What Are Ya Havin’?
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Beer, Wine, and Setups
Snacks on every table.
Snacks on every table.
Rude, crude, lewd behavior appreciated.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
round up a bunch of people and go plant a ginko tree in the yard of mythmother’s jerk of a neighbor.
OK, I missed this. Why are we ginkgoing Mythmother’s neighbor?
Here’s why.
OK, I got the tree part, but why replace it with a ginkgo instead of a jacaranda?
It’s a punishment. They stink.
Hahahaha . . . got it. I didn’t remember that part. The only encounter I ever remember having with a ginkgo was when I was in grade school and we met up with one in the Columbia Gorge area. I remember that it was unique among North American trees for some reason (might have been their fan-shaped leaves) but don’t remember anything about how they smelled.
Then again I spent much of my young life with my nose plugged up from allergies, so maybe that was a good thing where ginkgos are concerned.
Ginkos are from China, and the female trees produce copious amounts of stinky messy fruits that have a very tough nut inside the flesh. The odor is like baby poop.
Ah, I was apparently misremembering some aspects of my visit to the Gorge.
Here’s a link to a page about ginkgos in Washington (both fossilized and living).
Hi Andi,
Judging by Mythmother’s original post, maybe a tactical airstrike is called for ;o)
I hate it when people, if you want to call them that, cut down trees of any kind. I have a freak like that in my nieghborhood too. He cut down two century old oaks that were part of a lined drive in to our community just because the weren’t straight enough. He did replace them though. But with perfectly straight trees from a nursery. Now the whole line of old trees looks broken.
Where are the tree police? Where are they, where are they!
I have no idea what a Jacaranda (sp?) tree even looks like, but who would cut down a 100 year old tree if it wasn’t diseased? I don’t blame you for being angry.
Here’s some info about the Jaracaranda Tree. Here’s some more. And some more. And here’s a great photo.
although I’m going to admit I really only looked at the picture at the end because I’m too lazy. But it’s a beautiful tree and I can see how you’d hate to lose it.
Sorry to hear about the evil doers across the street from you. I remember Jacarandas from when I lived in FL, and they were just gorgeous, and not really that messy as I recall. If you go for the “ginkgoization” just make sure it’s a female, as the male trees don’t make any kind of mess, and are gorgeous in their own right. There are 2 of them across the street from us and we love them. BIG problem is… they are incredibly slow growing, and by the time the tree actually fruited, they’d either be dead or have moved away. They are sooo slow to grow. I bet the ones across the street from us are at least 50-60 yrs old. Just my 2c worth, but I certainly am with you on the outrage!
Let me put my evil cap on and get back to you with some plant revenge that wouldn’t take so much time… hehe.
I’m with you, AndiF!
we could go farm mm’s neighbors lawn..anyone got a truck with posi-track.
I made it to the top of a cafe!!
It’s just past midnight, we enjoyed a coffee after dinner … “buena vista”.
Hide and seek …
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I’m having my daily ration of chardonnay. Shadow is posing for animal crackers and Banjo is having his nap.
I’ll have a very cold one, please…damn happy to see a little rain move in so I can stop the yard clean-up…
At least I didn’t murder any trees or bushes today, but Whewww!…I’m beat.
Wow, gorgeous gorgeous photo, dada!
This almost makes me feel the rain moving in.
Although our rain just moved out I’m happy to say.
Way to go — on to round 2! Now we’re just waiting on SJ. π
That’s a great photo!
my neighbor came out and told me the score whilst I was slaving away in the yard…after I heard the yelling and hooting coming from his house.
You just getting up?…:{)
I was up at 11am! Pretty good considering it was about 630 before I went to bed. You stayed up pretty late yourself considering you had all that physical labour to do today.
Oh, and btw — I’m not sure if you know this, but Miss Nanette has quoted you and Andi too, in reference to my flowers. I’m not sure I if I should say thanks or not — I’ll let you know if my site visits increase dramatically LOL.
the least I coulda done was spell it right…your beautiful photos speak for themselves, and quite eloquently…I think my original impression and comment from the PhotoFair was spot on.
