear being spread across this nation based on rumors to keep undocumented immigrants away from Monday’s events. linkage here – when faced with the question on whether I support corporate greed or the basic rights of people to provide for their families, it’s a no-brainer where I’ll be on Monday. Dressed in white, of course. Paz, Janet, thanks again for this excellent news.
CodePink has a tendency to ROCK 🙂
I’m not here trying to be a better Liberal or woman or whatever… I’m here to try to learn and how to be a better human. Having the blessing of “meeting” you and others here helps me grow. Thank YOU.
I’ll say it till they spread my ashes in an apple orchard… Wars should be illegal not humans.
My entire family will be wearing white t-shirts Sunday and Monday.
Racist scumbags all seem to have the same dreary handbook of ignorant uses of the English language-utterly predictable garbage with so called ‘facts’ that are nothing more than Lou Dobbs(have I mentioned I’ve come to truly hate him for his fostering of these drumbeat of lies in place of facts due to his racist attitudes)talking points.
I suspect John Doe would be lucky if his IQ approached 70. I would also guess that asshole just might be surprised(I hope) that there will be many more marching or not spending money than just the Spanish and other immigrant communities.
I mentioned before that I won’t be able to march but Monday is the 1st and usually the day I get my disability check and get to do my grocery shopping so I will fore go that until Tuesday and won’t be spending any money elsewhere that day nor will my sister. And I will be wearing my white t-shirt with 7 different peace sign variations on Monday also.
As a side topic…this story that sprung up today about the national anthem being recorded in Spanish-which when I first heard it thought that it was a terrific idea for various reasons only to find out it has become one of those idiotic hot button issues full of hot air over nothing. WTF is wrong with people anyway including our dickhead president who had to come out for the English version only-the idiotic shortsighted prick…making sure it becomes even more divisive because our president put the seal of approval on the idea basically that multicultural is bad or some damn thing..then again I’m sure he wasn’t thinking-when does he ever.
Just don’t let Chimpy in on the fact that the US is officially (and I don’t mean the spoken second language) bi-lingual. He probably dozed through the history lesson when the Fore-Fathers chose French as the second official language of the US. (Pssssst – it’s in our passports!).
Yea, the same folks who saved our ass at Yorktown that made independence possible. The same folks who came up with, you know, THE RIGHTS OF MAN, and all of that boring Enlightenment stuff.
Is this why the Grey Lady is so sad today?
“Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
with silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
I guess that verse above is just anti-American, treasonous, communist diatribe.
Tyson Foods will be closing some of its plants on Monday – linkage here
Like a culture in a petri dish.
I took a look at the site too, (out of the same impulse that requires people to slow down and gawk at traffic accidents)…..
Will Christensen
National Chairman
Independent American Party
While the Chairman is busy fulfilling his awesome responsibilities I wonder what the other guy does?
Bob Higgins
Worldwide Sawdust
as a badge of honor.Your blog is a terrific and important voice. I review it daily. This sort of email clearly suggests you’ve become a threat to reactionary nimrods.
As Henry Gondorf said in The Sting, “Relax, kid. That’s how you know you’re getting to them.”
to local law enforcement, the Southern Povery Law Center, and local media.
The e-mail is part of growing hate activities that need to be exposed, and the e-mail itself may well be criminal.
The latest violence violence is the brutal attack on a Texas boy who tried to kiss a girl at a party. The link I provided goes to an update story in today’s Houston Chronicle.
In case you haven’t seen it, interesting (and sad!) diary at MyDD.
That story just proves what a mess this whole immigration system is. Any wing-nut that says “let immigrants apply to come in legally…I have no problem with that … they just need to follow the procedues and the rules ” Is just a flat out idiot.
and every wing-nut says it From Lou Dobbs on down to the guy on the street.
I’ve read so many stories-except it isn’t a ‘story’ to the people involved trying to do the right thing and being screwed every step of the way because the Immigration System(what system)is so colossally inept and incompetent you begin to think it is purposely that way. Understaffed, under budgeted, and it seems that most people applying are treated much like people who apply for welfare-like crap but going through this process costs people their hard earned money-with no results way to many times.
Is there anything in either of the immigration bills in Congress that calls for more money to restructure the whole system?….I kinda doubt it and yet this screwed up mess has needed reform for many, many years. Streamlining Immigration would actually be a concrete solution to part of this whole situation but I suppose that is too logical, right?
Most of us would swap every single illegal immigrant that you excoriate for your sorry, probably born-in-America self. But I doubt if any other country would have you. Not even North Korea.
I wish I could muster enough hatred to tell you to get out of our nation you traitorous low-life scum, but such words don’t come as easily to me as they do to you.
Your Independent Progressive Worst Nightmare
My Team Mexico baseball hat and a white T-shirt!