In case you missed it, I watched it and wrote it all down…
Got back a little late from going out to some grub and we missed the entry of the people down the faux red carpet. But we did get back in time to see the introduction of the people up at the dais. The new guy elected to the board of the White House Correspondent’s Dinner got no applause. The photographer from the NY Times Doug Mills got no applause. Then Tony Snow and some other FAUX News guy got a huge applause. So did outgoing Press Secretary Flounder. On the other side of the dais was Helen Thomas who got some nice applause and then it was Stephen Colbert who got up and pointed at the crowd and did that gun with the fingers thing, hilarious. Classic Colbert. Then they introduced Laura, and the hilarious speech from last year.
Then they broke for the dinner portion and they’re showing archival clips starting off with Laura Bush’s speech from last year.
White House Correspondent’s Association
From Laura’s speech in 2005:
- Oh the milking the horse joke
- George’s solution to anything on the ranch is to cut it down with a chainsaw
Lawrence Fishbourne is in the crowd at table 156.
Now footage of Bill Clinton’s 2000 speech:
- Jay Leno was the emcee there?!
- Good god he’s a good public speaker. Oh I miss this guy.
- Joking about how the Repugs only had 7 more months to persecute him. Joking about how he lost 10lbs in the last 2 months. Where did they go? Why can’t he produce them? Why did some of them end up on Tim Russert?
- Talking about polisihing up his resume for later. Served 3 terms as President — everybody embellishes a little bit! Designed, built and painted bridge to 21st century. Oversaw Veep’s building of the internet
- The hilarious video of the last few months in the emptying White House with Bill walking through the empty White House. Doing the laundry in the basement. Skinny Al Gore giving advice for the future. Intern making copies of his face. Dollar bill not working in the vending machine. Playing Battleship in the Situation Room. Makes joke about Al Gore making the next WHCAD speech and afraid that he’d be better than him.
Now they’re showing the faux red carpet stuff from earlier! Being played back in full later on.
- Why was Phil Simms there?
- Ed Helms in the house!
- Philly’s John Legend enters and vogues for the cameras
- Henry Kissinger comes stag
- Andrea Mitchell sans Alan Greenspan
- Ken Mehlman looking like he was arguing with a reporter
Now W’s first WHCAD from 2001:
- Starts off with a slideshow of old family photos. Ugh.
- So stiff.
Now Bill’s first WHCD speech from 1993:
- Hair darker. Voice not as raspy.
- Going after just about every media person and outlets in the room. Talking about the first 100 days grades. Andrea Mitchell and Brit Hume saying Bill talks too much; at the same time. Rush Limbaugh calling him too fat. The WSJ criticizing his economic plan… Jokes that Harrison, at this point, was already dead for 68 days.
- Taking about how important the Freedom of the Press is as they must keep the President in check as the President has so much power they are more apt to abuse it — wow, that’s refreshing
More faux red carpet!
- Helen Thomas striking some funny ass poses
- Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame? I don’t remember ever seeing her before.
- My fav: John McLaughlin! What a hoot
- Big Ben Roethlisberger in the house — Wolf Blitzer’s guest
- Ludacris walks in?!?! Whaaaa? On a side note, my college friend and roommate knew him back in the ATL simply as Chris… waaaay back in the day when he was a humble radio DJ
A tour of the White House Press Corps rooms. Wow, they’re shitty. They’re getting new digs. Water damage, metal rods crashing into the CNN booth downstairs. Three or four to a booth which looks about 10’x5’x8′ — it would probably fetch $1000 in NYC.
10.21p, 16 minutes late so far. W takes the stage with a double, you could say, a dummy W. Some scary makeup on him. Dummy W brings up the 36% approval rating. Brings up Dick shooting teh 78 year old and admits it was wrong to report it so late. Dummy W says Dick was drunk as a skunk off of 1 beer. Mehlman is yukking it up like a complete fuckwad. The Dummy W is Steve Bridges. W jokes that Steve was the one doing the debates with Kerry. Cut to Karl Rove and his flesh colored row. Ends it wit god bless the troops, duh.