Tonight, I doubt I get as far as last…tomorrow is more of the same.
FM’s gonna send me back to tyro status if he finds out…:{)
…in the S.S.S.Slacking club. Although, FM hasn’t been around so maybe he himself has had to forgo slacking today.
And yes, I remember your comment from the PF — it meant a lot then, and still does. :*
in the second period.
Hopping back and forth between BooTrib and hockey chat… π I’m camped out on the couch with the laptop, spouse is on the desktop across the room. Tech life is good… π
Napped on the couch for an hour or so — emulating FM here π — so well rested for the game.
I’m watching too Cali! Woo hoo!
Tickets for Round 2 go on sale Wednesday at 10am.
Will be up early that day… π
Congrats Cali and DJ!!!!
Do you think they’ll play the Avs!?!?!?!
they’ll play the winner of the Calgary/Anaheim series, unless Edmonton wins tomorrow (will be camped out in front of the tube)…it’s still very up in the air. We could even come out with home ice for rest of WCP if Anaheim wins the next two against Calgary…
An endless assault of buzz saws on the peace of the day resulting in the brutal murder of a beautiful beautiful tree!
Still trying to process what it means to live in a world with people who have NO SOUL and can brutally murder a tree because they are too lazy to clean up exquisite lavendar flower petals off their lawn for one month out of the year.
You are my hero.
If only there was something I could do to bring it back!
If you live upwind of him you could plant several in your yard and let the winds fill his yard with purple petals.
Would take too long.
Hopefully, others in the neighborhood will take note. Too late, sadly, for this one, but maybe he and others contemplating such acts will think twice. Fortunately, I and most of my neighbors, as well as the city, work our butts off to take care of the trees up here…this neighborhood is over 100 yrs. old and we still have some magnificent Elms on the street that are 50-55′ tall.
A week ago, I was getting up at 4AM to shake a wt, heavy snow out of the trees in my yard so they wouldn’t get broken up by the weight.
The flowers and card are a beautiful touch.
most Elms in the country had been destroyed by Dutch Elm disease?
berfore they were decimated, the blks were lined w/ elms @ 50′ O.C…alas, over 2/3 are gone, which makes taking care of the rest very important.
That’s a real danger of monoculture plantings. New plantings, replacements, are maples and ash varieties mixed together.
and great that you and your community take such good care of them. I know only one person who has a big old elm tree and I love it. It’s very old. I’m not sure how that one avoided being cut down during the Dutch Elm crisis. I remember someone telling me that they even cut down healthy ones — to stop the spread of the disease I suppose.
woefully underfunded due to lethargic tax receipts the past 5 yrs. or so, but staffed w/ some really well educated, dedicated people. It’s a priceless resource that too many do not take advantage of.
Thank you for the great works, dada! I’m glad the trees of the world have you on their team!
Or just put it there for the picture?
(Or am I so stupid that I think this is a real picture and you somehow worked that photoshopped magic that I don’t understand?)
Yup, I made the sign and left it there and then took a photo and I hope it hurts their conscience. Although I guess you can’t hurt a conscience that isn’t there. However, it made me feel marginally better to do something in memory of the untimely passing of a Great Soul, cut off in its prime.
Wow! I read your comments earlier today and so know how upsetting this has been for you! I love your sign, but most especially the sentiment behind it …
YOU ROCK, MM! What an appropriate thing to do! I’m sure the a**holes will probably take it down soon, but maybe you can just keep putting the sign back… or post something in your yard that they can’t mess with without trespassing… just a thought!
What a great picture up top. Do they still make Moxie?
How was everyone’s day?
check the small photo, if I’m not mistaken, you can see it thru the fence…way to go MM!
at the picture someone (Andi?) used at the top of the cafe when I made this comment.
