Earlier, it was discovered that there was incorrect information on the Medicare website.
Peter Ashkenaz of CMS, admitted that the defintion of the penalty formula is incorrect, and does not know when it will be corrected. On Friday, he decribed the real penalty formula, however he was unalbe to show it on the Medicare website.
However, in February, Medicare posted an incorrect explanation of how the penalty is caluclated. Now it is the end of April, and Ashkenas does not know when the correct information would be posted.
And, the Chicago Tribune had more infomation about the penalty.
continued below
- If you have a low income or are disabled, and consequently receive Medicaid, you might not have to take another step. You may have received a letter telling you that you have prescription coverage through the government program. But make sure you have that paperwork. If you are not sure, call one of the help lines above to clarify your status.
- Also, if you have been receiving drug coverage through a former employer or union, or are in a veteran program, you have what’s called “credible coverage.” That means you can stick with that drug coverage. If an employer cuts your benefits in the future, as many are doing, you will be allowed to enroll in Medicare Part D then, without being penalized.
- If you are like the majority of middle-class seniors, you don’t have drug coverage that the government considers “credible.” That means you must take action to enroll with a Part D drug-coverage provider by the May 15 deadline.
- If a senior misses the date and ends up with mounds of prescriptions later in retirement, she will face a penalty if she later enrolls in the drug plan. Under the rules, every month that passes after May 15 will raise your premium 1 percent.
- And you can’t assume a $14 plan will be that price in the future. If it rises to $100, your penalty will be attached to that amount, said Toledo financial planner Chris Cooper, who is urging clients to take the penalties seriously. So if five years from now you become sick and need a drug plan that charges a $100 premium a month, you will pay $160 a month for it because you neglected the earlier sign-up, he said. The higher cost stays with you for life.
Cooper further stated,
“People hate thinking about insurance, and hate paying for it, especially when they don’t think they will use it. But think about it: When you buy insurance, you buy it because you might need it. Do you go wreck your car so your auto insurance is worth what you pay for it? Do you burn down your house so you get your money out of your homeowner’s insurance?”
As opposed to enrolling in a Medicare D(isaster) plan, some senior citizens have instead elected to purchase their prescriptions from Canada. Steven Podnos, a doctor and financial planner claims,
“It’s not in the drug companies’ interest to let them keep selling through Canada. It’s a good bet the supply will dry up.”
And, in Wisonsin,The Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups, members of the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans and Wisconsin Citizen Action requested that Rep. Paul Ryan (R) support changes to Medicare D(isaster) that would improve seniors’ access to their rx’s.
Marilyn Nemeth wants Congress to extend the May 15 deadline for enrolling in the Medicare Part D program. That’s why her sign read “No to the May 15 Deadline” when she held it up as Ryan stood up to speak Friday afternoon at Assissi Hall.
In response to the concerns raised, Ryan stated,
“I think it’s wrong to discourage people from signing up for this. There are going to be problems that need to be fixed.”
However, Ryan emphasizes the inmportance of signing up for a Medicare D(isaster) plan before Congress fixes any of the problems with it. Ryan also claims that the only way Medicare D(isaster) will work is if enough enroll.
Tom Frazier, the executive director of the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups, disagrees. He presented Ryan with documents that list the Medicare D(isaster)’s problems:
- gaps in coverage,
- low income eligibility limits,
- and, the high cost of medications.
Frazer also stated
“The problems are so serious, we believe we ought to fix the problems before we sign people up.”
Stephen Schwartz, organizer for Wisconsin Citizen Action
“We are opposed to the way it was passed in the House, and the way it was written by drug companies and insurance companies, and the way it left some seniors out. It doesn’t need to be scrapped wholesale, but Congress really needs to take a step back. There are some major weaknesses in the program.”
Reports of some of the outcomes Medicare D(isaster)plans that made light of the earlier and ongoing problems w/it were best summed up best by Marilyn Nemeth:
“Mainly, I want to find out what they are telling us. The stuff that we read really doesn’t jibe with what’s really happening. This is an important issue and we’ve got to have something done.“
available in orange and at My Left Wing
StreetKid, this is off-topic, but I didn’t know where else to ask you: What do you think about MPAS?
So provide a link telling us what MPAS is and might be you’ll get a good answer, perchance several.
Well. it doesn’t need be a link, but a minimal definition is necessary to stop us skipping over your comment with a silent “WTF?”
Hmmm. Do you suppose that if a lot of people (whatever their “target” number is) sign up now – needing fixes and all – that the administration will simply say “Look, XX number of people can’t be wrong! They wouldn’t have signed up if there was a problem. There’s no problem! What problem? There’s nothing to fix!
On the other hand, if you don’t sign up, your goose can be cooked down to cinders. . .
The cynical side of me thinks of this as a way to extract every last buck out of anyone who relies on Medicare, and then “help” them fade away with inadequate to poor to totally neglectful drug coverage.
Nothing would suprise me. And, the cynical view of yours has been in the back of the minds of many.
The cynical side is exactly correct.
My wife and I for instance are both disabled, have more assets than allowed, and no credible “insurance” because we can’t afford it. So when we spend down our assets we can then be charged a penalty for not being poor enough at the time.
oh shit..that is something that would have never occurred to me…another gdamn loophole that screws people like you and your wife.
This bill is going to go down in history as one of the worst bills ever passed-I just wonder how much very real damage to peoples health even deaths will have to happen before this bill/disaster is revoked.
And having seen a number of good, scientifically robust things removed from federal websites in my own field, and replaced with misleading drivel or no information whatever, I’m not in the least bit surprised that incorrect information is posted about this.
having seen a number of good, scientifically robust things removed from federal websites in my own field, and replaced with misleading drivel or no information whatever
Really? It is that common of a practice?
There were quite a few things removed over the first few years of the Bush administration. I don’t have a list, but I used to download some pieces of information, or refer families to excellent things on the goverment web, and they simply were not there anymore.
Think of the Meteorologists at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration whose Global Warming conclusions were redacted.
Think of the naturalists at the Department of the Interior whose research was curtailed because it supported evolution.
Even before 9/11, it started when the National Security Agency released Security Enhanced specifications, but not the distribution they’d done substantial work on because the new administration thought secure, Free software was a dangerous notion.
It’s common practice now.
the only way to fix this is to get more people to sign up so Big Pharma can cash in the way Congress promised their lobbyists they would cash in!
Come on citizens, there is a business plan to be protected here!!!
Straight and to the point!