Colbert takes the podium!!! He’s right in character. They’re not laughing so much. Do they not get him? Uses my favorite “Look it up” line. Look it up. A touchy joke about the Chinese making our Happy Meals possible. Brings up the more recent 32% rating poll and that the numbers are of people living in “reality” tainted by liberals. Completely muffs an analogy joke with the glass half empty and it actually beint 2/3 empty, don’t drink the rest of the water, it’s mostly backwash. Stephen believes in W because not only does he stand for things, but he stands on things like rubble, aircraft carriers, recently flooded cities… W believes the same thing Wednesday as he did on Monday, no matter what happened on Tuesday. FAUX News reports both sides: the President’s side and the Vice President’s side. Tells the liberal media to follow FAUX News and not report: the President decides the news, the Press Secretary tells the press and the press types it out; spell check and you’re done! Calls out Jesse Jackson in the audience and says interviewing him is like boxing a glacier and tells the crowd to remember that one for the children as they won’t know what a glacier is. Says hi to Antonin Scalia and gives him a Sacilian hello, oh man that was fucking hilarious. Says hi to that maverick John McCain asks what kind of a fork he used for his salad, surely it wasn’t a salad, most likely a spoon. Says hi to Joe Wilson and his wife Valerie Plame and then corrects himself and says hello to Joe Wilson and Joe Wilson’s wife – closeup of Joe and Valerie and Valerie’s turkeys are done. Stephen Colbert plays an audition tape for Press Secretary. And that’s a wrap.
Anyone else watch this thing on a Saturday night on C-SPAN?
Colbert was shredding Bush. Bush hated it. Bushed wished he was in Crawford. Noone laughed. I loved the way he propped Helen Thomas.
Colbert rules.
Definitely a must see.
Colbert was really on it. Fucking awesome. W wasn’t cracking even a polite smile. It’s being replayed throught the week several times.
Albert, I don`t know about you but it seemed like he twisted minds slowly but inevitably to the point where he might have been assasinated. Nobody was ready for Colbert, he sucked them in. He took em.
they got the point, but just about zero laughs. well, we know that the crowd must’ve been pretty stacked against him.
He kept driving home how incompetent the press corp is! Except for Helen that is!
I watched on MSNBC and Bush was leaning waaay back in his chair hiding behind a big floral arrangement and he was clearly NOT PLEASED with Stephen Colbert. You could see him seething and shaking his head. Can’t believe how he greeted Scalia! Loved the bit with Helen Thomas but no one was laughing. Were they afraid to? It was clear from the guy they had on MSNBC that he thought Colbert had crossed some kind of line. As he said, you’re supposed to merely singe the president, not burn him to a crisp.
he really took it to him. refreshing.
Isn’t it amazing that thirty some years after Woodward and Bernstein made investigative reporters into heroes, the only ones left brave enough to speak the truth to power are comedians? Of course, that’s kinda the way it’s always been: e.g. Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, and now Stephen Colbert.
To do those jokes in that place is HUGE. If I were a woman I’d be stalking Colbert right now saying “Please, I’ll have your baby.” Hell, I’m not a woman, and somehow, wait a minute, I’ve just found myself lurking outside his house. Could I have been laughing so hard I lost track of a whole day?
Colbert to Bush
“You`re glass is 1/3 full. But I wouldn`t drink it”
Colbert destroyed Bush, the administration, and the complicit mainstream media.
That was a classic that I will remember for a long time. Stephen Colbert does indeed have big balls.
huge. he was literally 5′ from W. with probably 100 secret service agents all over the place.
i was stunned. colbert was not funny inside the room he played tonight; he depends upon a hostile-to-bush audience who know he is not really a neocon. stephen put a turbo to his usual horsepower and chopped this administration wide and deep. he dropped jaws; it was the closest public range i have seen yet where actual truth spoke to actual power. the consequence for this humiliation must be salivating karl’s revenge glands: colbert’s exposures revealed the values pornography that is these guys. i laughed rarely, uneasy at stephen being so close to and yet tickling the belly of reptiles.
it was funny because it’s true
Have you seen V for Vendetta? Remember what happened to the comic who made fun of the Great Leader?
crazy that some of us are actually scared for stephen. is it really that bad here?