Re: Moxie
Re: today
Great and tomorrow will be great too because it is a snow day built into the school calendar.
A snow day built into the calendar … otherwise known as a “let’s retain the teachers’ sanity by scheduling a day off” day.
Yeah but what about the sanity of the wife who works at home and doesn’t want a sneak preview of summer?
Did you go to the art fair?
I went to the Book Fair and then I went to the Art Fair.
It wasn’t a good day for either because it was rainy and still blustery. The Art Fair (which was actually called an Art Walk and was sponsored by the art galleries in old town St. Charles (a suburb)) was not as good as it could have been because of the rain. They moved a lot of what should have been outdoors inside. But I happened to be there in between showers, so I enjoyed it.
I read about the Book Fair — 5,000 boxes of books; an embarrassment of riches.
It’s quite large, although picked over by Sunday. It has more than books too — it has sheet music and record albums (the old fashioned vinyl kind) and even prints I think.
I tried to resist going this year, really I did …
I’m surprised though that you’ve heard of our book fair.
I have a Sunday ritual of visiting a slew of the major newspapers’ book sections, one of which is the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Re: retain teachers’ sanity
In May, we’re way too late in the year for that.
Then the day off must be for the safety of the students π
Wednesday-Friday this week, I take my students to a nature center and “camp” with them for 3 days. Each year, I don’t understand how 3 days of sleep depravation can be so much fun.
I remember my kids doing that in 4th or 5th grade – they called it ‘school of the outdoors’ or something. They loved it.
Hey SN, how was your day?
Each year, I don’t understand how 3 days of sleep depravation can be so much fun.
If anything was needed to convince me that you were born to be a teacher, that statement would do it.
Finally found an image of Jacaranda blooming that I could steal!
It reminds me of our Mimosa tree except it’s purple and the Mimosa is pink. Looking at that link you gave me it seems they might be related.
I actually think Jacaranda is a species of Mimosa, though I’m not sure. this image gives no idea of what happens when whole groves bloom and drop their lavendar magic carpet petals everywhere.
According to Mo. Bot. Gard.site the Jacaranda is good in zones 10 and 11 and the Mimosa is good in zones 6-9. They look somewhat similar but I think I like the Jacaranda better. But I like blue/purple better than pink always.
Guess I’ll have to make due with the Mimosa since I don’t live in a higher zone.
Hm-m-m-m… Yes I think you could get by with that fluffly reddish kinda flower! Nice websites, thanks for the links!
hehe hehe… another not fan of pink? Just wait till Olivia sees that… π
Well, I don’t dislike pink. I actually own a lot of pink — but I look better in and near blue π
Everybody is entitled to their favoured and hated of all the colours of the spectrum!
What did you do today — any work or still raining?
I still love your pink tulip. Are you going to change flowers for May? Or wait until summer?
… to something May-ish — not sure what yet. Although we’re just getting our tulips here now…
you could keep it until the middle of May and then surprise us.
… since the tulip festival is almost here and I plan on practicing ‘live’ so to speak (I mean along w/ all the other gazillions of photogs that take photos there).
I have a lovely delphinium if you’re interested… hehe. But it’s blue. Btw, sometime I’d like to pick your brain on how to do one of those little icon thingies. I just love yours and Andi’s. If you don’t mind coaching the currently code impaired. :-0
… blue is my favourite colour — I just happen to like pink flowers … π
Yes — I will help in anyway. You have to resize your photo to icon size (40x40pixels). If you can’t do that, then email me the photo and I can resize it for you.
Once it’s resized you have to upload it like any photo, and them paste it with img src code into your settings under your username.
We can walk you through that when you get your icon if you still need help — Andi and dada helped me.
Thanks Olivia! That sounds doable… I can certainly resize to icon size, in fact I have one of Pepa like that already. When you say paste src code into settings, that would be on my BT info page with the signature line and that sort of stuff, right? That makes sense, and maybe I’ll give it a shot later or very soon at least. Thx for the tips!
