Incorrect information about penalties for late enrollment in a Medicare D(isaster) plan is being circulated. Those who do not enroll by May 15 will pay a higher penalty than mentioned by enrollment counselors. In addition, the counselors are aware of the fact that they are giving out incorrect information, however,
they are required to offer only information approved by Medicare, and Medicare got it wrong — and still has it wrong on its website.
If enrolled after January, one’s penalty will be 1 percent for each month of delay, calculated against this year’s national average monthly premium of $32.20. That would have resulted in a permanent penalty of $2.25 a month on top of their drug plan premiums.
However, that is incorrect, as the penalty is going to be base on next year’s average monthly premium, which will not be known until the fall. In addition, those amounts, premium and penalty will increase each year if the national average premium rises as expected.
Wayne Lindley, director of California’s state health insurance counseling program,
“Most of the Medicare issues have just been unanticipated call volume or computers that don’t talk to each other, but this is an actual error.”
Medicare beneficiaries in Minnesota are still getting incorrect information from the state’s federally designated Medicare counseling service.
Kelli Jo Greiner, a Medicare expert with the Minnesota Board on Aging,
“We’re stuck. Until we get official word, we have to tell people the information we get from [Medicare].”
In addition, the counselors can’t tell callers the information they offer is wrong, and continue to give out incorrect information.
Peter Ashkenaz of CMS, admitted that the defintion of the penalty formula is incorrect, and does not know when it will be corrected. On Friday, he decribed the real penalty formula, however he was unalbe to show it on the Medicare website.
However, in February, Medicare posted an incorrect explanation of how the penalty is caluclated. Now it is the end of April, and Ashkenas does not know when the correct information would be posted.
“It’s hard to use details [to explain the penalty] when you don’t know what the premium will be next year. So we tried to just use an example.”
QUESTION: Is an incorrect example used in calculating the costs as the actual number is unknown, thus resulting in incorrect information being given out as fact?
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Fucking hell….it just gets worse and worse doesn’t it Kid.(yeah rhetorical question) Here’s that link to doctor quiting business and becoming CEO of a huge HMO and making Billion for himself. I’ve ceased to be amazed at this greed run dangerously amok which will continue as long as bush is the president and puts no controls on business.
Holy shit!
Absolutely crazy!!!
There is a “hidden” twist that comes popping out, just about every few weeks.
And it isn’t going to get any better–the damn legislation is about 500-700 pages long.
“If enrolled after January, one’s penalty will be 1 percent for each month of delay, calculated against this year’s national average monthly premium of $32.20.”
After January or after May 15th, Kid? It’s bad enough as is, but making the penalty retroactive to the first of the year while telling people they have another couple weeks to sign up without having to pay it would be criminal.
Best I can do.
(Mine was a paraphrase, sorry for any ambiguity on my part.)
Ah, next January (2007). That makes sense. I was reading it as this last January and thinking that they were going to impose a penalty on people who signed up in February, March, April & the first half of May, 2006 – I don’t think I’d had enough coffee yet either.
Just woke up and turned on the computer, haven’t had coffee yet.
So coffee is your lifeblood also Kid..? I can’t live without coffee nor do I want to.
Lifeblood describes it perfectly. I drink about 2-3 pots a day.
Just like my dad–after he had his first heart attack, the first thing he did when he came home from the hospital was make himself a pot of Maxwell House. (Did he ever bitch when he was in the hospital and they only gave him Sanka!) Still had his hospital bracelet on too!
And, IMO, whoever invented decaf ought to be shot!
I’m aware of all those pros/cons on coffee as I’ve told all my life I should cut down on my coffee however my response has pretty much been fuck that. I take that back one time I got so tired of listening to people bitch about my coffee drinking-trying to tell me that if I quit drinking coffee ALL my health problems would disappear(yeah right)so I tried decaf for several months-pretty hideous and felt no better what so fuck that again and never looked back.
I do realize some people have a problem with caffeine-my sister is unfortunately one of them-can’t drink anything but decaf(ugh..)..she can’t even eat much chocolate especially later in the day due to the caffeine in chocolate-that just sucks plain and simple.
No one nor all the studies done has ever proved definitively to me that coffee is bad for you.
I’m aware of all those pros/cons on coffee
Me too. When I told my doctor how much coffee I drank, he said, “As long as it doesn’t make you feel jittery.” (This was after telling me that it is recommended that 2-3 cups per day is what is recommended.)
I mean, I use a mug! 2-3 cups would probably fill that in one sitting.