Canadian singer who wrote a song about how bad Bush is? And nobody got up and said
“what about free speech, George?”
It is that bad here.
And it is NOT crazy to fear for this man.
They WILL come after him.
One way or another or another or another or another…
I watched most of it. George just does not have the intellect to get Colbert’s humor. George probably could hear Helen laughing so hard and that most likely was quite annoying to him. I thought the tape really good – lots of good details. Certain people are going to be living in hell tomorrow – can’t upset the king so much.
Editor and Publisher has a recap of Colbert’s presentation.
How about when Bush grabbed Laura &
Colbert was brilliant…no one was spared. I loved how he skewered Bush, Cheney, et al, but my favorite was his slam on the media:
The long silences between the nervous laughter is all you really need to know to realize Colbert absolutely rocked…well, my house anyway.
disparaging of our steno media:
Just fabulous to see him rub these motherfuckers’ faces in their own ineptitude.
Anybody know when it’s being repeated? GOD I need to see this!
CPAN is repeating it today at 12:30 p.m., eastern time. And it is definitely “must see TV.”
Here’s a transcript, though you have to scroll down a little.
Oh shit! I just watched the clip on CROOKS AND LIARS. Oh my god. Where can I send my cards and letters? You MUST watch this!
As I watched W make fun of himself and listened to the laughter I just thought what a dimwit. They are laughing at him because it is all true and he doesn’t get that.
Then Colbert!!!!!! I was shocked to tell the truth he was even invited. What were they thinking? He’d be kind to W? Then when he really started slamming W and the press I actually stood up and clapped. That room got ice cold fast. I was fun to see W squirm with no where to go. He and Laura could not get out of there fast enough. I am sending Colbert an email this morning. Maybe even some roses because man, he sliced and diced like a wizard. I too am afraid for him now. Isn’t that awful to feel that way in our country?
atrios says W was drunk.
Any confirmation? Was it visible?
Thanks albert! Priceless!
Thanks for this albert. I watched a clip on C&L and will try to catch the whole thing later on today.
I keep thinking that maybe those who booked Colbert for this actually might be stupid enough to have missed the fact that his embracing of the faux news style is a parody. Do you think? The silence in the room seems to indicate that they were stunned and surprised. What did they expect??
Are they stupid enough? Oh yes. And I think that may have been the case for a lot of them. And watching the crowd reaction was priceless…Joe and Valerie Wilson, laughing their asses off, General Pace not even cracking a smile, and so on.
That is EXACTLY what happened.
The political spectrum is an IQ test.
The further right you go, the less peope can comprehend the subtleties.
They didn’t have a CLUE how out he is.
He backdoored ’em.
It’s playing on CSPAN now with my recorder running, ha!
Great catch here albert! Thanks!
Thanks to Stephen for last night at the White House correspondents dinner. You have my admiration, respect and awe. You have a pair of balls the size of the two sexually ambiguous guys on Saturday Night Live! No, really, you can take that compliment and lock it in the “I’ll forever admire Stephen Colbert vault! You did exactly the right thing. Wow! Awesome. Mahalo.
Full Video up here.
Oh what a thing of beauty to behold…after the rave reviews here I was expecting something pretty good but when I got to see a rerun this morning my expectations were surpassed while I listened as bushco and reporters were eviserated. Just lovely.
The silence of the audience for the most part was probably due to the fact they were in shock, not that they didn’t ‘get’ it…after all reporters aren’t stupid-just chickenshits right now -afraid to rock the boat, afraid to be seen laughing to much.
What a stunning tour de force of ‘truthiness’-god it was wonderful. And yeah I wonder when he was hired just what did they expect him to do?..roll over and play dead..ha ha ha He gets my vote for Biggest Balls of The Year Award-just lovely(not his balls-his speech)