You’ll see Iowa Victory Gardner’s Page … click on Settings. When the page loads, scroll down ’til you find Signature. You put the code in that box.
So, < img src=”xxx” > (without spaces) Just like you post pix here.
Just a gentle ribbing there, Olivia! I think I’ve proven I’m not a total pink curmudgeon by now π
It rained pretty much non-stop here today and just let up to light rain a little bit ago. So, we went shopping, since we so rarely have a day off together, and we couldn’t do anything outside… even going from the truck to stores got us pretty wet. So exciting… went to Target (my favorite big box store), Big Lots! for curiosity’s sake and then to Half Price Books and Barnes and Noble where I was looking to get THE BOOK, but no luck finding it. They could order it for me at B&N, but I think I’ll just try Amazon if I have to order it.
I did find a cheap (in price only, the quality is excellent) book called The Complete Guide to Growing Fritillaries which is a gorgeously done book, with lots of full colour plates and tons of information on all the Fritillaria species (there are over 100 of them). We also go a lot of annual seeds to plant when it dries out a wee bit, since it’s way beyond soggy right now! Had dinner at one of our favorite Mexican places (yum!) and I was pleased to see that they are closed tomorrow in support of the “boicot” … that’s pretty much our exciting day!
Too bad about The Book — she also has one of butterflies that looks good too but I haven’t been able to find it here either.
What kind of seeds did you get … and do you start your seeds indoors or just sow them directly outside?
We’re just getting out tulips — today I had one opened in the back garden and it looks like a dorito! π I’ll get a pic of it…
Let’s see… we bought seeds for Heavenly Blue and Grandpa Ott (purple) morning glories, some more lupine seed, foxglove seed, celosia (large cockscomb type), red and purple zinnias, sweet and purple basils, cilantro, 4 o’clocks (kaleidoscope variety), and some other stuff I’m blanking on! These are all things that will go directly into the ground, except perhaps for the cilantro and basil, which I usually start outside in pots then transplant to where they grow.
Yeah, it was a fun day, despite the rain. And since we only have the 1 vehicle, when Chris works weekends, I’m pretty much stuck at home unless I go somewhere with my sister or another friend. Also got some really cool garden lights shaped like little pagodas that were on sale at Target, hehe. I have tons of strings of those novelty lights, and always have buy new odd ones when I find them.
The first photo I’ve taken outside w/ the Nikon!!!
Once the garden fills in w/ all your lights? I’d love to see it …
You grow basil from seed? I’m very impressed. π
(Oh, btw I haven’t even checked yet about the moonflower seeds — I still have to go to the post office to see what they say.)
The lights will most likely end up on the porch (it’s screened in and functions as our second living room in summer), but I’ll get some shots of that once all the Xmas decorations (in boxes) are put away and we have it arranged for summer living.
Basil is super easy to grow from seed! So much cheaper than buying plants, and you get enough you can give them away to other interested gardeners. (That’s recurring theme with us, you know, the sharing thing!)
re: moonflower seeds … did you ever check Thompson and Morgan to see about just buying some from them. Of course my freebie offer still stands if there are no hassles with customs and such… just let me know.
Btw, the “dorito” tulip… now I see what you mean there!
a tall gin and tonic please…. with lime… and don’t spare the gin, the tonic, or the ice….
nearly ninety in sacramento….. and you know i’m used to a more congenial climate where it hardly ever gets above seventy……
best regards to the pond dwellers…..
Hey suskind, haven’t seen you in a while. How are you, other than hot?
But two days ago it was sunny – and the Green Rosellas were visiting again.
Be sure to check out this Thursday’s Dog Blog. We just got two new critters, and boy are they super cute. Additional details will be withheld until Thursday’s Blog – so be there, or be elsewhere.
but the teasing … <sigh> so many days until Thursday dog blogging.
It’s not these kangaroos. They live in a nearby wildlife park.
a hint …
so it’s not these kangaroos, but it could be other kangaroos.
Or the kangaroos could be a red herring and it could one of the many other odd (to North American eyes) down-under animals. Like that odd little animal whose name I can’t remember but who has square poop?
Nope, nothing native to Australia. Though we’d love to do some animal rehab when we have the time and facilities.
This young wombat, at the same wildlife park, is named “Fast Eddy.”
I guess I’ll have to wait until Thursday ::sniff::
At least it will give me something to look forward to this week.
That wombat is adorable. I had no idea they were so cute!
Wombats are exceptionally cute. They are also solid muscle, and kill potential preditors by crushing them against the top of their burrows using a special bony (and bite-proof) plate above their rump.
When faced with impolite humans, they generally only knock the knees out from under them.
Look at those feet — and his overbite! π
But a BIG bite either way.
They don’t look as cute — more menacing — from this perspective … π
Good thing they are herbavores!
Oh, and because they burrow, their pouches (they’re marsupials, of course) face the rear, to keep dirt from getting in them as they dig.
Well, you and I probably wouldn’t look good photographed from that angle either. I still think he’s cute.
Rainy day up here too, Keres… don’t recall if I commented on those parrots the other day, but they are gorgeous birds! Do they make a lot of noise? When I lived in FL there were these flocks of wild green parrots who would come and roost on the power lines and they made no end of racket, and a horrible mess too. Don’t think they were anywhere near as beautiful as yours. You are blessed with an abundance of great critters down there, and I always enjoy getting to see the latest in the Dog & Critter Blog each week!
Rosellas are very vocal, but mostly when flying. They are very swift flyers, and usually fly through the trees, not over them. They call continuously to one another to keep the group together.
It’s a very distinctive sound, which my guide describes as “cussick cussick.” Say that fast, loud, and with the tone falling down on the “ss” and rising sharply on the “ick” and you probably have the sound right.
reminded me of this: The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill,. Haven’t read his book but saw the film last year…very interesting and rather poignant.
Looking forward to the premiere of your newest critters.
I definately want to see the movie, Dada. I think it was at our local arthouse movie theater. I don’t know if it’s still there or not, but I’ll check. Otherwise, I’ll rent the DVD.
hey dada! I heard that film was really good, so on your recommendation I’ll try to rent it sometime when we get caught up on our backlog of DVDs… and, LOL, I found an unused Xmas gift card for 1/2 Price Books today and went there to see what they had… ended up brining home a practically brand new copy of Pom Poko another Studio Ghibli film that we saw a while back and just loved. An ecological fable all about shape shifting raccoons out to save their threatened habitat in Japan. Highly recommended if you like the Ghibli/Miyazaki films.
although it sounds like Japanese animation…which I’ve never developed an appreciation of, nor taste for. I’m really not much of a cinema fan at all.
We’ve had rain showers here since late afternoon, and after last night’s marathon…I’m going to open the windows upstairs and head for bed.
Goodnight all, be well.
I bet you’d like the Ghibli/Miyazaki stuff… not at all your typical anime kind of crap. They’re fantasy tales rendered very beautifully… he won an Oscar a few years back for Spirited Away and was nominated last year for the most recent, Howl’s Moving Castle. Give one of them a shot sometime, I bet you’d be surprised. I was, and I generally hate anime!
Good night, my friend, glad we got to yak, even if briefly! Stay dry and keep Bu out of the rain!
I’ve seen both Spirited Away and Howl’s Moving Castle. Is Pom Poko recent, or older?
It’s from about 94 I think… not actually directed by Miyazaki, but produced by him. It’s really a fun film, with a great ecological message, and the raccoons are very cool characters, especially when they play tricks on people by shape shifting. If you like the others, I bed you’d like this one too. It reminded us a bit of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds, which is another of his eco-fables.
This must be the earliest you’ve retired that I can remember. FM would be proud of you.
I’ve opened a new 24/7 Cafe whenever you’re ready to move.